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This function creates a custom renderer that can be used in any texture required property of dgs elements, which is useful for creating custom DGS plugins.

Notice: The environment of renderFunction is inside DGS. You have to use dgsSetProperty if you want to pass something into the renderFunction


element dgsCreateCustomRenderer( [ string renderFunction ] )

Optional Arguments

  • renderFunction: A string of lua code which will be the new renderer of the custom renderer.
    • Predefined Variable of renderFunction: Determined by dxDrawType. For detail, see dxDrawImage or dxDrawText
    • Global:
      • dxDrawType: A string indicates what kind of drawing, can be "image" or "text".
    • Passed By Function:
    • When dxDrawType is "image":
      • posX: Absolute X position of the renderer's bounding box.
      • posY: Absolute Y position of the renderer's bounding box.
      • width: Absolute width of the renderer's bounding box.
      • height: Absolute height of the renderer's bounding box.
      • self: The custom renderer itself.
      • rotation: The rotation of renderer's bounding box.
      • rotationCenterOffsetX: The rotation center offset x of renderer's bounding box.
      • rotationCenterOffsetY: The rotation center offset x of renderer's bounding box.
      • color: The color to be applied.
      • postGUI: Whether the dx draw is require postGUI
    • When dxDrawType is "text":
      • self: The custom renderer itself.
      • leftX: the absolute X coordinate of the top left corner of the text
      • topY: the absolute Y coordinate of the top left corner of the text
      • rightX: the absolute X coordinate of the right side of the text bounding box. Used for text aligning, clipping and word breaking.
      • bottomY: the absolute Y coordinate of the bottom side of the text bounding box. Used for text aligning, clipping and word breaking.
      • color: the color of the text, a value produced by tocolor or 0xAARRGGBB (AA = alpha, RR = red, GG = green, BB = blue).
      • scale: the size of the text.scale: can (optionally) be specified as two floats. i.e. scaleX, scaleY
      • font: Either a custom DX font element or the name of a built-in DX font: Note: Some fonts are incompatible with certain languages such as Arabic.
      • alignX: horizontal alignment of the text within the bounding box. Can be "left", "center" or "right".
      • alignY: vertical alignment of the text within the bounding box. Can be "top", "center" or "bottom".
      • clip: if set to true, the parts of the text that don't fit within the bounding box will be cut off.
      • wordBreak: if set to true, the text will wrap to a new line whenever it reaches the right side of the bounding box. If false, the text will always be completely on one line.
      • postGUI: A bool representing whether the text should be drawn on top of or behind any ingame GUI (rendered by CEGUI).
      • colorCoded: Set to true to enable embedded #FFFFFF color codes. Note: clip and wordBreak are forced false if this is set.
      • subPixelPositioning: A bool representing whether the text can be positioned sub-pixel-ly. Looks nicer for moving/scaling animations.
      • fRotation: Rotation
      • fRotationCenterX: Rotation Origin X
      • fRotationCenterY: Rotation Origin Y
      • fLineSpacing: Distance in pixels between the lines of text, this can be a negative number, works only when colorCoded is set to true


Returns a dgs-dxcustomrenderer element if successfully, false otherwise


DGS = exports.dgs
local customRenderer = DGS:dgsCreateCustomRenderer([[
	local texture = dgsGetProperty(self,"customTexture")
]] )
local tex = dxCreateTexture("exampleTexture.png") --Create a texture
local image = DGS:dgsCreateImage(300,300,200,200,customRenderer,false) --Apply the custom renderer
DGS:dgsSetProperty(customRenderer,"customTexture",tex) --Make a reference for the texture that can be used in the render function.
DGS:dgsAttachToAutoDestroy(tex,image) --The texture will be destroyed when the image destroys
DGS:dgsAttachToAutoDestroy(customRenderer,image) --The custom renderer will be destroyed when the image destroys


See Also

Custom Cursor Functions

Multi Language Supports


3D Element

3D Interface

3D Line

3D Image

3D Text



Check Box

Combo Box

Custom Renderer


Detect Area

Drag'N Drop

Grid List







Progress Bar

Radio Button

Scale Pane

Scroll Bar

Scroll Pane



Switch Button

Tab Panel


Basic Shape Plugins



Rounded Rectangle

Other Plugins

Blur Box



Color Picker

Effect 3D



Media Browser

Nine Slice

Object Preview Supports

Paste Handler


Remote Image

Screen Source

