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A/D Aspect it's a Attack/Defend type of game mode, was created for professional clan matches with attention to clean game and playinign with rules.
It's based on BaseMode ( my previous project ), but with coincidence of time almost completely been changed to other gamemode, in comparison with basemode source code differs in more than 90%.
It is very well optimized and programmed for the latest versions of the Multi Theft Auto.
- expanded configuration panel,
- restore feature ( with saving position, weapons, vehicles, health etc ) available as /restore command ( only in match mode ),
- detection modified files in gta3.img ( with the exception of weapons textures and weapons models resembling in size to original models ),
- kicks for ping, fps and packet loss abousing,
- info box with important information,
- match feature ( uniform settings of weapons and vehicles, addition features available only in this mode) available as /startmatch [base/tdm] [rouds] command,
- client panel ( with client settings and key binds ),
- globally client statistics saved on clients disk,
- auto pause feature ( auto pause when player got time out durring match ) available in match mode,
- map viewer available as /view command,
- vote for maps available as /vote [base/arena] command.
- preview of commands usage of players visible on chat ( only in match mode),
- preview of started resources visible on chat ( only in match mode),
- detection of fake times outs ( only in match mode),
- expanded teams, weapons, vehiles, and spawns selectors,
- expanded spectator,
- anti helli-kill and car kill available as settings in configuration panel,
- built-in scripts 'reload' and 'injury',
- possibility to do screenshot from game to each player on server available as /screen command,
- report system for reporting issues available as /report
- call help system default available as H key,
- and many more minor features,
Command list
- /pm [id] - private message
- /arena [id] - for starting arenas
- /base [id] - for starting bases
- /end - for ending the round
- /add [id] - for adding the player to round
- /resetscore - restart all players and teams score
- /gunmenu [id] - for giving the gunmenu for the player
- /remove [id] - for removing the player from the round
- /screen id quaility(0-100) [taq] [width] [height] - for doing screenshot for the player
- /vote [base/arena] [id/ids] - for start the voting
- /car [id] - for get the vehicle in main lobby
- /clean - for restart the rounds history
- /pause - for pausing/repausing the round
- /swap - for change the teams sides
- /tp [id1] [id2] - for teleport the player1 to the player2
- /heal [id] - for heal the player
- /healall - for heal all players
- /startmatch [base/tdm] [rounds] - for starting the match
- /endmatch - for ending the match
- /gun - re weapon select
- /rsp - for re-sync
- /view - for viewing the maps
Default binds
- F1 - configuration panel
- F3 - client panel
- F4 - re-select team
- H - call help
- R - Realod the weapon
File:Mta-screen 2012-02-01 22-42-11.jpg
Weapons Selector