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This function is used to change the handling data of a vehicle.

*Note: This function has not been merged into the 1.1 nightly builds yet, it will only work if you have a custom build of the handling branch!


bool setVehicleHandling ( element theVehicle, string property, var value ) 

Required Arguments

  • theVehicle: The vehicle you wish to set the handling of.
  • property: The property you wish to set the handling of the vehicle to.

Property Value Minimum value Maximum value Notes
mass Float 1.0 100000.0
turnMass Float 0.0 1000000.0
dragCoeff Float -200.0 200.0
centerOfMass Table = { [1]=posX, [2]=posY, [3]=posZ } (floats) -10.0 10.0 Get returns a table, set needs a table.
percentSubmerged Integer 1 99999
tractionMultiplier Float -100000.0 100000.0
tractionLoss Float 0.0 100.0
tractionBias Float 0.0 1.0
numberOfGears Integer 1 5
maxVelocity Float 0.1 200000.0
engineAcceleration Float 0.0 100000.0
engineInertia Float -1000.0 1000.0 Inertia of 0 can cause a LSOD. (Unable to divide by zero)
driveType String N/A N/A Use 'rwd', 'fwd' or 'awd'.
engineType String N/A N/A Use 'petrol', 'diesel' or 'electric'.
brakeDeceleration Float 0.1 100000.0
brakeBias Float 0.0 1.0
ABS Boolean true false Has no effect.
steeringLock Float 0.0 360.0
suspensionForceLevel Float 0.0 100.0
suspensionDamping Float 0.0 100.0
suspensionHighSpeedDamping Float 0.0 600.0
suspensionUpperLimit Float -50.0 50.0 Can't be equal to suspensionLowerLimit.
suspensionLowerLimit Float -50.0 50.0 Can't be equal to suspensionUpperLimit.
suspensionFrontRearBias Float 0.0 1.0 Hardcoded maximum is 3.0, but values above 1.0 have no effect.
suspensionAntiDiveMultiplier Float 0.0 30.0
seatOffsetDistance Float -20.0 20.0
collisionDamageMultiplier Float 0.0 10.0
monetary Integer 0 230195200 Get works, set is disabled.
modelFlags Hexadecimal/Decimal N/A N/A Property uses a decimal value, generated by a hexadecimal value. Either use 0x12345678 or tonumber ( "0x12345678" ). See projectcerbera for possible values.
handlingFlags Hexadecimal/Decimal N/A N/A Property uses a decimal value, generated by a hexadecimal value. Either use 0x12345678 or tonumber ( "0x12345678" ). See projectcerbera for possible values.
headLight String N/A N/A Get works, set is disabled. Available values: 'long', 'small', 'big', 'tall'.
tailLight String N/A N/A Get works, set is disabled. Available values: 'long', 'small', 'big', 'tall'.
animGroup Integer ?? ?? Get works, set is disabled due to people not knowing this property was vehicle-based and caused crashes.
  • value: The value of the property you wish to set the handling of the vehicle to.


Returns true if the handling was set successfully, false otherwise. See below a list of valid propertys and their required values:


function massChange ( me, command, mass )
    mass = tonumber ( mass ) -- Convert mass to a number
    local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( me ) -- Get the player's vehicle
    if mass and veh then  -- If valid mass and in a vehicle
        local success = setVehicleHandling ( veh, "mass", mass ) -- Set the vehicle's mass, and check if successful
        if success then -- If successful
            outputChatBox ( "Your vehicle's mass has been changed to: "..mass.." kg", me, 0, 255, 0 ) -- Notify the player of success
        else -- Too bad failure is still an option
            outputChatBox ( "Setting mass failed. It's probably above or below allowed limits", me, 255, 0, 0 ) -- Notify the player of failure, and give a possible reason
    elseif not veh then -- If not in a vehicle
        outputChatBox ( "You're not in a vehicle", me, 255, 0, 0 ) -- Tell the player; He / she obviously doesn't know
    elseif not mass then -- If not a valid mass
        outputChatBox ( "Syntax: /changemass [mass]", me, 255, 0, 0 ) -- Tell the player the proper syntax
addCommandHandler ( "changemass", massChange )

See other vehicle functions