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Talidan's to-do list
For 1.0
- Admin - Finish toadys left overs that he shat out and gave to me
- Editor - Ensure roadmap is complete and its up to scratch
- edf - Write EDF defs
- assault
- ctv
- dm
- interiors
- tdm
- race(?)
- reload - Write a script to facilitate manual reloading
- broph - Rename and fix up so that it becomes the default MTA resource
- interiors - Finish up clientside code, ensure its working properly
- stealth - Fix lasers and ensure its up to scratch for release
- teammanager - Write a generic team manager to handle balancing and team choosing, and modify resources to support it
- assault
- ctf
- ctv
- racewars
- stealth
- tdm
- realdriveby - Make this clearer and easier to use to facilitate as the main MTA driveby resource
- killmessages - Fix the crazy race bug and ensure its up to scratch for release
- fmjdm - Rip out irrelevant stuff, rename and ensure its ready for release
- i69(?) - Ensure its release standard, if not remove it till a later stage
- AaD(?) - Write an official attack and defend resource as its in fairly high demand
- http interface - Ensure this actually gets done. If not i'll look into it
- misc - Some minor MTA code changes such as function renaming and cleanups, and ACL if someone else hasnt done it already
- getResourceFile clientside
- playSound
- playSound3D
- dxDrawImage
- engineLoadCOL
- engineLoadDFF
- engineLoadTXD
- guiCreateStaticImage
- guiStaticImageLoadImage
- getResourceConfig
- xmlCopyFile
- xmlCreateFile
- xmlLoadFile
- getResourceFile serverside + ACL
- fileCreate
- fileDelete
- fileOpen
- addResourceConfig
- addResourceMap
- getResourceConfig
- xmlCopyFile
- xmlCreateFile
- xmlLoadFile
- getResourceFile clientside
- community ratings - A resource to hook with community and facilitate the ratings of resources. Will need callRemote clientside.
- community downloads - A resource to autodownload maps and resources a la race.
- gather - Finish of gather so that it can be used by the community, complete with some sort of info page etc
- MTA - Event priorities and getResourceFile need doing sometime
- stealth - Update stealth with new badass stuff
- Finish MTA:RV maps