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This function will return the responsible admin (nickname of the admin) of the specified ban.


string getBanAdmin ( ban theBan )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: ban:getAdmin(...)
Variable: .admin
Counterpart: setBanAdmin

Required Arguments

  • theBan: The ban you want to return the admin of.


Returns a string of the admin if everything was successful, false if invalid arguments are specified if there was no admin specified for the ban.


function outputBan(ban)
	local banned = getBanNick(ban) -- Get the name of the player who was banned
	local banner = getBanAdmin(ban) -- Get the name of the admin who banned the player
	local reason = getBanReason(ban) -- Get the reason the player was banned
	if (banned) then
		outputChatBox("Player banned: "..banned,root,255,0,0) -- Output the player name who was banned
	if (banner) then
		outputChatBox("Banner: "..banner,root,255,0,0) -- Output the admin name who performed the ban
	if (reason) then
		outputChatBox("Reason: "..reason,root,255,0,0) -- outputt the reason the player was banned
addEventHandler("onBan",root,outputBan) -- When a player is banned trigger the outputBan function

See Also