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This is the default constructor for the Vector2 class and returns a Vector2 object.


vector2 Vector2 ( mixed vectorOrX [, float y ] )

Required Arguments

Optional Arguments

  • y: if vectorOrX is a float, this will indicate the vector's Y coordinate


This example checks if the player is using a low resolution.

Click to collapse [-]
addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function()
	local screenSize = Vector2(guiGetScreenSize())
	if screenSize.x < 1360 and screenSize.y < 768 then 
		outputChatBox ("You are running on a low resolution")


This function normalizes the vector


bool Vector2.normalize ( vector2 vector )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Note: Normalizes a vector
Method: Vector2:normalize(...)

Required Arguments


This example demonstrates how to draw a line that is 200 pixels long and red. The line is drawn from the center of the screen to the mouse cursor's position.

Click to collapse [-]
local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() -- get screen size

local centerVec = Vector2(screenW / 2, screenH / 2) -- get screen center point
local mouseVec = Vector2() -- predefined variable that will change later

local lineLength = 200 -- sets length of the drawn line
local lineColor = tocolor(255, 0, 0) -- set line color

showCursor(true) -- show cursor

addEventHandler('onClientRender', root, function()
	local curX, curY = getCursorPosition()
	mouseVec.x, mouseVec.y = curX * screenW, curY * screenH -- get absolute cursor position
	local dVec = Vector2(mouseVec - centerVec) -- get the distance between the mouse position and the center of the screen
	local scaleFactor = lineLength / dVec.length
	mouseVec = centerVec + (dVec * scaleFactor)

	dxDrawLine(centerVec.x, centerVec.y, mouseVec.x, mouseVec.y, color)


This function gets the X coordinate of a vector.


float Vector2.getX ( vector2 vector )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Note: Gets X coordinate of a vector
Method: Vector2:getX(...)
Variable: .x

Required Arguments

  • vector: Vector2 to get X coordinate from


This function gets the Y coordinate of a vector.


float Vector2.getY ( vector2 vector )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Note: Gets Y coordinate of a vector
Method: Vector2:getY(...)
Variable: .y

Required Arguments

  • vector: Vector2 to get Y coordinate from


This function sets the X coordinate of a vector.


bool Vector2.setX ( vector2 vector, float x )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Note: Sets X coordinate of a vector
Method: Vector2:setX(...)
Variable: .x

Required Arguments

  • vector: Vector2 to set X coordinate from
  • x: New X coordinate


This function sets the Y coordinate of a vector.


bool Vector2.setY ( vector2 vector, float y )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Note: Sets Y coordinate of a vector
Method: Vector2:setY(...)
Variable: .y

Required Arguments

  • vector: Vector2 to set Y coordinate from
  • Y: New Y coordinate


This function gets a normalized vector.


vector2 Vector2.getNormalized ( vector2 vector )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Note: Gets a normalized vector
Method: Vector2:getNormalized(...)
Variable: .normalized

Required Arguments

  • vector: Vector2 to get normalized version of


This function gets the length of a vector.


vector2 Vector2.getLength ( vector2 vector )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Note: Gets the length of a vector
Method: Vector2:getLength(...)
Variable: .length

Required Arguments


This function gets the squared length of a vector.


vector2 Vector2.getSquaredLength ( vector2 vector )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Note: Gets the squared length of a vector
Method: Vector2:getSquaredLength(...)
Variable: .squaredLength

Required Arguments

  • vector: Vector2 to get squared length from


This function gets the dot product of two vectors.


vector2 ( vector2 vectorOne, vector2 vectorTwo )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Note: Gets the dot product of two vectors
Method: Vector2:dot(...)

Required Arguments

  • vectorOne: First Vector2 to calculate the dot product of
  • vectorTwo: Second Vector2 to calculate the dot product of