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(Created page with "==Müşteri hafızasının farkındalığı== En temelden başlayarak: * Herhangi bir verinin istemci tarafında (client-side) saklanmasının risk altında olduğunu bilmelisiniz; buna .lua dosyaları da dahildir. İstemci tarafında (oyuncunun bilgisayarında) saklanan veya bu taraf üzerinden iletilen gizli ve/veya önemli veriler, kötü niyetli istemciler tarafından erişilebilir. * Hassas verileri ve/veya Lua mantığını güvende tutmak için sunucu tarafını...")
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==Müşteri hafızasının farkındalığı==
En temelden başlayarak:
* Herhangi bir verinin istemci tarafında (client-side) saklanmasının risk altında olduğunu bilmelisiniz; buna .lua dosyaları da dahildir. İstemci tarafında (oyuncunun bilgisayarında) saklanan veya bu taraf üzerinden iletilen gizli ve/veya önemli veriler, kötü niyetli istemciler tarafından erişilebilir.
* Hassas verileri ve/veya Lua mantığını güvende tutmak için sunucu tarafını (server-side) kullanın.'''Shared''' olarak işaretlenmiş betiklerin aynı zamanda '''client kodu''' olarak çalıştığını unutmayın; bu da yukarıdaki her şeyin bunlar için de geçerli olduğu anlamına gelir. Örneğin, aşağıdaki gibi bir tanım yapmak:
<syntaxhighlight lang="xml">
<script src="script.lua" type="shared"/> <!-- bu komut dosyası hem client hem de sunucu üzerinde ayrı ayrı çalışacaktır -->
Yani bunu yapmakla aynı şey:
<syntaxhighlight lang="xml">
<script src="script.lua" type="client"/> <!-- istemcide ayrı olarak tanımlayın -->
<script src="script.lua" type="server"/> <!-- aynısını yapın, ancak sunucuda -->
==Ek koruma katmanı==
Sunucunuza kötü niyetle yaklaşanlara işleri biraz daha zorlaştırmak için, [ meta.xml] içinde kullanılabilir olan önbellek (cache) özelliğinden ve/veya [ Lua derleme (Luac olarak da bilinir)] ile birlikte ek gizlilik seviyesini '''3''' olarak ayarlayarak [ API] kullanabilirsiniz. Ayrıca, MTA'nın dahili AC'sini yapılandırarak SD (Özel Algılamalar) özelliğini etkinleştirmeyi düşünün. Detaylar için: [ Anti-hile rehberi].
<syntaxhighlight lang="xml">
<script src="shared.lua" type="shared" cache="false"/> <!-- cache="false", cache false yaparak Lua dosyasının oyuncunun bilgisayarına kaydedilmeyeceğini belirtir,her zaman önerilen ayarlama bu'dur -->
<script src="client.lua" type="client" cache="false"/> <!-- cache="false", ve bu'da aynı şekilde Lua dosyasının oyuncunun bilgisayarında kaydedilmeyeceğini gösterir,her zaman önerilen ayarlama bu'dur -->
* ''Biraz daha zorlaştırır'' ama '''imkansız değildir'''; yine de olası mantık hatalarını veya eksik/yanlış güvenlik kontrollerini arayan kişilerin .lua dosyalarınızı incelemesini önlemede '''çoğu kişi için''' etkili olur.
* Hem '''client''' hem de '''shared''' script türlerinde kullanılabilir (sunucu taraflı Lua üzerinde etkisi yoktur).
* Daha önce indirilen Lua dosyalarını kaldırmaz.
==Arka kapıları ve hileleri tespit etme ve bunlarla başa çıkma==
'''Lua betiklerinden kaynaklanabilecek minimum (veya sıfır) zararı garanti altına almak için:'''
* Sunucunuzu güncel tutun, en son sunucu sürümlerini [ MTA:SA nightly sitesinden indirebilirsiniz.] Spesifik sürümler hakkında bilgilere ise [ buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.]
* Sistem kaynaklarınızı güncel tutun, en son (varsayılan) kaynakları [ GitHub deposundan indirebilirsiniz.] Bu kaynaklar genellikle en son güvenlik yamalarını içerir; bu da sunucunuzun saldırılara karşı dayanıklı olup olmadığını belirleyebilir.
* [ ACL (Erişim Kontrol Listesi)]'ni doğru bir şekilde yapılandırdığınızdan emin olun; bu, kaynakların belirli, potansiyel olarak tehlikeli işlevleri kullanmasını engelleyecektir.
* Bilinmeyen kaynaklardan (haritalar dahil) gelen sistem kaynaklarına admin yetkisi verirken sıfır güven ilkelerini uygulayın.
* Before running any resource you don't trust, analyze:
** [ meta.xml] of it, for possible hidden scripts lurking beneath other file extensions.
** It's source code, for malicious logic.
* Do not run/keep using compiled resources (scripts) of which legitimacy you aren't sure.
'''To ensure minimum damage when a cheater connects to your server:'''
* When making scripts, remember to never trust data coming from a client.
* While reviewing scripts for possible security holes. Look at any data coming from the client that is being trusted.
* Any kind of data could be sent, hence server scripts which communicate with client by receiving data sent by players should validate it, before further use in latter parts of code. Mostly, it will be done either by [[setElementData]] or [[triggerServerEvent]].
* You shouldn't rely only on player [ serial], when it comes to processing crucial operations (auto-login/admin actions). '''Serials aren't guaranted to be unique or non-fakable'''. This is why you should '''put it behind''' account system, as '''important authentication factor''' (e.g: '''login & password''').
* Server-side logic '''can not be bypassed''' or '''tampered''' with (unless server is breached or when there is a bug in code, but that's whole different scenario) - '''use it to your advantage'''. In majority of cases, you will be able to perform security validations with no participation of client-side.
* Using concept of '''''“All parameters including source can be faked and should not be trusted. Global variable client can be trusted.”''''' - gives you reliable assurance that player to which you refer (via '''client''') '''is''' in fact, '''the one which really called event'''. This approach will protect you from situations where cheater can call (and process) admin events (e.g kick/ban player) by passing the actual admin ('''2nd''' argument in '''[[triggerServerEvent]]''') - as a consequence of using wrong variable. To make sure you fully understood it, take a look at examples below:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
function onServerWrongAdminEvent(playerToBan)
if (not client) then -- 'client' points to the player who triggered the event, and should be used as security measure (in order to prevent player faking)
return false -- if this variable doesn't exists at the moment (for unknown reason, or it was the server who triggered this event), stop code execution
local defaultPermission = false -- do not allow action by default, see (defaultPermission):
local canAdminBanPlayer = hasObjectPermissionTo(source, "function.banPlayer", defaultPermission) -- the vulnerability lies here...
if (not canAdminBanPlayer) then -- if player doesn't have permissions
return false -- don't do it
local validElement = isElement(playerToBan) -- check whether argument passed from client is an element
if (not validElement) then -- it is not
return false -- stop code processing
local elementType = getElementType(playerToBan) -- it's an element, so get it's type
local playerType = (elementType == "player") -- make sure that it's a player
if (not playerType) then -- it's not a player
return false -- stop here
-- banPlayer(...) -- do what needs to be done
addEvent("onServerWrongAdminEvent", true)
addEventHandler("onServerWrongAdminEvent", root, onServerWrongAdminEvent)
function onServerCorrectAdminEvent(playerToBan)
if (not client) then -- 'client' points to the player who triggered the event, and should be used as security measure (in order to prevent player faking)
return false -- if this variable doesn't exists at the moment (for unknown reason, or it was the server who triggered this event), stop code execution
local defaultPermission = false -- do not allow action by default, see (defaultPermission):
local canAdminBanPlayer = hasObjectPermissionTo(client, "function.banPlayer", defaultPermission) -- is player allowed to do that?
if (not canAdminBanPlayer) then -- if player doesn't have permissions
return false -- don't do it
local validElement = isElement(playerToBan) -- check whether argument passed from client is an element
if (not validElement) then -- it is not
return false -- stop code processing
local elementType = getElementType(playerToBan) -- it's an element, so get it's type
local playerType = (elementType == "player") -- make sure that it's a player
if (not playerType) then -- it's not a player
return false -- stop here
-- banPlayer(...) -- do what needs to be done
addEvent("onServerCorrectAdminEvent", true)
addEventHandler("onServerCorrectAdminEvent", root, onServerCorrectAdminEvent)
==Securing setElementData==
* You should refrain from using [[element data]] everywhere, it should be only used when really necessary. It is advised to replace it with [[triggerClientEvent]] instead.
* If you still insist on using it, it is recommended to set '''4th''' argument in [[setElementData]] to '''false''' (disabling sync for this, certain data) and use subscriber mode - [[addElementDataSubscriber]], for both security & performance reasons described in [ event section.]
{{Important Note|Disabling sync however, doesn't fully protect data key. It would be still vulnerable by default, but in this case you are not leaving it in plain sight. Using [[getAllElementData]] or digging in RAM wouldn't expose it, since it won't be synced to client in first place. Therefore, it needs to be added to anti-cheat as well.}}
* All parameters including '''source''' can be faked and should not be trusted.
* Global variable '''client''' can be trusted.
<section name="Server" class="server" show="true">
Example of basic element data anti-cheat.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
local function reportAndRevertDataChange(clientElement, sourceElement, dataKey, oldValue, newValue) -- helper function to log and revert changes
local logClient = inspect(clientElement) -- in-depth view of player which forced element data sync
local logSerial = getPlayerSerial(clientElement) or "N/A" -- client serial, or "N/A" if not possible, for some reason
local logSource = tostring(sourceElement) -- element which received data
local logOldValue = tostring(oldValue) -- old value
local logNewValue = tostring(newValue) -- new value
local logText = -- fill our report with data
"Detected element data abnormality:\n"..
"Client: "..logClient.."\n"..
"Client serial: "..logSerial.."\n"..
"Source: "..logSource.."\n"..
"Data key: "..dataKey.."\n"..
"Old data value: "..logOldValue.."\n"..
"New data value: "..logNewValue.."\n"..
local logVisibleTo = root -- specify who will see this log in console, in this case each player connected to server
local hadData = (oldValue ~= nil) -- check if element had such data before
if (hadData) then -- if element had such data before
setElementData(sourceElement, dataKey, oldValue, true) -- revert changes, it will call onElementDataChange event, but will fail (stop) on first condition - because server (not client) forced change
removeElementData(sourceElement, dataKey) -- remove it completely
outputConsole(logText, logVisibleTo) -- print it to console
return true -- all success
function onElementDataChangeBasicAC(dataKey, oldValue, newValue) -- the heart of our anti-cheat, which does all the magic security measurements
if (not client) then -- check if data is coming from client
return false -- if it's not, do not go further
local checkSpecialThing = (dataKey == "special_thing") -- compare whether dataKey matches "special_thing"
local checkFlagWaving = (dataKey == "flag_waving") -- compare whether dataKey matches "flag_waving"
if (checkSpecialThing) then -- if it does, do our security checks
local invalidElement = (client ~= source) -- verify whether source element is different from player which changed data
if (invalidElement) then -- if it's so
reportAndRevertDataChange(client, source, dataKey, oldValue, newValue) -- revert data change, because "special_thing" can only be set for player himself
if (checkFlagWaving) then -- if it does, do our security checks
local playerVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(client) -- get player's current vehicle
local invalidVehicle = (playerVehicle ~= source) -- verify whether source element is different from player's vehicle
if (invalidVehicle) then -- if it's so
reportAndRevertDataChange(client, source, dataKey, oldValue, newValue) -- revert data change, because "flag_waving" can only be set for player's own vehicle
addEventHandler("onElementDataChange", root, onElementDataChangeBasicAC)
<section name="Server" class="server" show="true">
Example of comfortable advanced element data anti-cheat.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
For maximum security set punishPlayerOnDetect, punishmentBan, allowOnlyProtectedKeys to true (as per default configuration)
If allowOnlyProtectedKeys is enabled, do not forget to add every client-side element data key to protectedKeys table - otherwise you will face false-positives
Anti-cheat (handleDataChange) table structure and it's options:
["keyName"] = { -- name of key which would be protected
onlyForPlayerHimself = true, -- enabling this (true) will make sure that this element data key can only be set on player who synced it (ignores onlyForOwnPlayerVeh and allowForElements), use false/nil to disable this
onlyForOwnPlayerVeh = false, -- enabling this (true) will make sure that this element data key can only be set on player's current vehicle who synced it (ignores allowForElements), use false/nil to disable this
allowForElements = { -- restrict this key for certain element type(s), set to false/nil or leave it empty to not check this (full list of element types:
["player"] = true,
["ped"] = true,
["vehicle"] = true,
["object"] = true,
allowedDataTypes = { -- restrict this key for certain value type(s), set to false/nil or leave it empty to not check this
["string"] = true,
["number"] = true,
["table"] = true,
["boolean"] = true,
["nil"] = true,
allowedStringLength = {1, 32}, -- if value is a string, then it's length must be in between (min-max), set it to false/nil to not check string length - do note that allowedDataTypes must contain ["string"] = true
allowedTableLength = {1, 64}, -- if value is a table, then it's length must be in between (min-max), set it to false/nil to not check table length - do note that allowedDataTypes must contain ["table"] = true
allowedNumberRange = {1, 128}, -- if value is a number, then it must be in between (min-max), set it to false/nil to not check number range - do note that allowedDataTypes must contain ["number"] = true
local punishPlayerOnDetect = true -- should player be punished upon detection (make sure that resource which runs this code has admin rights)
local punishmentBan = true -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect is set to true; use true for ban or false for kick
local punishmentReason = "Altering element data" -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect is set to true; reason which would be shown to punished player
local punishedBy = "Console" -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect is set to true; who was responsible for punishing, as well shown to punished player
local banByIP = false -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect and punishmentBan is set to true; banning by IP nowadays is not recommended (...)
local banByUsername = false -- community username - legacy thing, hence is set to false and should stay like that
local banBySerial = true -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect and punishmentBan is set to true; (...) if there is a player serial to use instead
local banTime = 0 -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect and punishmentBan is set to true; time in seconds, 0 for permanent
local allowOnlyProtectedKeys = true -- disallow (remove by using removeElementData, if it didn't existed before) every element data besides those given in protectedKeys table; in case someone wanted to flood server with garbage keys, which would be kept in memory until server restart or manual remove - setElementData(source, key, nil) won't remove it; it has to be removeElementData
local debugLevel = 4 -- this debug level allows to hide INFO: prefix, and use custom colors
local debugR = 255 -- debug message - red color
local debugG = 127 -- debug message - green color
local debugB = 0 -- debug message - blue color
local protectedKeys = {
["vehicleNumber"] = { -- we want vehicleNumber to be set only on vehicles, with stricte numbers in range of 1-100
allowForElements = {
["vehicle"] = true,
allowedDataTypes = {
["number"] = true,
allowedNumberRange = {1, 100},
["personalVehData"] = { -- we want be able to set personalVehData only on current vehicle, also it should be a string with length between 1-24
onlyForOwnPlayerVeh = true,
allowedDataTypes = {
["string"] = true,
allowedStringLength = {1, 24},
-- perform security checks on keys stored in this table, in a convenient way
local function reportAndRevertDataChange(clientElement, sourceElement, dataKey, oldValue, newValue, failReason, forceRemove) -- helper function to log and revert changes
local logClient = inspect(clientElement) -- in-depth view of player which forced element data sync
local logSerial = getPlayerSerial(clientElement) or "N/A" -- client serial, or "N/A" if not possible, for some reason
local logSource = inspect(sourceElement) -- in-depth view of element which received data
local logOldValue = inspect(oldValue) -- in-depth view of old value
local logNewValue = inspect(newValue) -- in-depth view of new value
local logText = -- fill our report with data
"Detected element data abnormality:\n"..
"Client: "..logClient.."\n"..
"Client serial: "..logSerial.."\n"..
"Source: "..logSource.."\n"..
"Data key: "..dataKey.."\n"..
"Old data value: "..logOldValue.."\n"..
"New data value: "..logNewValue.."\n"..
"Fail reason: "..failReason.."\n"..
outputDebugString(logText, debugLevel, debugR, debugG, debugB) -- print it to debug
if (forceRemove) then -- we don't want this element data key to exist at all
removeElementData(sourceElement, dataKey) -- remove it
return true -- return success and stop here, we don't need further checks
setElementData(sourceElement, dataKey, oldValue, true) -- revert changes, it will call onElementDataChange event, but will fail (stop) on first condition - because server (not client) forced change
return true -- return success
local function handleDataChange(clientElement, sourceElement, dataKey, oldValue, newValue) -- the heart of our anti-cheat, which does all the magic security measurements, returns true if there was no altering from client (based on data from protectedKeys), false otherwise
local protectedKey = protectedKeys[dataKey] -- look up whether key changed is stored in protectedKeys table
if (not protectedKey) then -- if it's not
if (allowOnlyProtectedKeys) then -- if we don't want garbage keys
local failReason = "Key isn't present in protectedKeys" -- reason shown in report
local forceRemove = true -- should key be completely removed
reportAndRevertDataChange(clientElement, sourceElement, dataKey, oldValue, newValue, failReason, forceRemove) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
return true -- this key isn't protected, let it through
local onlyForPlayerHimself = protectedKey.onlyForPlayerHimself -- if key has "self-set" lock
local onlyForOwnPlayerVeh = protectedKey.onlyForOwnPlayerVeh -- if key has "self-vehicle" lock
local allowForElements = protectedKey.allowForElements -- if key has element type check
local allowedDataTypes = protectedKey.allowedDataTypes -- if key has allowed data type check
if (onlyForPlayerHimself) then -- if "self-set" lock is active
local matchingElement = (clientElement == sourceElement) -- verify whether player who set data is equal to element which received data
if (not matchingElement) then -- if it's not matching
local failReason = "Can only set on player himself" -- reason shown in report
local forceRemove = false -- should key be completely removed
reportAndRevertDataChange(clientElement, sourceElement, dataKey, oldValue, newValue, failReason, forceRemove) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
if (onlyForOwnPlayerVeh) then -- if "self-vehicle" lock is active
local playerVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(clientElement) -- get current vehicle of player which set data
local matchingVehicle = (playerVehicle == sourceElement) -- check whether it matches the one which received data
if (not matchingVehicle) then -- if it doesn't match
local failReason = "Can only set on player's own vehicle" -- reason shown in report
local forceRemove = false -- should key be completely removed
reportAndRevertDataChange(clientElement, sourceElement, dataKey, oldValue, newValue, failReason, forceRemove) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
if (allowForElements) then -- check if it's one of them
local elementType = getElementType(sourceElement) -- get type of element whose data changed
local matchingElementType = allowForElements[elementType] -- verify whether it's allowed
if (not matchingElementType) then -- this isn't matching
local failReason = "Invalid element type" -- reason shown in report
local forceRemove = false -- should key be completely removed
reportAndRevertDataChange(clientElement, sourceElement, dataKey, oldValue, newValue, failReason, forceRemove) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
if (allowedDataTypes) then -- if there's allowed data types
local valueType = type(newValue) -- get data type of value
local matchingType = allowedDataTypes[valueType] -- check if it's one of allowed
if (not matchingType) then -- if it's not then
local failReason = "Invalid data type" -- reason shown in report
local forceRemove = false -- should key be completely removed
reportAndRevertDataChange(clientElement, sourceElement, dataKey, oldValue, newValue, failReason, forceRemove) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
local allowedStringLength = protectedKey.allowedStringLength -- if key has specified string length check
local dataString = (valueType == "string") -- make sure it's a string
if (allowedStringLength and dataString) then -- if we should check string length
local minLength = allowedStringLength[1] -- retrieve min length
local maxLength = allowedStringLength[2] -- retrieve max length
local stringLength = utf8.len(newValue) -- get length of data string
local matchingLength = (stringLength >= minLength) and (stringLength <= maxLength) -- compare whether value fits in between
if (not matchingLength) then -- if it doesn't
local failReason = "Invalid string length (must be between "..minLength.."-"..maxLength..")" -- reason shown in report
local forceRemove = false -- should key be completely removed
reportAndRevertDataChange(clientElement, sourceElement, dataKey, oldValue, newValue, failReason, forceRemove) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
local allowedTableLength = protectedKey.allowedTableLength -- if key has table length check
local dataTable = (valueType == "table") -- make sure it's a table
if (allowedTableLength and dataTable) then -- if we should check table length
local minLength = allowedTableLength[1] -- retrieve min length
local maxLength = allowedTableLength[2] -- retrieve max length
local minLengthAchieved = false -- variable which checks 'does minimum length was achieved'
local maxLengthExceeded = false -- variable which checks 'does length has exceeds more than allowed maximum'
local tableLength = 0 -- store initial table length
for _, _ in pairs(newValue) do -- loop through whole table
tableLength = (tableLength + 1) -- add + 1 on each table entry
minLengthAchieved = (tableLength >= minLength) -- is length bigger or at very minimum we require
maxLengthExceeded = (tableLength > maxLength) -- does table exceeded more than max length?
if (maxLengthExceeded) then -- it is bigger than it should be
break -- break the loop (due of condition above being worthy, it makes no point to count further and waste CPU, on a table which potentially could have huge amount of entries)
local matchingLength = (minLengthAchieved and not maxLengthExceeded) -- check if min length has been achieved, and make sure that it doesn't go beyond max length
if (not matchingLength) then -- this table doesn't match requirements
local failReason = "Invalid table length (must be between "..minLength.."-"..maxLength..")" -- reason shown in report
local forceRemove = false -- should key be completely removed
reportAndRevertDataChange(clientElement, sourceElement, dataKey, oldValue, newValue, failReason, forceRemove) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
local allowedNumberRange = protectedKey.allowedNumberRange -- if key has allowed number range check
local dataNumber = (valueType == "number") -- make sure it's a number
if (allowedNumberRange and dataNumber) then -- if we should check number range
local minRange = allowedNumberRange[1] -- retrieve min number range
local maxRange = allowedNumberRange[2] -- retrieve max number range
local matchingRange = (newValue >= minRange) and (newValue <= maxRange) -- compare whether value fits in between
if (not matchingRange) then -- if it doesn't
local failReason = "Invalid number range (must be between "..minRange.."-"..maxRange..")" -- reason shown in report
local forceRemove = false -- should key be completely removed
reportAndRevertDataChange(clientElement, sourceElement, dataKey, oldValue, newValue, failReason, forceRemove) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
return true -- security checks passed, we are all clear with this data key
function onElementDataChangeAdvancedAC(dataKey, oldValue, newValue) -- this event makes use of handleDataChange, the code was split for better readability
if (not client) then -- check if data is coming from client
return false -- if it's not, do not continue
local approvedChange = handleDataChange(client, source, dataKey, oldValue, newValue) -- run our security checks
if (approvedChange) then -- it's all cool and good
return false -- we don't need further action
if (not punishPlayerOnDetect) then -- we don't want to punish player for some reason
return false -- so stop here
if (punishmentBan) then -- if it's ban
banPlayer(client, banByIP, banByUsername, banBySerial, punishedBy, punishmentReason, banTime) -- remove his presence from server
else -- otherwise
kickPlayer(client, punishedBy, punishmentReason) -- simply kick player out of server
addEventHandler("onElementDataChange", root, onElementDataChangeAdvancedAC)
==Securing triggerServerEvent==
* All parameters including '''source''' can be faked and should not be trusted.
* Global variable '''client''' can be trusted.
* '''Admin''' styled '''events''' should be verifying player (client) '''ACL rights''', either by [ isObjectInACLGroup] or [ hasObjectPermissionTo].
* Do '''not''' use the same name for your custom event as MTA native server events (which aren't remotely triggerable by default), e.g: '''onPlayerLogin'''; doing so would open door for cheaters manipulations.
* Be aware to which players event is sent via [[triggerClientEvent]]. For both security & performance reasons, admin like events should be received by admins only (to prevent confidential data being accessed), in the same time you shouldn't send each event to everyone on server (e.g: login success event which hides login panel for certain player). [[triggerClientEvent]] allows you to specify the event receiver as first (optional) argument. It defaults to [[root]], meaning if you don't specify it, it will be sent to everyone connected to server - even those who are still downloading server cache (which results in ''Server triggered clientside event eventName, but event is not added clientside.''). You can either pass player element or table with receivers:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
local playersToReceiveEvent = {player1, player2, player3} -- each playerX is player element
triggerClientEvent(playersToReceiveEvent, ...) -- do not forget to fill the latter part of arguments
<section name="Server" class="server" show="true">
Example of comfortable anti-cheat function designed for events, used for data validation for both normal, and admin events which are called from client-side.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
For maximum security set punishPlayerOnDetect, punishmentBan to true (as per default configuration)
Anti-cheat (processServerEventData) table structure and it's options:
checkACLGroup = { -- check whether player who called event belongs to at least one group below, set to false/nil to not check this
checkPermissions = { -- check whether player who called event has permission to at least one thing below, set to false/nil to not check this
checkEventData = {
debugData = "source", -- optional details for report shown in debug message
eventData = source, -- data we want to verify
equalTo = client, -- compare whether eventData == equalTo
allowedElements = { -- restrict eventData to be certain element type(s), set to false/nil or leave it empty to not check this (full list of element types:
["player"] = true,
["ped"] = true,
["vehicle"] = true,
["object"] = true,
allowedDataTypes = { -- restrict eventData to be certain value type(s), set to false/nil or leave it empty to not check this
["string"] = true,
["number"] = true,
["table"] = true,
["boolean"] = true,
["nil"] = true,
allowedStringLength = {1, 32}, -- if eventData is a string, then it's length must be in between (min-max), set it to false/nil to not check string length - do note that allowedDataTypes must contain ["string"] = true
allowedTableLength = {1, 64}, -- if eventData is a table, then it's length must be in between (min-max), set it to false/nil to not check table length - do note that allowedDataTypes must contain ["table"] = true
allowedNumberRange = {1, 128}, -- if eventData is a number, then it must be in between (min-max), set it to false/nil to not check number range - do note that allowedDataTypes must contain ["number"] = true
local punishPlayerOnDetect = true -- should player be punished upon detection (make sure that resource which runs this code has admin rights)
local punishmentBan = true -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect is set to true; use true for ban or false for kick
local punishmentReason = "Altering server event data" -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect is set to true; reason which would be shown to punished player
local punishedBy = "Console" -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect is set to true; who was responsible for punishing, as well shown to punished player
local banByIP = false -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect and punishmentBan is set to true; banning by IP nowadays is not recommended (...)
local banByUsername = false -- community username - legacy thing, hence is set to false and should stay like that
local banBySerial = true -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect and punishmentBan is set to true; (...) if there is a player serial to use instead
local banTime = 0 -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect and punishmentBan is set to true; time in seconds, 0 for permanent
local debugLevel = 4 -- this debug level allows to hide INFO: prefix, and use custom colors
local debugR = 255 -- debug message - red color
local debugG = 127 -- debug message - green color
local debugB = 0 -- debug message - blue color
function processServerEventData(clientElement, sourceElement, serverEvent, securityChecks) -- the heart of our anti-cheat, which does all the magic security measurements, returns true if there was no altering from client (based on data from securityChecks), false otherwise
if (not securityChecks) then -- if we haven't passed any security checks
return true -- nothing to check, let code go further
if (not clientElement) then -- if client variable isn't available for some reason (although it should never happen)
local failReason = "Client variable not present" -- reason shown in report
local skipPunishment = true -- should server skip punishment
reportAndHandleEventAbnormality(clientElement, sourceElement, serverEvent, failReason, skipPunishment) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
local checkACLGroup = securityChecks.checkACLGroup -- if there's any ACL groups to check
local checkPermissions = securityChecks.checkPermissions -- if there's any permissions to check
local checkEventData = securityChecks.checkEventData -- if there's any data checks
if (checkACLGroup) then -- let's check player ACL groups
local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount(clientElement) -- get current account of player
local guestAccount = isGuestAccount(playerAccount) -- if account is guest (meaning player is not logged in)
if (guestAccount) then -- it's the case
local failReason = "Can't retrieve player login - guest account" -- reason shown in report
local skipPunishment = true -- should server skip punishment
reportAndHandleEventAbnormality(clientElement, sourceElement, serverEvent, failReason, skipPunishment) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
local accountName = getAccountName(playerAccount) -- get name of player's current account
local aclString = "user."..accountName -- format it for further use in isObjectInACLGroup function
for groupID = 1, #checkACLGroup do -- iterate over table of given groups
local groupName = checkACLGroup[groupID] -- get each group name
local aclGroup = aclGetGroup(groupName) -- check if such group exists
if (not aclGroup) then -- it doesn't
local failReason = "ACL group '"..groupName.."' is missing" -- reason shown in report
local skipPunishment = true -- should server skip punishment
reportAndHandleEventAbnormality(clientElement, sourceElement, serverEvent, failReason, skipPunishment) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
local playerInACLGroup = isObjectInACLGroup(aclString, aclGroup) -- check if player belong to the group
if (playerInACLGroup) then -- yep, it's the case
return true -- so it's a success
local failReason = "Player doesn't belong to any given ACL group" -- reason shown in report
local skipPunishment = true -- should server skip punishment
reportAndHandleEventAbnormality(clientElement, sourceElement, serverEvent, failReason, skipPunishment) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
if (checkPermissions) then -- check if player has at least one desired permission
local allowedByDefault = false -- does he have access by default
for permissionID = 1, #checkPermissions do -- iterate over all permissions
local permissionName = checkPermissions[permissionID] -- get permission name
local hasPermission = hasObjectPermissionTo(clientElement, permissionName, allowedByDefault) -- check whether player is allowed to perform certain action
if (hasPermission) then -- if player has access
return true -- one is available (and enough), server won't bother to check others (as return keywords also breaks loop)
local failReason = "Not enough permissions" -- reason shown in report
local skipPunishment = true -- should server skip punishment
reportAndHandleEventAbnormality(clientElement, sourceElement, serverEvent, failReason, skipPunishment) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
if (checkEventData) then -- if there is some data to verify
for dataID = 1, #checkEventData do -- iterate over each of data
local dataToCheck = checkEventData[dataID] -- get each data set
local eventData = dataToCheck.eventData -- this is the one we'll be verifying
local equalTo = dataToCheck.equalTo -- we want to compare whether eventData == equalTo
local allowedElements = dataToCheck.allowedElements -- check whether is element, and whether belongs to certain element types
local allowedDataTypes = dataToCheck.allowedDataTypes -- do we restrict data to be certain type?
local debugData = dataToCheck.debugData -- additional helper data
local debugText = debugData and " ("..debugData..")" or "" -- if it's present, format it nicely
if (equalTo) then -- equal check exists
local matchingData = (eventData == equalTo) -- compare whether those two values are equal
if (not matchingData) then -- they aren't
local failReason = "Data isn't equal @ argument "..dataID..debugText -- reason shown in report
local skipPunishment = false -- should server skip punishment
reportAndHandleEventAbnormality(clientElement, sourceElement, serverEvent, failReason, skipPunishment) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
if (allowedElements) then -- we do check whether is an element, and belongs to at least one given in the list
local validElement = isElement(eventData) -- check if it's actual element
if (not validElement) then -- it's not
local failReason = "Data isn't element @ argument "..dataID..debugText -- reason shown in report
local skipPunishment = false -- should server skip punishment
reportAndHandleEventAbnormality(clientElement, sourceElement, serverEvent, failReason, skipPunishment) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
local elementType = getElementType(eventData) -- it's element, so we want to know it's type
local matchingElementType = allowedElements[elementType] -- verify whether it's allowed
if (not matchingElementType) then -- it's not allowed
local failReason = "Invalid element type @ argument "..dataID..debugText -- reason shown in report
local skipPunishment = false -- should server skip punishment
reportAndHandleEventAbnormality(clientElement, sourceElement, serverEvent, failReason, skipPunishment) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
if (allowedDataTypes) then -- let's check allowed data types
local dataType = type(eventData) -- get data type
local matchingType = allowedDataTypes[dataType] -- verify whether it's allowed
if (not matchingType) then -- it isn't
local failReason = "Invalid data type @ argument "..dataID..debugText -- reason shown in report
local skipPunishment = false -- should server skip punishment
reportAndHandleEventAbnormality(clientElement, sourceElement, serverEvent, failReason, skipPunishment) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
local allowedStringLength = dataToCheck.allowedStringLength -- if data has string length check
local dataString = (dataType == "string") -- make sure it's a string
if (allowedStringLength and dataString) then -- if we should check string length
local minLength = allowedStringLength[1] -- retrieve min length
local maxLength = allowedStringLength[2] -- retrieve max length
local stringLength = utf8.len(eventData) -- get length of data string
local matchingLength = (stringLength >= minLength) and (stringLength <= maxLength) -- compare whether value fits in between
if (not matchingLength) then -- if it doesn't
local failReason = "Invalid string length (must be between "..minLength.."-"..maxLength..") @ argument "..dataID..debugText -- reason shown in report
local skipPunishment = false -- should server skip punishment
reportAndHandleEventAbnormality(clientElement, sourceElement, serverEvent, failReason, skipPunishment) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
local allowedTableLength = dataToCheck.allowedTableLength -- if data has table length check
local dataTable = (dataType == "table") -- make sure it's a table
if (allowedTableLength and dataTable) then -- if we should check table length
local minLength = allowedTableLength[1] -- retrieve min length
local maxLength = allowedTableLength[2] -- retrieve max length
local minLengthAchieved = false -- variable which checks 'does minimum length was achieved'
local maxLengthExceeded = false -- variable which checks 'does length has exceeds more than allowed maximum'
local tableLength = 0 -- store initial table length
for _, _ in pairs(eventData) do -- loop through whole table
tableLength = (tableLength + 1) -- add + 1 on each table entry
minLengthAchieved = (tableLength >= minLength) -- is length bigger or at very minimum we require
maxLengthExceeded = (tableLength > maxLength) -- does table exceeded more than max length?
if (maxLengthExceeded) then -- it is bigger than it should be
break -- break the loop (due of condition above being worthy, it makes no point to count further and waste CPU, on a table which potentially could have huge amount of entries)
local matchingLength = (minLengthAchieved and not maxLengthExceeded) -- check if min length has been achieved, and make sure that it doesn't go beyond max length
if (not matchingLength) then -- this table doesn't match requirements
local failReason = "Invalid table length (must be between "..minLength.."-"..maxLength..") @ argument "..dataID..debugText -- reason shown in report
local skipPunishment = false -- should server skip punishment
reportAndHandleEventAbnormality(clientElement, sourceElement, serverEvent, failReason, skipPunishment) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
local allowedNumberRange = dataToCheck.allowedNumberRange -- if data has number range check
local dataNumber = (dataType == "number") -- make sure it's a number
if (allowedNumberRange and dataNumber) then -- if we should check number range
local minRange = allowedNumberRange[1] -- retrieve min number range
local maxRange = allowedNumberRange[2] -- retrieve max number range
local matchingRange = (eventData >= minRange) and (eventData <= maxRange) -- compare whether value fits in between
if (not matchingRange) then -- if it doesn't
local failReason = "Invalid number range (must be between "..minRange.."-"..maxRange..") @ argument "..dataID..debugText -- reason shown in report
local skipPunishment = false -- should server skip punishment
reportAndHandleEventAbnormality(clientElement, sourceElement, serverEvent, failReason, skipPunishment) -- report accident, and handle (or not) this player
return false -- return failure
return true -- security checks passed, we are all clear with this event call
function reportAndHandleEventAbnormality(clientElement, sourceElement, serverEvent, failReason, skipPunishment) -- helper function to log and handle accidents
local logClient = inspect(clientElement) -- in-depth view player which called event
local logSerial = getPlayerSerial(clientElement) or "N/A" -- client serial, or "N/A" if not possible, for some reason
local logSource = inspect(sourceElement) -- in-depth view of source element
local logText = -- fill our report with data
"Detected event abnormality:\n"..
"Client: "..logClient.."\n"..
"Client serial: "..logSerial.."\n"..
"Source: "..logSource.."\n"..
"Event: "..serverEvent.."\n"..
"Reason: "..failReason.."\n"..
outputDebugString(logText, debugLevel, debugR, debugG, debugB) -- print it to debug
if (not punishPlayerOnDetect or skipPunishment) then -- we don't want to punish player for some reason
return true -- stop here
if (punishmentBan) then -- if it's ban
banPlayer(clientElement, banByIP, banByUsername, banBySerial, punishedBy, punishmentReason, banTime) -- remove his presence from server
else -- otherwise
kickPlayer(clientElement, punishedBy, punishmentReason) -- simply kick player out of server
return true -- all done, report success
function onServerEvent(clientData)
Assume this server event (function) is called in such way:
local dataToPass = 10
triggerServerEvent("onServerEvent", localPlayer, dataToPass)
local shouldProcessServerCode = processServerEventData(
client, -- client element - responsible for calling event
source, -- source element - passed in triggerServerEvent (as 2nd argument)
eventName, -- name of event - in this case 'onServerEvent'
checkEventData = { -- we want to verify everything what comes from client
eventData = source, -- first to check, source variable
equalTo = client, -- we want to check whether it matches player who called event
debugData = "source", -- helper details which would be shown in report
eventData = clientData, -- let's check the data which client sent to us
allowedDataTypes = {
["number"] = true, -- we want it to be only number
allowedNumberRange = {1, 100}, -- in range of 1 to 100
debugData = "clientData", -- if something goes wrong, let server know where (it will appear in debug report)
if (not shouldProcessServerCode) then -- something isn't right, no green light for processing code behind this scope
return false -- stop code execution
-- do code as usual
addEvent("onServerEvent", true)
addEventHandler("onServerEvent", root, onServerEvent)
function onServerAdminEvent(playerToBan)
Assume this server admin event (function) is called in such way:
local playerToBan = getPlayerFromName("playerToBan")
triggerServerEvent("onServerAdminEvent", localPlayer, playerToBan)
local shouldProcessServerCode = processServerEventData(
client, -- client element - responsible for calling event
source, -- source element - passed in triggerServerEvent (as 2nd argument)
eventName, -- name of event - in this case 'onServerAdminEvent'
checkACLGroup = { -- we need to check whether player who called event belongs to ACL groups
"Admin", -- in this case admin group
checkEventData = { -- we want to verify everything what comes from client
eventData = source, -- first to check, source variable
equalTo = client, -- we want to check whether it matches player who called event
debugData = "source", -- helper details which would be shown in report
eventData = playerToBan, -- let's check the data which client sent to us
allowedDataTypes = {
["player"] = true, -- we want it to be player
debugData = "playerToBan", -- if something goes wrong, let server know where (it will appear in debug report)
if (not shouldProcessServerCode) then -- something isn't right, no green light for processing code behind this scope
return false -- stop code execution
-- do code as usual
addEvent("onServerAdminEvent", true)
addEventHandler("onServerAdminEvent", root, onServerAdminEvent)
==Securing server-only events==
* It is very important to '''disable remote triggering''' ability in [ addEvent], to prevent calling server-side only events from client-side.
* '''Admin''' styled '''events''' should be verifying player '''ACL rights''', either by [ isObjectInACLGroup] or [ hasObjectPermissionTo].
<section name="Server" class="server" show="true">
This example shows how you should make event server-side only.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
function onServerSideOnlyEvent()
-- do some server-side stuff
addEvent("onServerSideOnlyEvent", false) -- set second argument (allowRemoteTriger) to false, so it can't be called from client
addEventHandler("onServerSideOnlyEvent", root, onServerSideOnlyEvent) -- associate our event with function onServerSideOnlyEvent
==Securing projectiles & explosions==
This section (and '''code''' is '''work in progress''') - '''use at your own risk'''.
<section name="Server" class="server" show="false">
Projectile ammo tracker:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
local playerProjectileAmmo = {} -- store player-held weapons ammo here
local playerWeaponsToTrack = { -- keep track of ammo for certain player-held weapon types, basically those which create projectile; [weaponID] = weaponSlot
[16] = 8, -- grenade
[17] = 8, -- teargas
[18] = 8, -- molotov
[35] = 7, -- rocket launcher
[36] = 7, -- rocket launcher (heat-seeking)
[39] = 8, -- satchel charge
local function updateProjectileAmmoForPlayer(playerElement)
local validElement = isElement(playerElement)
if (not validElement) then
return false
local playerDead = isPedDead(playerElement)
if (playerDead) then
return false
for weaponID, weaponSlot in pairs(playerWeaponsToTrack) do
local weaponInSlot = getPedWeapon(playerElement, weaponSlot)
local weaponTotalAmmo = getPedTotalAmmo(playerElement, weaponSlot)
local weaponHasAmmo = (weaponTotalAmmo > 0)
local weaponMatching = (weaponInSlot == weaponID)
local updateWeaponAmmo = (weaponMatching and weaponHasAmmo)
if (updateWeaponAmmo) then
local storedProjectileAmmo = playerProjectileAmmo[playerElement]
local newWeaponAmmo = (updateWeaponAmmo and weaponTotalAmmo or nil)
if (not storedProjectileAmmo) then
playerProjectileAmmo[playerElement] = {}
storedProjectileAmmo = playerProjectileAmmo[playerElement]
storedProjectileAmmo[weaponID] = newWeaponAmmo
return true
function hasPlayerProjectileAmmo(playerElement, projectileWeapon)
local validElement = isElement(playerElement)
if (not validElement) then
return false
local playerDead = isPedDead(playerElement)
if (playerDead) then
return false
local projectileData = playerProjectileAmmo[playerElement]
local projectileAmmo = (projectileData and projectileData[projectileWeapon])
return projectileAmmo
function decreasePlayerProjectileAmmo(playerElement, projectileWeapon)
local validElement = isElement(playerElement)
if (not validElement) then
return false
local playerDead = isPedDead(playerElement)
if (playerDead) then
return false
local playerProjectileData = playerProjectileAmmo[playerElement]
if (not playerProjectileData) then
return false
local projectileWeaponAmmo = playerProjectileData[projectileWeapon]
local tempProjectileAmmo = (projectileWeaponAmmo - 1)
local newProjectileAmmo = (tempProjectileAmmo > 0 and tempProjectileAmmo or nil)
playerProjectileData[projectileWeapon] = newProjectileAmmo
return true
function onPlayerWeaponSwitchAntiCheat(previousWeaponID, currentWeaponID)
setTimer(updateProjectileAmmoForPlayer, 50, 1, source)
addEventHandler("onPlayerWeaponSwitch", root, onPlayerWeaponSwitchAntiCheat)
function onResourceStartAntiCheat()
local playersTable = getElementsByType("player")
for playerID = 1, #playersTable do
local playerElement = playersTable[playerID]
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, onResourceStartAntiCheat)
function onPlayerWastedQuitAntiCheat()
playerProjectileAmmo[source] = nil
addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, onPlayerWastedQuitAntiCheat)
addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, onPlayerWastedQuitAntiCheat)
<section name="Server" class="server" show="false">
Projectile handler:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
local playerCreatedProjectiles = {} -- store count of legitimately created player projectiles; [playerElement] = {[projectileType] = activeProjectiles}
local projectileTypes = {
[16] = { -- Grenade
projectileAllowed = true,
projectileMaxDistanceFromCreator = 2,
projectileAllowedWeapons = {
[16] = true, -- grenade
[17] = { -- Teargas
projectileAllowed = true,
projectileMaxDistanceFromCreator = 2,
projectileAllowedWeapons = {
[17] = true, -- teargas
[18] = { -- Molotov
projectileAllowed = true,
projectileMaxDistanceFromCreator = 2,
projectileAllowedWeapons = {
[18] = true, -- molotov
[19] = { -- Rocket
projectileAllowed = true,
projectileMaxDistanceFromCreator = 5,
projectileMaxVelocity = 2,
projectileAllowedWeapons = {
[35] = true, -- rocket launcher
projectileAllowedVehicles = {
[425] = true, -- hunter
[520] = true, -- hydra
[20] = { -- Rocket (heat-seeking)
projectileAllowed = true,
projectileMaxDistanceFromCreator = 5,
projectileMaxVelocity = 2,
projectileAllowedWeapons = {
[36] = true, -- rocket launcher (heat-seeking)
projectileAllowedVehicles = {
[520] = true, -- hydra
[21] = { -- Airbomb
projectileAllowed = true,
projectileAllowedVehicles = {
[520] = true, -- hydra
[39] = { -- Satchel charge
projectileAllowed = true,
projectileMaxDistanceFromCreator = 2,
projectileAllowedWeapons = {
[39] = true, -- satchel charge
[58] = { -- Hydra flare
projectileAllowed = true,
projectileMaxDistanceFromCreator = 5,
projectileAllowedVehicles = {
[520] = true, -- hydra
local reportAbnormality = true -- whether to report about abnormality in debug script - by default
local punishPlayerOnDetect = false -- should player be punished upon detection; true - yes, or false to not do anything (make sure that resource which runs this code has admin rights)
local punishmentBan = true -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect is set to true; use true for ban or false for kick
local punishmentReason = "Projectile/explosion anti-cheat" -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect is set to true; reason which would be shown to punished player
local punishedBy = "Console" -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect is set to true; who was responsible for punishing, as well shown to punished player
local banByIP = false -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect and punishmentBan is set to true; banning by IP nowadays is not recommended (...)
local banByUsername = false -- community username - legacy thing, hence is set to false and should stay like that
local banBySerial = true -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect and punishmentBan is set to true; (...) if there is a player serial to use instead
local banTime = 0 -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect and punishmentBan is set to true; time in seconds, 0 for permanent
local debugMsgLevel = 4 -- this debug level allows to hide INFO: prefix, and use custom colors
local debugMsgR = 255 -- debug message - red color
local debugMsgG = 127 -- debug message - green color
local debugMsgB = 0 -- debug message - blue color
local function reportProjectileAbnormality(playerElement, projectileType, projectileX, projectileY, projectileZ, projectileForce, projectileTarget, projectileRX, projectileRY, projectileRZ, projectileVX, projectileVY, projectileVZ, detectionCode)
local projectileSyncer = inspect(playerElement)
local projectilePosition = (projectileX..", "..projectileY..", "..projectileZ)
local projectileZoneName = getZoneName(projectileX, projectileY, projectileZ, false)
local projectileCityName = getZoneName(projectileX, projectileY, projectileZ, true)
local projectileLog =
"* Detected projectile abnormality - "..detectionCode.." *\n"..
"Projectile syncer: "..projectileSyncer.."\n"..
"Projectile type: "..projectileType.."\n"..
"Projectile position: "..projectilePosition.. " ("..projectileZoneName..", "..projectileCityName..")\n"
outputDebugString(projectileLog, debugMsgLevel, debugMsgR, debugMsgG, debugMsgB)
return true
local function processProjectileChecks(playerElement, projectileType, projectileX, projectileY, projectileZ, projectileForce, projectileTarget, projectileRX, projectileRY, projectileRZ, projectileVX, projectileVY, projectileVZ)
local projectileData = projectileTypes[projectileType]
local projectileAllowed = projectileData.projectileAllowed
if (not projectileAllowed) then
return false, "Projectile not allowed"
local projectileAllowedWeapons = projectileData.projectileAllowedWeapons
if (projectileAllowedWeapons) then
local playerWeapon = getPedWeapon(playerElement)
local allowedWeapon = projectileAllowedWeapons[playerWeapon]
if (not allowedWeapon) then
return false, "Player is not holding correct weapon"
local weaponAmmo = hasPlayerProjectileAmmo(playerElement, playerWeapon)
local playerHasAmmo = (weaponAmmo > 0)
if (not playerHasAmmo) then
return false, "Player doesn't have ammo for weapon"
decreasePlayerProjectileAmmo(playerElement, playerWeapon)
local playerVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(playerElement)
if (playerVehicle) then
local projectileAllowedVehicles = projectileData.projectileAllowedVehicles
if (projectileAllowedVehicles) then
local vehicleModel = getElementModel(playerVehicle)
local allowedVehicle = projectileAllowedVehicles[vehicleModel]
if (not allowedVehicle) then
return false, "Player is not inside allowed vehicles"
local vehicleDriver = getVehicleController(playerVehicle)
local playerDriver = (playerElement == vehicleDriver)
if (not playerDriver) then
return false, "Player is not vehicle driver"
return true
return false, "Player in vehicle"
local projectileMaxDistanceFromCreator = projectileData.projectileMaxDistanceFromCreator
if (projectileMaxDistanceFromCreator) then
local playerX, playerY, playerZ = getElementPosition(playerElement)
local distanceToProjectile = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(playerX, playerY, playerZ, projectileX, projectileY, projectileZ)
local matchingProjectileDistance = (distanceToProjectile <= projectileMaxDistanceFromCreator)
if (not matchingProjectileDistance) then
return false, "Projectile distance mismatch"
local projectileMaxVelocity = projectileData.projectileMaxVelocity
if (projectileMaxVelocity) then
local projectileVelocity = (projectileVX ^ 2 + projectileVY ^ 2 + projectileVZ ^ 2)
local projectileSpeed = math.sqrt(projectileVelocity)
local matchingProjectileVelocity = (projectileSpeed <= projectileMaxVelocity)
if (not matchingProjectileVelocity) then
return false, "Projectile velocity mismatch"
return true
local function trackPlayerProjectile(playerElement, projectileID)
local validElement = isElement(playerElement)
if (not validElement) then
return false
local playerProjectiles = playerCreatedProjectiles[playerElement]
if (not playerProjectiles) then
playerCreatedProjectiles[playerElement] = {}
playerProjectiles = playerCreatedProjectiles[playerElement]
local projectilesByType = playerProjectiles[projectileID] or 0
local newProjectilesCount = (projectilesByType + 1)
playerProjectiles[projectileID] = newProjectilesCount
return true
local function getProjectileDetectionOverwrittenBehavior(projectileType)
local projectileData = projectileTypes[projectileType]
if (not projectileData) then
return reportAbnormality, punishPlayerOnDetect, punishmentBan
local projectileBehaviour = projectileData.projectileOverwriteBehaviour
if (not projectileBehaviour) then
return reportAbnormality, punishPlayerOnDetect, punishmentBan
local overwriteReport = projectileBehaviour.reportAbnormality
local overwritePunish = projectileBehaviour.punishPlayerOnDetect
local overwriteBan = projectileBehaviour.punishmentBan
return overwriteReport, overwritePunish, overwriteBan
function decreasePlayerProjectiles(playerElement, projectileID)
local validElement = isElement(playerElement)
if (not validElement) then
return false
local playerProjectiles = playerCreatedProjectiles[playerElement]
if (not playerProjectiles) then
return false, true
local projectilesByType = playerProjectiles[projectileID]
if (not projectilesByType) then
return false, true
local tempProjectilesCount = (projectilesByType - 1)
local newProjectilesCount = (tempProjectilesCount > 0 and tempProjectilesCount or nil)
playerProjectiles[projectileID] = newProjectilesCount
return true
function onPlayerProjectileCreationAntiCheat(projectileType, projectileX, projectileY, projectileZ, projectileForce, projectileTarget, projectileRX, projectileRY, projectileRZ, projectileVX, projectileVY, projectileVZ)
local approvedProjectile, detectionCode = processProjectileChecks(source, projectileType, projectileX, projectileY, projectileZ, projectileForce, projectileTarget, projectileRX, projectileRY, projectileRZ, projectileVX, projectileVY, projectileVZ)
if (approvedProjectile) then
trackPlayerProjectile(source, projectileType)
return true
local reportAbnormality, punishPlayerOnDetect, punishmentBan = getProjectileDetectionOverwrittenBehavior(projectileType)
if (reportAbnormality) then
reportProjectileAbnormality(source, projectileType, projectileX, projectileY, projectileZ, projectileForce, projectileTarget, projectileRX, projectileRY, projectileRZ, projectileVX, projectileVY, projectileVZ, detectionCode)
if (not punishPlayerOnDetect) then -- we don't want to punish player for some reason
return false -- so stop here
if (punishmentBan) then -- if it's ban
banPlayer(source, banByIP, banByUsername, banBySerial, punishedBy, punishmentReason, banTime) -- remove his presence from server
else -- otherwise
kickPlayer(source, punishedBy, punishmentReason) -- simply kick player out of server
addEventHandler("onPlayerProjectileCreation", root, onPlayerProjectileCreationAntiCheat)
function onPlayerQuitAntiCheat()
playerCreatedProjectiles[source] = nil
addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, onPlayerQuitAntiCheat)
<section name="Server" class="server" show="false">
Explosions handler:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
local rocketInstantExplosionDistanceThreshold = 1.55 -- distance below which only explosion will be created (and not rocket projectile, hence not calling onPlayerProjectileCreation); do not change it
local explosionTypes = { -- more specific info on explosion, and whether it is allowed
[0] = { -- Grenade
explosionAllowed = true,
explosionAllowedProjectiles = {
[16] = true, -- grenade
[1] = { -- Molotov
explosionAllowed = true,
explosionAllowedProjectiles = {
[18] = true, -- molotov
[2] = { -- Rocket
explosionAllowed = true,
explosionAllowedWeapons = {
[35] = true, -- rocket launcher
[36] = true, -- rocket launcher (heat-seeking)
explosionAllowedProjectiles = {
[19] = true, -- rocket
[20] = true, -- rocket (heat-seeking)
[3] = { -- Rocket weak
explosionAllowed = true,
explosionAllowedProjectiles = {
[19] = true, -- rocket
[20] = true, -- rocket (heat-seeking)
[4] = { -- Car
explosionAllowed = true,
[5] = { -- Car quick
explosionAllowed = true,
[6] = { -- Boat
explosionAllowed = true,
[7] = { -- Heli
explosionAllowed = true,
[8] = { -- Mine
explosionAllowed = true,
[9] = { -- Object
explosionAllowed = true,
[10] = { -- Tank grenade
explosionAllowed = true,
explosionMaxDistanceFromCreator = 80,
explosionAllowedVehicles = {
[432] = true,
[11] = { -- Small
explosionAllowed = true,
[12] = { -- Tiny
explosionAllowed = true,
local reportAbnormality = true -- whether to report about abnormality in debug script - by default
local punishPlayerOnDetect = false -- should player be punished upon detection; true - yes, or false to not do anything (make sure that resource which runs this code has admin rights)
local punishmentBan = true -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect is set to true; use true for ban or false for kick
local punishmentReason = "Projectile/explosion anti-cheat" -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect is set to true; reason which would be shown to punished player
local punishedBy = "Console" -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect is set to true; who was responsible for punishing, as well shown to punished player
local banByIP = false -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect and punishmentBan is set to true; banning by IP nowadays is not recommended (...)
local banByUsername = false -- community username - legacy thing, hence is set to false and should stay like that
local banBySerial = true -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect and punishmentBan is set to true; (...) if there is a player serial to use instead
local banTime = 0 -- only relevant if punishPlayerOnDetect and punishmentBan is set to true; time in seconds, 0 for permanent
local debugMsgLevel = 4 -- this debug level allows to hide INFO: prefix, and use custom colors
local debugMsgR = 255 -- debug message - red color
local debugMsgG = 127 -- debug message - green color
local debugMsgB = 0 -- debug message - blue color
local function reportExplosionAbnormality(playerElement, explosionType, explosionX, explosionY, explosionZ, detectionCode)
local explosionSyncer = inspect(playerElement)
local explosionType = explosionType
local explosionPosition = (explosionX..", "..explosionY..", "..explosionZ)
local explosionZoneName = getZoneName(explosionX, explosionY, explosionZ, false)
local explosionCityName = getZoneName(explosionX, explosionY, explosionZ, true)
local explosionLog =
"* Detected explosion abnormality - "..detectionCode.." *\n"..
"Explosion syncer: "..explosionSyncer.."\n"..
"Explosion type: "..explosionType.."\n"..
"Explosion position: "..explosionPosition.. " ("..explosionZoneName..", "..explosionCityName..")\n"
outputDebugString(explosionLog, debugMsgLevel, debugMsgR, debugMsgG, debugMsgB)
return true
local function processExplosionChecks(playerElement, explosionType, explosionX, explosionY, explosionZ)
local explosionData = explosionTypes[explosionType]
local explosionAllowed = explosionData.explosionAllowed
if (not explosionAllowed) then
return false, "Explosion type not allowed"
local rocketExplosion = (explosionType == 2)
if (rocketExplosion) then
local playerX, playerY, playerZ = getElementPosition(playerElement)
local distanceToExplosion = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(playerX, playerY, playerZ, explosionX, explosionY, explosionZ)
local instantExplosion = (distanceToExplosion < rocketInstantExplosionDistanceThreshold)
if (instantExplosion) then
local explosionAllowedWeapons = explosionData.explosionAllowedWeapons
local playerWeapon = getPedWeapon(playerElement)
local allowedWeapon = explosionAllowedWeapons[playerWeapon]
if (not allowedWeapon) then
return false, "Player is not holding rocket launcher"
local weaponAmmo = hasPlayerProjectileAmmo(playerElement, playerWeapon)
local playerHasAmmo = (weaponAmmo > 0)
if (not playerHasAmmo) then
return false, "Player doesn't have ammo for rocket launcher"
decreasePlayerProjectileAmmo(playerElement, playerWeapon)
return true
local explosionAllowedProjectiles = explosionData.explosionAllowedProjectiles
if (explosionAllowedProjectiles) then
for projectileID, _ in pairs(explosionAllowedProjectiles) do
local atleastOneProjectile = decreasePlayerProjectiles(playerElement, projectileID)
if (atleastOneProjectile) then
return true
return false, "Explosion created without respective projectile"
local explosionAllowedVehicles = explosionData.explosionAllowedVehicles
if (explosionAllowedVehicles) then
local playerVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(playerElement)
if (not playerVehicle) then
return false, "Player is not in vehicle"
local vehicleModel = getElementModel(playerVehicle)
local allowedVehicle = explosionAllowedVehicles[vehicleModel]
if (not allowedVehicle) then
return false, "Player is inside not allowed vehicles"
local vehicleDriver = getVehicleController(playerVehicle)
local playerDriver = (playerElement == vehicleDriver)
if (not playerDriver) then
return false, "Player is not vehicle driver"
local explosionMaxDistanceFromCreator = explosionData.explosionMaxDistanceFromCreator
if (explosionMaxDistanceFromCreator) then
local playerX, playerY, playerZ = getElementPosition(playerElement)
local distanceToExplosion = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(playerX, playerY, playerZ, explosionX, explosionY, explosionZ)
local matchingExplosionDistance = (distanceToExplosion < explosionMaxDistanceFromCreator)
if (not matchingExplosionDistance) then
return false, "Explosion distance mismatch"
return true
local function getExplosionDetectionOverwrittenBehavior(explosionType)
local explosionData = explosionTypes[explosionType]
if (not explosionData) then
return reportAbnormality, punishPlayerOnDetect, punishmentBan
local explosionBehaviour = explosionData.explosionOverwriteBehaviour
if (not explosionBehaviour) then
return reportAbnormality, punishPlayerOnDetect, punishmentBan
local overwriteReport = explosionBehaviour.reportAbnormality
local overwritePunish = explosionBehaviour.punishPlayerOnDetect
local overwriteBan = explosionBehaviour.punishmentBan
return overwriteReport, overwritePunish, overwriteBan
function onExplosionAntiCheat(explosionX, explosionY, explosionZ, explosionType)
local serverSyncExplosion = (source == root)
if (serverSyncExplosion) then
return true
local approvedExplosion, detectionCode = processExplosionChecks(source, explosionType, explosionX, explosionY, explosionZ)
if (approvedExplosion) then
return true
local reportAbnormality, punishPlayerOnDetect, punishmentBan = getExplosionDetectionOverwrittenBehavior(explosionType)
if (reportAbnormality) then
reportExplosionAbnormality(source, explosionType, explosionX, explosionY, explosionZ, detectionCode)
if (not punishPlayerOnDetect) then -- we don't want to punish player for some reason
return false -- so stop here
if (punishmentBan) then -- if it's ban
banPlayer(source, banByIP, banByUsername, banBySerial, punishedBy, punishmentReason, banTime) -- remove his presence from server
else -- otherwise
kickPlayer(source, punishedBy, punishmentReason) -- simply kick player out of server
addEventHandler("onExplosion", root, onExplosionAntiCheat)
==Handling non-registered events==
See: [[onPlayerTriggerInvalidEvent]]
==Handling events spam==
See: [[onPlayerTriggerEventThreshold]]

Latest revision as of 23:41, 16 December 2024
