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giveWeapon gives a specified weapon to a certain player or ped. There is an optional argument to specify ammunition. For example, a melee weapon doesn't need an ammo argument.


bool giveWeapon ( player thePlayer, int weapon [, int ammo=30, bool setAsCurrent=false ] )

С помощью этой функции можно выдать оружие игроку, педу.

Обязательные аргументы

Выборочные аргументы

  • ammo: Колличество патронов которое будет даваться к оружию. Для оружий, которые не требуют боеприпасов, такие, как ближний бой, патронов будет 1.
  • setAsCurrent: Логическое значение будет ли оружие в руках после выдачи


Возвращёет true Если оружие успешно выдано, false если иначе.


В этом примере при спавне игрока ему выдаётся M4

function giveWeaponsOnSpawn ( theSpawnpont, theTeam )
    giveWeapon ( source, 31, 200 ) -- Дадим M4 с 200 патронами
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), giveWeaponsOnSpawn )


Example 1: This example gives a player an M4 with 200 ammo whenever they spawn.

function giveWeaponsOnSpawn ( theSpawnpont, theTeam )
    giveWeapon ( source, 31, 200 ) -- Gives the M4 weapon with 200 ammo
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), giveWeaponsOnSpawn ) -- attach the event handler

Example 2: This example adds a "give" command in console which allows giving of any weapon by entering "give <id> <amount>".

function consoleGive ( thePlayer, commandName, weaponID, ammo )
	local status = giveWeapon ( thePlayer, weaponID, ammo, true )   -- attempt to give the weapon, forcing it as selected weapon
	if ( not status ) then                                          -- if it was unsuccessful
		outputConsole ( "Failed to give weapon.", thePlayer )   -- tell the player
addCommandHandler ( "give", consoleGive )

Example 3: This example creates a ped in certain coordinates. You can give him a weapon with "give <weaponID> <amount>" command in console.

ped = createPed( 19, -1634.5775, 1203.85, 7.1796 );

addCommandHandler( "give",
  function ( player, command, id, amount )
    if not id then return end
    giveWeapon( ped, id, amount, true )