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Below has not been tested properly, and may have mistakes

//-- Stuff for reading depth buffer
//-- Reading depth buffer supported by:
//--   NVidia - from GeForce 6 (2004)
//--   Radeon - from 9500      (2002)
//--   Intel  - from G45       (2008)
//-- Sources:

//-- These two are set by MTA
texture gDepthBuffer : DEPTHBUFFER;
matrix gProjectionMainScene : PROJECTION_MAIN_SCENE;

sampler SamplerDepth = sampler_state
    Texture     = (gDepthBuffer);
    AddressU    = Clamp;
    AddressV    = Clamp;

// Structure of data sent to the pixel shader ( from the vertex shader )
struct PSInput
  float4 Position : POSITION0;
  float2 TexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0;

//-- Get value from the depth buffer
//-- Uses define set at compile time to handle RAWZ special case (which will use up a few more slots)
float FetchDepthBufferValue( float2 uv )
    float4 texel = tex2D(SamplerDepth, uv);
    float3 rawval = floor(255.0 * texel.arg + 0.5);
    float3 valueScaler = float3(0.996093809371817670572857294849, 0.0038909914428586627756752238080039, 1.5199185323666651467481343000015e-5);
    return dot(rawval, valueScaler / 255.0);
    return texel.r;

//-- Use the last scene projecion matrix to linearize the depth value a bit more
float Linearize(float posZ)
    return gProjectionMainScene[3][2] / (posZ - gProjectionMainScene[2][2]);

//-- Name: PS_Example
//-- Type: Pixel shader
//-- Desc: Calculates the pixel color based on texture lookup and interpolated vertex color
float4 PS_Example( PSInput In ) : COLOR
    float BufferValue = FetchDepthBufferValue( In.TexCoord0.xy );
    float Depth = Linearize( BufferValue );

    //-- Multiply Depth to get the spread you want
    Depth *= 0.1f;

    //-- Show depth as green
    float4 OutColor = 0;
    OutColor.g = Depth;
    OutColor.a = 1;
    return OutColor;

//-- Techniques

//-- Use any readable depthbuffer format
technique yes_effect
    pass P0
        PixelShader  = compile ps_2_0 PS_Example();

//-- If no depthbuffer support, do nothing
technique no_effect
    pass P0