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This function attempts to read a float (native type) from a file and return it. The amount of bytes read should be four.


float file:readFloat ()


Returns a float if it was successfully read from the file, false otherwise.


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This snippet demonstrates a binary vehicle handling format. This saves space in comparison to a .XML based format.

local function writeFileString( theFile, string )
    theFile:writeShort( #string );
    theFile:write( string );

local function readFileString( theFile )
    local stringLen = theFile:readShort();

    if not ( stringLen ) then
        return false;

    return theFile:read( stringLen );

local function saveVehicleHandling( theFile, handlingDict )
    -- Write down the details.
    theFile:writeDouble( handlingDict.mass );
    theFile:writeDouble( handlingDict.turnMass );
    theFile:writeFloat( handlingDict.dragCoeff );

    theFile:writeFloat( handlingDict.centerOfMass[1] );
    theFile:writeFloat( handlingDict.centerOfMass[2] );
    theFile:writeFloat( handlingDict.centerOfMass[3] );

    theFile:writeInt( handlingDict.percentSubmerged );
    theFile:writeDouble( handlingDict.tractionMultiplier );
    theFile:writeFloat( handlingDict.tractionLoss );
    theFile:writeFloat( handlingDict.tractionBias );
    theFile:writeShort( handlingDict.numberOfGears );
    theFile:writeDouble( handlingDict.maxVelocity );
    theFile:writeDouble( handlingDict.engineAcceleration );
    theFile:writeFloat( handlingDict.engineInertia );
    writeFileString( theFile, tostring( handlingDict.driveType ) );
    writeFileString( theFile, tostring( handlingDict.engineType ) );

    theFile:writeDouble( handlingDict.brakeDeceleration );
    theFile:writeBoolean( handlingDict.ABS );
    theFile:writeFloat( handlingDict.steeringLock );
    theFile:writeFloat( handlingDict.suspensionForceLevel );
    theFile:writeFloat( handlingDict.suspensionDamping );
    theFile:writeFloat( handlingDict.suspensionHighSpeedDamping );
    theFile:writeFloat( handlingDict.suspensionUpperLimit );
    theFile:writeFloat( handlingDict.suspensionLowerLimit );
    theFile:writeFloat( handlingDict.suspensionFrontRearBias );
    theFile:writeFloat( handlingDict.suspensionAntiDiveMultiplier );
    theFile:writeFloat( handlingDict.seatOffsetDistance );
    theFile:writeFloat( handlingDict.collisionDamageMultiplier );
    theFile:writeInt( handlingDict.monetary );
    theFile:writeInt( handlingDict.modelFlags );
    theFile:writeInt( handlingDict.handlingFlags );
    writeFileString( theFile, handlingDict.headLight );
    writeFileString( theFile, handlingDict.tailLight );
    theFile:writeShort( handlingDict.animGroup );

local function attemptFileRead( theFile, theOperation, defaultOut )
    local output = theOperation( theFile );

    if not ( output ) then
        return defaultOut;

    return output;

local function loadVehicleHandling( theFile )
    local handlingEntry = {
        mass = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readDouble, 1000 ),
        turnMass = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readDouble, 1000 ),
        dragCoeff = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readFloat, 0 ),

            [1] = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readFloat, 0 ),
            [2] = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readFloat, 0 ),
            [3] = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readFloat, 0 )

        percentSubmerged = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readInt, 100 ),
        tractionMultiplier = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readDouble, 1.0 ),
        tractionLoss = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readFloat, 1.0 ),
        tractionBias = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readFloat, 1.0 ),
        numberOfGears = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readShort, 4 ),
        maxVelocity = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readDouble, 240 ),
        engineAcceleration = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readDouble, 9 ),
        engineInertia = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readFloat, 3 ),
        driveType = attemptFileRead( theFile, function(theFile) return readFileString( theFile ) end, "fwd" ),
        engineType = attemptFileRead( theFile, function(theFile) return readFileString( theFile ) end, "diesel" ),

        brakeDeceleration = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readDouble, 5 ),
        brakeBias = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readFloat, 1.0 ),
        ABS = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readBoolean, false ),
        steeringLock = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readFloat, 180 ),
        suspensionForceLevel = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readFloat, 10 ),
        suspensionDamping = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readFloat, 10 ),
        suspensionHighSpeedDamping = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readFloat, 50 ),
        suspensionUpperLimit = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readFloat, 0 ),
        suspensionLowerLimit = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readFloat, 0 ),
        suspensionFrontRearBias = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readFloat, 0.4 ),
        suspensionAntiDiveMultiplier = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readFloat, 10 ),
        seatOffsetDistance = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readFloat, 4 ),
        collisionDamageMultiplier = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readFloat, 0.5 ),
        monetary = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readInt, 10000 ),
        modelFlags = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readInt, 0 ),
        handlingFlags = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readInt, 0 ),
        headLight = attemptFileRead( theFile, function(theFile) return readFileString( theFile ) end, "big" ),
        tailLight = attemptFileRead( theFile, function(theFile) return readFileString( theFile ) end, "big" ),

        animGroup = attemptFileRead( theFile, theFile.readShort, 1 )

    return handlingEntry;

-- Save the handling of your vehicle, so you can reuse it later.
addCommandHandler( "savehandling",
        local myVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( player );

        if ( myVehicle ) then
            local handling = getVehicleHandling( myVehicle );

            local handlingFile = fileCreate( getPlayerName( player ) .. "_saved_handling.dat" );

            if ( handlingFile ) then
                saveVehicleHandling( handlingFile, handling );


                outputChatBox( "successfully saved handling" );

-- Load the handling of the vehicle for reusage.
addCommandHandler( "loadhandling",
        local handlingName = getPlayerName( player ) .. "_saved_handling.dat";

        if ( fileExists( handlingName ) ) then
            local myVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( player );

            if ( myVehicle ) then
                local handlingFile = fileOpen( handlingName );

                if ( handlingFile ) then
                    local handling = loadVehicleHandling( handlingFile );


                    -- Apply the saved handling.
                    for m,n in pairs( handling ) do
                        setVehicleHandling( myVehicle, m, n );

                    outputChatBox( "successfully restored handling" );

FileSystem File Functions