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Package-x-generic.png This function is provided by the external module Basic IRC Module. You must install this module to use this function.

This function can be used to ban-kick user from the specified channel. The specified ircbot often needs to have suitable privileges in order for this to work.


bool ircBan ( ircbot theBot, string channel, string user, [ int formatType = 2, string reason = "" ] )

Required Arguments

  • theBot: The ircbot which is going to do the banning
  • channel: The channel where user should be banned from
  • user: The user who should be banned

Optional Arguments

NOTE: When using optional arguments, you might need to supply all arguments before the one you wish to use. For more information on optional arguments, see optional arguments.

  • formatType: The ban mask type which should be used for banning. A list can be found in ircFormatHost function
  • reason: The reason for the ban


Returns true if passed arguments were valid, false otherwise.
Note: Does not return true if the user was successfully banned or false if it failed. You can check if the user was kicked by using callback event_ircOnKick and if the a channel mode was set by using callback event_ircOnChannelMode.


This example creates an ircbot called DummyBot, makes it connect to a server and join a channel. It also includes an IRC command '!ban' which can be used to ban users from the channel.

function resourceStart ( )
    theBot = ircCreateBot ( "DummyBot" )
    ircConnect ( theBot, "", 6667 )
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource() ), resourceStart )
function event_ircOnConnect ( theBot )
    setTimer ( ircJoinChannel, 2000, 1, theBot, "#testchannel" )
function event_ircOnText ( theBot, channel, sender, message )
    if message:find( "!ban" ) then
        local params = split ( message, string.byte (' ') )
        -- params[1] has the string "!ban" which we don't need
        -- params[2] has the user name
        if ircIsInChannel ( theBot, channel, params[2] ) then
            ircBan ( theBot, channel, params[2] )

See Also

Bot functions




IRC functions



