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Die meta.xml stellt MTA mit einem Satz von Metadaten, wie z. B. der Ressource Name, den Skripten enthalten und welche Dateien precache für den Versand an Kunden unter anderem. Es ist auch der Umfang der "Elemente". Es wird in XML erstellt, was auf HTML basiert und ist die Überstufe von XHTML.


XML ist ein Datenformat, welches für die Representation von Daten benutzt wird.

   <info /> Information über die Resource, :
       author: Der Author der Resource
       version: Entwicklungsversion der Resource
       name: Name der Resource
       description: Beschreibung der Resource
       type: Typ der Resource. Verfügbar sind: "gamemode", "script", "map" oder "misc". 
   <script /> Quellcode für diese Resource, mögliche Parameter sind:
       src: Dateiname des Quellcodes
       type: Typ des Quellcodes: "client" oder "server" 
   <map /> Map für den Gamemode. Möglich ist:
       src: .map <Name> 
       dimension: Dimension in der die Map erstellt wird
   <file /> Client-Seitige Datei. Häufig Bilder, .txd, .col, .dff oder .xml Dateien. Sie werden gedownloadet, sobald ein Spieler den Server betreten hat.
       src: Client-Seitiger Dateiname 
       download: Whether or not to be sent to the client automatically (optional). Default is "true" using "no" or "false" will mean they are not sent on resource start but could later be used by downloadFile (from version 1.4) 
   <include /> Include resources that this resource will use
       resource: Resource name that you want to start with this resource
       minversion: Minimum version that resource needs to be (optional)
       maxversion: Maximum version that resource needs to be (optional) 
   <config /> Config file (.xml) can be accessed by resource, possible parameters are:
       src: The file name of the config file
       type: The type of the config file: "client" or "server" 
   <export /> This exports functions from this resource, so other resources can use them with call
       function: The function name
       type Whether function is exported server-side or client-side (valid values are: "server" and "client")
       http: Can the function be called via HTTP (true/false) 
   <html />
       src: The filename for the HTTP file (can be a path)
       default: The html file is one that is shown by default when visiting /resourceName/ on the server. Only one html can be default, the rest are ignored. (true/false)
       raw: The html file is not parsed by the LUA interpreter and is treated as binary data. Must be used for binary files (images mainly) (true/false) 
   <settings> <setting name="" value=""/> </settings>: Most gamemodes use settings system to let server admins to configure it how they like. For instance you could set round time and then use get and set to get the value or change it, respectively.
   <min_mta_version /> Minimum version requirements for this resource to run correctly. When authoring resources, the minimum version should usually be set to the current released version of MTA:SA (which at the moment is "1.3.0").
       client: The minimum client version
       server: The minimum server version 
   <aclrequest /> A list of ACL rights this resource will need.