OutputChatBox: Difference between revisions

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mNo edit summary
Line 75: Line 75:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
-- Find the player element for the player called 'someguy'
-- Find the player element for the player called 'someguy'
myPlayer = getPlayerFromNick ( "someguy" )
myPlayer = getPlayerFromName ( "someguy" )
-- If a player was found called 'someguy' then...
-- If a player was found called 'someguy' then...
if ( myPlayer ~= false ) then
if ( myPlayer ~= false ) then

Revision as of 18:41, 10 May 2012

This template is no longer in use as it results in poor readability.

This outputs the specified text string to the chatbox. It can be specified as a message to certain player(s) or all players.

It can optionally allow you to embed color changes into the string by setting the colorCoded boolean to true. This allows:

outputChatBox ( "#FF0000Hello #00FF00World", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true )

This will display as: Hello World


Click to collapse [-]
bool outputChatBox ( string text [, element visibleTo=getRootElement(), int r=255, int g=255, int b=255, bool colorCoded=false ] )

Required Arguments

  • text: The text string that you wish to send to the chat window.

Optional Arguments

NOTE: When using optional arguments, you might need to supply all arguments before the one you wish to use. For more information on optional arguments, see optional arguments.

  • visibleTo: This specifies who the chat is visible to. Any players in this element will see the chat message. See visibility.
  • r: The amount of red in the color of the text. Default value is 255.
  • g: The amount of green in the color of the text. Default value is 255.
  • b: The amount of blue in the color of the text. Default value is 255.
  • colorCoded: A boolean value determining whether or not '#RRGGBB' tags should be used.

Note: visibleTo can also be a Team object, in this case, the text will be visible to all the players of that team. Also the #RRGGBB format must contain capital letters a-f is not acceptable but A-F is.

Click to collapse [-]
bool outputChatBox ( string text [, int r=255, int g=255, int b=255, bool colorCoded=false ] )

Required Arguments

  • text: The text string that you wish to send to the chat window.

Optional Arguments

NOTE: When using optional arguments, you might need to supply all arguments before the one you wish to use. For more information on optional arguments, see optional arguments.

  • r: The amount of red in the color of the text. Default value is 255.
  • g: The amount of green in the color of the text. Default value is 255.
  • b: The amount of blue in the color of the text. Default value is 255.
  • colorCoded: A boolean value determining whether or not '#RRGGBB' tags should be used.


Returns true if the message was displayed successfully. Returns false if invalid arguments are specified.


Click to collapse [-]

Example 1: This example displays a chat message to all users.

x = 5
y = 10  
-- Displays the message
outputChatBox ( "I have " .. x .. " apples and " .. y .. " oranges." )

Example 2: This example outputs a simple colour coded message, "Red White", where the 'White' is in white colour, and 'Red' is in a red colour.

 outputChatBox ( "Red #FFFFFFWhite", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true )

Example 3: This example allows for coloured chat, according to a player's nametag. This makes use of colour coded outputs.

function colouredChat ( message, theType )
	if theType == 0 then --if its normal chat (not /me or teamchat) then
		cancelEvent() --prevent MTA from outputting chat
		message = string.gsub(message, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") --remove any hex tags in a player's chat to prevent custom colours by using lua's string.gsub
		local r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor ( source ) --get the player's nametag colour
		local chatterName = getPlayerName ( source ) --get his name
		--output a message with the name as his nametag colour, and the rest in white.
		outputChatBox ( chatterName..":#FFFFFF "..message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true )

Example 4: This example displays a chat message to a single user called someguy.

-- Find the player element for the player called 'someguy'
myPlayer = getPlayerFromName ( "someguy" )
-- If a player was found called 'someguy' then...
if ( myPlayer ~= false ) then
    x = 5
    y = 10
    -- Display the message
    outputChatBox ( "I have " .. x .. " apples and " .. y .. " oranges.", myPlayer )

Example 5: These two functions can speed up typing, and display a message when a player Joins.

local msg_red,msg_green,msg_blue = 255,255,0

function servertalkprivate(message, sendto)
        --Talk to one client only
	outputChatBox(tostring(message), sendto, msg_red, msg_green, msg_blue, true)

function servertalk(message)
        --Talk to everyone
	servertalkprivate(message, getRootElement())

function onJoin()
	servertalkprivate("Welcome to My Server", source)


See Also