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This function allows you to post and receive data from HTTP servers. The calls are asynchronous so you do not get an immediate result from the call, instead a callback function you specify is called when the download completes.

In the case when the call fails, a string containing "ERROR" followed by an integer containing the error reason will be passed to the callback function. The reason for failure will be similar to errors found with websites - file not found, server not found and timeouts.


bool fetchRemote ( string URL, callback callbackFunction, [ string postData = "", bool postIsBinary = false, [ arguments... ] ] )

Required Arguments

  • URL: A full URL in the format http://hostname/path/file.ext. A port can be specified with a colon followed by a port number appended to the hostname.
  • callbackFunction: This is the function that should receive the data returned from the remote server. The callback argument list should be:
    • responseData - A string containing the remote response or "ERROR" if there was a problem
    • errno - A number containing the error number or zero if there was no error. A list of error codes can be found on the cURL website.
    • arguments... - The arguments that were passed into fetchRemote

Optional Arguments

  • postData: A string specifying any data you want to send to the remote HTTP server.
  • postIsBinary : A boolean specifying if the data is text, or binary.
  • arguments: Any arguments you may want to pass to the callback.


Returns true if the arguments are correct, false otherwise.


This example shows you how you can fetch an image from a web page, and transfer it to a particular client:

Click to collapse [-]

function startImageDownload( playerToReceive )
    fetchRemote ( "http://www.example.com/image.jpg", myCallback, "", false, playerToReceive )

function myCallback( responseData, errno, playerToReceive )
    if errno == 0 then
        triggerClientEvent( playerToReceive, "onClientGotImage", resourceRoot, responseData )
Click to collapse [-]
addEvent( "onClientGotImage", true )
addEventHandler( "onClientGotImage", resourceRoot,
    function( pixels )
        myTexture = dxCreateTexture( pixels )

addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,
        if myTexture then
            local w,h = dxGetMaterialSize( myTexture )
            dxDrawImage( 200, 100, w, h, myTexture )


Minimum server version 1.3.0-9.03739
Minimum client version n/a

Note: Using this feature requires the resource to have the above minimum version declared in the meta.xml <min_mta_version> section. e.g. <min_mta_version server="1.3.0-9.03739" />

See Also