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This function is for creating a new team, which can be used to group players. Players will not join the team until they are respawned.


team createTeam ( string teamName [, int colorR = 255, int colorG = 255, int colorB = 255 ] )

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Method: Team.create(...)

Required Arguments

  • teamName: A string representing the teams name.

Optional Arguments

  • colorR: An integer representing the red color value.
  • colorG: An integer representing the green color value.
  • colorB: An integer representing the blue color value.


Returns a team element if it was successfully created, false if invalid arguments are passed or a team with that name already exists.


Example 1: This example creates a new team for a player, then adds him to it.

function gimmeATeam(source, commandName, teamName)
    local newTeam = createTeam(teamName) -- create a new team with the specified name
    if newTeam then -- if it was successfully created
        setPlayerTeam(source, newTeam) -- add the player to the new team
addCommandHandler("giveteam", gimmeATeam)

Example 2: This example creates two teams, one for Admin and one for Freeroamers, when the resource this script is in is started.

function createTeamsOnStart()
    teamAdmmin = createTeam("Admin", 0, 255, 0) -- change the 3 numbers(0,255,0), the first number is ColourR, the second is ColourG, and the last one is ColourB
    teamFreeroamers = createTeam("Freeroamer", 200, 0, 100)
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, createTeamsOnStart) -- we attach the function to this resource's root element

Example 3: This example creates a team for Admin and when an admin logs in, he will be set in the Admin team.

function createAdminTeamOnStart()
    AdminTeam = createTeam("Admin", 0, 255, 0) -- create a new team and name it 'Admin'
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, createAdminTeamOnStart) -- add an event handler

function setAdminTeam()
    if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) then -- if he is admin
        setPlayerTeam(source, AdminTeam) -- set him to admin team
addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, setAdminTeam) -- add an event handler

See Also