DGS Updates Log: Difference between revisions

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'''DGS Update Log 2020 ~ 2023'''
==DGS Update 3.521 Stable(Jul/6/2023)==
*1. Added Function: dgs3DInterfaceGetDoublesided
*2. Added Function: dgs3DInterfaceSetDoublesided
*3. Added Function: dgs3DInterfaceProcessLineOfSight
*4. Added Event: onDgsTranslationTableChange
*5. Added Function: dgsCheckBoxGetButtonSide
*6. Added Function: dgsCheckBoxSetButtonSide
*7. Added Function: dgsCheckBoxGetButtonAlign
*8. Added Function: dgsCheckBoxSetButtonAlign
*9. Added Function: dgsRadioButtonGetButtonSide
*10. Added Function: dgsRadioButtonSetButtonSide
*11. Added Function: dgsRadioButtonGetButtonAlign
*12. Added Function: dgsRadioButtonSetButtonAlign
*13. Fixed: typo in styleSettings
*14. Fixed: Multilingual property listener
*15. Added Property: horizontalMoveOffset/verticalMoveOffset for scale pane
*16. Refactored: Cursor Management
*17. Refactored: internal function getParentLocation -> dgsGetElementPositionOnScreen
*18. Fixed: scroll bar may be not able to scroll when using grade.
*19. Fixed: cursor disappear when main menu is active with custom cursor.
*20. Fixed: text of edit renders wrongly with horizontal alignment center and padding
*21. Fixed: dgsSetPropertyInherit doesn't work
*22. Fixed: render target aren't cleared if element doesn't have parent when invisible
*23. Fixed: 3d interface has weird transparency when cursor shows/hides
*24. Fixed: disabled element can be clicked in debugdgs 3
*25. Fixed: Wrong render result of rounded rectangle
*26. Added: Global Edit/Memo destroy detector
*27. Fixed: Error when destroying element in onDgsMouseClickUp
*28. Fixed: Error when scroll position of memo is an invalid value
*29. Refactored: Mouse click event
*30. Fixed: Error when using DetectArea
*31. Fixed: Error when using debugdgs 3
*32. Fixed: Error when destroying/deleting tab
*33. Added Property: scrollBarAlignment for gridlist. Only vertical scrollbar is supported at the moment
*34. Fixed: G2D Hooker should return false instead of throwing an error when a gridlist/combobox value is out of range
*35. Fixed: Infinite loop in animations (pieT)
*36. Fixed: textPadding for checkbox and radiobutton (pieT)
*37. Fixed: ColorPicker: Fix typo HSL - HSV and minor code cleanup inside HSVRingChange function (pieT)
*38. Fixed: Improve server-side messages
*39. Fixed: Issue where middle mouse button fails to trigger click events
*40. Added: Middle mouse button to debugdgs
*41. Fixed: cData error occurring when the custom cursor image is destroyed
*42. Added Property: subPixelPositioning for button
*43. Fixed: Memory leak caused by the color picker component selector
*44. Fixed: Prevent DGS from changing the cursor alpha on DGS stop if custom cursor is disabled
*45. Fixed: Editbox/Memo becoming unfocusable after opening main menu/console
*46. Added Property: mouseButtons property
*47. Fixed: G2D console command doesn't get disabled
*48. Renamed: setWhiteList OOP method to setTextFilter
*Breaking Changes:
*1. Removed: DGS Element Keeper
*2. Removed properties:
*  - clickType (dgs-button, dgs-checkbox, dgs-combobox, dgs-radiobutton, dgs-switchbutton)
*  - clickButton (dgs-switchbutton)
*  - mouseSelectButton (dgs-gridlist)
*3. The input elements (dgs-edit and dgs-memo) were previously clickable by all mouse buttons. This was changed to only allow left-click, or any other button specified in the new 'mouseButtons' property.
*4. Previously, the focus could be clicked using any mouse button. This was changed to only allow left-click, or any other button specified in the new 'mouseButtons' property.

==DGS Update 3.520 Stable(Feb/2/2023)==
*0. Backward compatibility remove
*1. Fixed: error when restarting dgs after restarting object preview
*2. Removed: maxSize of window
*3. Added Event: onDgsKey
*4. Fixed: dgs 3d interface was affected by color filter
*5. Added: style 4 for dgs switch button
*6. Added: textColor of dgs button can be affected by colorTransitionPeriod now
*7. Fixed: typo of dgs mask
*8. Fixed: wrong position when dgs tab panel has parent
*9. Fixed: security issue
*10. Enhanced: dgsTranslateText now supports conditional translation
*11. Added property: padding for dgs-dxcrollpane
*12. Fixed: color transition of button have wrong behavior after changing color
*13. Added Property: horizontalMoveOffsetRelative/verticalMoveOffsetRelative
*14. Fixed: dgsScrollBarSetScrollPosition of grades doesn't work
*15. Fixed: Issue with onDgsWindowClose event not triggering
==DGS Update 3.519 Stable(9/Jan/2023)==
*1. Added: enableDebug in config.txt to disable /debugdgs
*2. Fixed: Wrong scroll bar index of gridlist make render target size incorrect
*3. Removed Property: "mode" of grid list
*4. Added Property: "rowShowUnclippedOnly" of grid list
*5. Fixed: incorrect behavior of rounded rectangle with borderOnly
*6. Fixed: loaded image of rounded rectangle doesn't work
*7. Added Property: basePointOffset for dgs-dxscrollpane
*8. Added Property: minViewSize for dgs-dxscrollpane
*9. Added: UV is now supported by dgs basic shape (circle/rounded rectangle)
*10. Added: rowImageStyle for grid list, row background image can be applied partly to items in the same row.
*11. Enhanced: UVPos/UVSize of dgs image is now supporting dgs basic shader
*12. Enhanced: "out of range" of grid list now has more details
*13. Added: missing visible/dimension/interior functionality of dgs world 3d elements
*14. Added: dgsGridListSetItemAsSection
*15. Refactored: data retrieve method of grid list
*16. Fixed: item 'hoverable" doesn't work
*17. Fixed: some data conflicts in grid list
*18. Fixed: wrong blend mode after drawing 3d interface
*19. Fixed: error when using dgs-dxcanvas as texture
*20. Enhanced: dgsIsMouseWithinGUI can now accept a table of dgs elements
*21. Fixed: Config file doesn't get updated when there are new-added configs
*22. Optimised: click variables and some internal event triggers
*23. Added Function: dgsSetMouseStayDelay
*24. Added Function: dgsGetMouseStayDelay
*25. Added Event: onDgsMouseStay
*26. Added Plugin: dgs-dxtooltip
**  Functions:
***    dgsCreateToolTip
***    dgsTooltipApplyTo
***    dgsTooltipRemoveFrom
*27. Added: 3d interface support for dgsGetCursorPosition
*28. Added Property: lineType of 3d line
*29. Added Function: dgs3DLineSetLineType
*30. Added Function: dgs3DLineGetLineType
*31. Fixed: Config file being created empty for new users.
*32. Added function: dgsGridListSetColumnTextColor
*33. Added function: dgsGridListGetColumnTextColor
==DGS Update 3.518 Stable(16/Oct/2022)==
*0. Code clean up & code optimise
*1. Fixed: render issue of progress bar
*2. Enhanced: Conditional Multilingual Dictionary
*3. Added Function: dgsTranslationAddPropertyListener
*3. Added Function: dgsTranslationRemovePropertyListener
*4. Optimised: shared getCameraMatrix for 3d elements
*5. Optimised: reduce string creating when using shadow with color coded
*6. Optimised: table creation when rendering 3dinterface
*7. Added Property: buttonPosition for radiobutton and checkbox
*8. Added Property: shadow for editbox
*9. Fixed: sourceResource sometimes will be changed into dgs element
*10. Optimised: onDgsCreate event logic
*11. Fixed: error when using custom cursor
*12. Enhanced: dgs rounded rectangle
*13. Enhanced: dgs custom cursor
*14. Optimised: shared texture/shader in style system
*15. Fixed: Error when rendering tab panel
*16. Fixed: stack C overflow when using dgsCloseWindow in onDgsWindowClose
*17. Added Function: dgsButtonMakeForm
*18. Added Function: dgsButtonRemoveForm
*19. Added Event: onDgsFormSubmit
*20. Changed: dgsGetListeneingProperties -> dgsGetListenedProperties
*21. Fixed: color picker doesn't work in scroll pane
*22. Fixed: masked text should not be able to be copied
*23. Fixed: wrong position of debug trace
*24. Fixed: error when using debugdgs 3 with dgs animation
*25. Fixed: render issue of dgs color picker
*26. Fixed: error when using dgs animation
*27. Fixed: error when using combobox (now autoSort is disabled by default)
*28. Fixed: error when using sort of combobox
*29. Fixed: Missing function dgsComboBoxGetScrollBar
*30. Optimised: video memory using of combobox/gridlist/scrollpane/scalepane/tabpanel/3dinterface/edit/memo
*31. Fixed: render issue of grid list
*32. Fixed: memo goes to wrong line when set caret position
*33. Optimised: reduce cpu usage when there's no dgs elements (50% optimised)
==DGS Update 3.517 Stable(30/May/2022)==
*1. Fixed: Render issues
*2. Fixed: memo/edit RT doesn't get updated when parent's alpha changes
*3. Added Property: textOffset for radiobutton/checkbox
*4. Fixed: alpha doesn't applied to bgColor of progress bar
*5. Fixed: dgsGetPosition is broken
*6. Added Property: textOffset of window
*7. Fixed: shadow removes color code
*8. Fixed: edit box padding
*9. Fixed: label doesn't destroy after resource stopped
*10. Fixed: alpha doesn't affect progress bar's background
*11. Fixed: blend issue of dgs circle
*12. Changed Property: iconDirection -> iconAlignment of button
*13. Added: iconOffset now supports 3rd argument as "relative"
*14. Optimised: decrease Render Target using
*15. Fixed: clear memo will cause errors
*16. Fixed: scroll position doesn't work on the creation of scroll pane
*17. Fixed: Render issue of basic shapes in scroll pane
*18. Fixed: incorrect inner radius of rounded rectangle (border only)
*19. Fixed: error when using dgsCreateFont in debugdgs 3
*20. Changed: tabImage/tabColor is now hold by tab panel, but you can still apply them to a specific tab
*21. Enhanced: added pivot for dgsSetPosition/dgsSetSize
*22. Added Property: sizePivot and posPivot
*23. Changed: now bgImage/bgColor will use tab panel's data if not specified by tab
*24. Changed: rename g2d convertor's commands, see g2d help
*25. Enhanced: g2d hooker now can be added by g2d command
*26. Added Function:
*27. Fixed: custom renderer is not working for some cases
*28. Fixed: some issues of remote image
*29. Fixed: render issue of mask
*30. Added Function: dgsGridListSetItemBackGroundColorTemplate
*31. Fixed: typo of effect 3d
==DGS Update 3.516 Stable(2/Apr/2022)==
*1. Added Property: shadow for dgs-dxtab/dgs-dxtabpanel
*2. Added: #RGBAHEX/RGBAHEX style for color picker
*3. Fixed: "isReversed" doesn't work for component selector
*4. Changed: reversed render order of attached elements of grid list
*5. Fixed: dgsGetCursorPosition returns wrong position when there is a 3dinterface
*6. Optimised: Remove the using of table in custom easing function
*7. Changed: position->scrollPosition for scroll bar, resolve confliction
*8. Added: dgsLabelGetTextSize
*9. Fixed: padding of dgs edit has wrong behavior
*10. Enhanced: Security of loading classlib.lua
*11. Optimised: Memory using of holding classlib.lua
*12. Fixed: C Stack Overflow when calling dgsAnimation function at animation stop event
*13. Enhanced: Animation Library(multi animations with the same property)
*14. Fixed: Warnings in cmd
*15. Enhanced: rowShadow/columnShadow of grid list
*16. Changed: dgsGetDxGUIFromResource->dgsGetElementsFromResource
*17. Changed: dgsGetDxGUINoParent->dgsGetElementsInLayer
*18. Fixed: Unable to load texture in default style if there is another style loaded
*19. Fixed: Create a edit when minimized will cause RT clear
*20. Fixed: text size of dgsCreateEdit doesn't work
*21. Fixed: error when using dgsGridListRemoveColumn
*22. Added: troughImageSectionMode for scroll bar
*23. Added Property: bgImage/bgColor for scroll bar
*24. Fixed: unexpected render result of roundRect when size is smaller than corner radius
*25. Refactored: shadow
*26. Added: image of button can now support single material element
*27. Fixed: Strange behavior of combo box
*28. Fixed: Switch Button color interaction
*29. Fixed: onDgsBlur sometimes doesn't work
*30. Added Property: closeButtonEnabled for dgs window
*31. Added Concept: dgsChildRenderer
*32. Fixed: jelly effect when resizing gridlist/scrollpane/combobox
*33. Added: Start Up memory logger
*34. Fixed: get selected row after remove the row will return incorrect id
*35. Added: OOP elements are now traceable
==DGS Update 3.515 Stable(10/Mar/2022)==
*1. Changed: dgs3DImage/Interface/Text/LineSetPosition->dgs3DSetPosition
*2. Changed: dgs3DImage/Interface/Text/LineGetPosition->dgs3DGetPosition
*3. Changed: dgs3DImage/Interface/Text/LineSetInterior->dgs3DSetInterior
*4. Changed: dgs3DImage/Interface/Text/LineGetInterior->dgs3DGetInterior
*5. Changed: dgs3DImage/Interface/Text/LineSetDimension->dgs3DSetDimension
*6. Changed: dgs3DImage/Interface/Text/LineGetDimension->dgs3DGetDimension
*7. Changed: rotation->roll of 3d interface
*8. Changed: dgs3DInterfaceSetRotation->dgs3DInterfaceSetRoll
*9. Changed: dgs3DInterfaceGetRotation->dgs3DInterfaceGetRoll
*10. Refactored: animation library (some functions are changed)
*11. Removed: "thisdp" from debug view
*12. Enhanced: DGS Compatibility Check can show position now, with dgsImportFunction and debugdgs 3.
*13. Fixed: Scroll Pane will blink when resizing.
*14. Changed: FatherTable->parent property
*15. Changed: ChildrenTable->children property
*16. Added Function: dgsLayoutSetItemSortPriority
*17. Added Function: dgsLayoutGetItemSortPriority
*18. Added: debug tracer for animation library
*19. Added Function: dgsBlurBoxSetBrightness
*20. Added Function: dgsBlurBoxGetBrightness
*21. Added Property: blendMode for dgs-dxblurbox
*22. Fixed: spamming warnings when there is no RT for blur box
*23. Changed: postGUI logic (Now property has higher priority than render setting)
*24. Added: make placeHolder of dgsEdit multilingual
*25. Fixed: Wrong behavior of alignment of combobox item
*26. Added: scrollBarCoverColumn for grid list
*27. Added: dgsGetRegisteredProperties
*28. Changed: placeHolderColorcoded->placeHolderColorCoded
*29. Changed: For checkbox
*30. Changed: For radiobutton
==DGS Update 3.514 Stable(7/Feb/2022)==
*1. Fixed: dgs-dxmedia can not be used in dgs mask
*2. Added Function: dgsComboBoxSetSortFunction
*3. Added Function: dgsComboBoxSortSetAutoSortEnabled
*4. Added Function: dgsComboBoxSortGetAutoSortEnabled
*5. Added Function: dgsComboBoxSort
*6. Added Property: rowWordBreak for grid list
*7. Added Property: columnWordBreak for grid list
*8. Added Property: placeHolderVisibleWhenFocus for edit
*9. Added Concept: Back-end rendering, which allows some elements that don't have their renderer to have chance to be rendered without borrowing others' renderer.
*10. Added Property: renderTarget/renderTargetResolution for custom renderer
*11. Added Function: dgsCustomRendererSetRenderTargetSize
*12. Added Function: dgsCustomRendererGetRenderTargetSize
*13. Added Function: dgsCustomRendererGetRenderTarget
*14. Added Function: dgsCustomRendererSetBackEndFunction
*15. Added Function: dgsCanvasSetBackEndFunction
*16. Added Property: disableCustomTexture for canvas
*17. Fixed: Set PostGUI forcely will cause strange drawing behavior
*18. Added Function: dgsSVGGetContent
*19. Added Function: dgsSVGNodeCreateNode
*20. Added Function: dgsSVGNodeSetAttribute
*21. Added Function: dgsSVGNodeGetAttribute
*22. Added Function: dgsSVGNodeSetAttributes
*23. Added Function: dgsSVGNodeGetAttributes
*24. Added OOP Support: dgsSVG
*25. Changed Property: hitoutofparent -> childOutsideHit
*26. Added Event: onDgsMouseHover
*27. Optimized: Memory Increment Optimization
*28. Added: text can be hooked by dgsCustomRenderer
*29. Fixed: font of switch button doesn't respond on language changing
*30. Added: dgs-dxchart:
*31. Added Setting: enableTestFile
*32. Merged: pluginManager -> manager
==DGS Update 3.513 Stable(13/Jan/2022)==
*1. Fixed: Incorrect angle setting logic in "clockwise" of dgs-circle
*2. Added Function: dgsGridListSetRowID
*3. Added Function: dgsGridListGetRowID
*3. Added Function: dgsGridListFindRowByID
*4. Fixed: changing masked property doesn't update edit's text
*5. Added Function: dgsAddPropertyListener
*6. Added Function: dgsRemovePropertyListener
*7. Added Function: dgsGetisteningPropertyies
*8. Added Event: onDgsPropertyChange
*9. Added Function: dgsEffect3DSetRotationFactor
*10. Added Function: dgsEffect3DGetRotationFactor
*11. Added Function: dgsEffect3DSetAlwaysEnabled
*12. Added Function: dgsEffect3DGetAlwaysEnabled
*13. Fixed: Error when attach 3d image to a no rotation element
*14. Fixed: Color argument of 3d image doesn't work
*15. Fixed: dgsBringToFront doesn't affect 3d elements
*16. Added Property: isBlocked for 3d image and 3d text
*17. Added Property: isOnScreen for 3d image and 3d text
*18. Added Property: alignment for 3d text
*19. Added Property: textOffset for 3d text
*20. Enhanced: Security Performance
*21. Fixed: Error when using g2d hooker with dgs that not names "dgs"
*22. Added: dgs-dxlayout:
*23. Added Property: shadow for dgs-dxmemo
*24. Fixed: Error when using dgsSetCustomCursorImage (MartinoFY)
*25. Optimised: Speed up when position changes
*26. Fixed: Error when clearing memo
*27. Added: font is able to be switched by multi-lingual system with {"yourFont"}
*28. Fixed: Error when passing one color into dgsGridListSetItemColor
*29. Fixed: Wrong behavior of caretOffset of edit and memo
*30. Fixed: Changing the parent alpha does not affect button
*31. Fixed: Memory leak caused by combobox
*32. Added: Add texture support for arrow property(combobox)
*33. Fixed: Tabpanel does not use bgImage property when no tab is selected
==DGS Update 3.512 Stable(9/Oct/2021)==
*1. Fixed: columnShadow of grid list doesn't work
*2. Optimised: render performance of scroll pane (FlyingFork)
*3. Fixed: wrong caret position of edit in style 1
*4. Enhanced: Add "isByItem" argument for dgsGridListAutoSizeColumn
*5. Added: textOffset for dgs label
*6. Added: dgs-dxgradient:
*7. Fixed: Error when creating DGS Cavnas
*8. Added: Vertical/Reversed type of selector
*9. Fixed: dgsMediaStop() doesn't work (nurupo)
*10. Enhanced: AC of dgs edit
*11. Fixed: Bound Resource sometimes is wrong
*12. Fixed: Missing PostGUI Option for Blur Box
*13. Added Plugin: Screen Source (dgs-dxscreensource)
*14. New Concept: dgsCustomTexture, which is easier (than custom renderer) to use for custom plugin
*15. Fixed: Text render issue of gridlist/edit/memo/tabpanel
*16. Fixed: Memory leak of edit
*17. Optimise: Memo Performance ~20x
*18. Optimise: Edit Performance ~1.4x
*19. Enhanced: /debugdgs 3 is now able to check disabled dgs elements
*20. Added: dgsSetDebugTracerEnabled
*21. Changed & Fixed: Property isReversed -> isClockwise of progress bar
*22. Fixed: Set row to -1 will cause issue on g2d hooker
*23. Fixed: Image doesn't work with section parameters
*24. Fixed: space between rows when rowHeight is float
*25. Added Property: colorTransitionPeriod for button. Changing between colors of button smoothly
*26. Fixed: Error when using dgsGridListAutoSizeColumn
*27. Added: dgsCircleSetTextureRotation
*28. Added: dgsCircleGetTextureRotation
*29. Fixed: Component Selector of color picker is able to be applied by a texture as mask.
*30. Optimised: RGB to HSL algorithm of color picker
*31. Removed: dgsAdd/RemoveDropHandler (useless)
*32. Fixed: dgsImageGetNativeSize doesn't work (MartinoFY)
*33. Fixed: Error when using dgsSetCustomCursorImage
*34. Fixed: scrollBarState property of Memo and Gridlist
*35. Fixed: Errors related to the element keeper
*36. Added: Support for SVG elements
*37. Fixed: A warning when passing a shader with dgsImageSetImage
*38. Fixed: dgs3DImageGetNativeSize doesn't work
==DGS Update 3.511 Stable(17/Jul/2021)==
*1. Fixed: "source" in dgs oop would change in some case.
*2. Refactor: Style system:
**Support multiple styles loaded/applied at the same time.
**Removed: dgsGetCurrentStyle
**Removed: dgsSetCurrentStyle
**Removed: dgsIsStyleAvailable
**Added: dgsAddStyle
**Added: dgsLoadStyle
**Added: dgsUnloadStyle
**Added: dgsSetStyle
**Added: dgsGetStyle
**Added: dgsGetAddedStyleList
**Changed: dgsGetLoadedStyleList
*3. Added: "ring-plain" style for progress bar
*4. Fixed: incorrect behavior of dgsBlur
*5. Removed: dgsProgressBarGetStyleProperty, dgsProgressBarSetStyleProperty, dgsProgressBarSetStyleProperties
*6. Merged: Style Properties of progress bar into Properties
*7. Added Properties: bgRotation, bgRadius, bgThickness, bgProgress
*8. Optimised: Performance of dgsSetProperty
*9. Fixed: Strange behavior of grid list
*10. Added Event: onDgsMouseDoubleClickUp/onDgsMouseDoubleClickDown
*11. Fixed: Compatibility of combo box of G2DHooker
*12. Added: dgsMemoSetTypingSoundVolume
*13. Added: dgsMemoGetTypingSoundVolume
*14. Added: dgsEditSetTypingSoundVolume
*15. Added: dgsEditGetTypingSoundVolume
*16. Fixed: Section font replaces custom font in grid list
*17. Fixed: Selector doesn't respond in scroll pane
*18. Fixed: Reversed behavior of default sort of grid list
*19. Added Property: defaultSortIcons
*20. Fixed: Number sorting of grid list
*21. Fixed: dgsGridListSetScrollPosition doesn't work
*22. Added: relative for rotation center of image
*23. Added Function: dgsSetClickingSound
*24. Added Function: dgsGetClickingSound
*25. Added Function: dgsSetClickingSoundVolume
*26. Added Function: dgsGetClickingSoundVolume
*27. Added Function: dgsBlurBoxSetFilter
*28. Changed: column will use columnFont, row will use rowFont, if not set, use font
*29. Changed: dgsEnabled/DisablePasteHandler -> dgsPasteHandlerSetEnabled
*30. Changed: dgsFocus/BlurPasteHandler -> dgsPasteHandlerSetFocused
*31. Changed: dgsIsPasteHandlerEnabled -> dgsPasteHandlerIsEnabled
*32. Changed: dgsIsPasteHandlerFocused -> dgsPasteHandlerIsFocused
*33. Added: OOP function for dgsDetachFromAutoDestroy
*34. Fixed: Error when using dgsImageSetImage
*35. Fixed: Use empty string if the text argument is nil
*36. Fixed: Error when using DGS translation in tab panel
*37. Fixed: dgsCreateFont optional arguments
*38. Fixed: Warning when using blurbox
*39. Fixed: "color" argument in the experimental syntax of dgsCreateImage
*40. Added: New arguments for outline property (dgsSetProperty(dgsElement,"outline",{side,width,color,left = true,right = true,up = true,down = true})
*41. Fixed: Incorrect behavior of dgsLabelSetColor
*42. Fixed: G2D Hooker events
*43. Fixed: G2D Hooker gridlist sorting
*44. Fixed: An error when sorting a string with number in the gridlist
*45. Fixed: G2D Hooker error when changing the combobox item to -1
==DGS Update 3.510 Stable(19/Apr/2021)==
*1. Merged: roundedRect+circle->basicShape
*2. Added Plugin: dgs-dxcircle
*3. Fixed: Wrong cursor position when cursor is on 3d interface
*4. Added: dgsColorPickerSetComponentSelectorMask
*5. Added: dgsColorPickerGetComponentSelectorMask
*6. Added: dgsMemoGetTextBoundingBox
*7. Fixed: Child's function would be replaced by Parent's function, which is weird.
*8. Added: style "2" for switch button, which uses dxDrawImageSection
*9. Fixed: Edge of 3d interface has strange line
*10. Fixed: "==" of the same OOP Element may return false
*11. Added: dgs-dxscalepane
*12. Refactored: Mouse Positioning of DGS
*13. Added: dgs-dxline
*14. Added Native Drag&Drop:
*15. Fixed: typo of selector
*16. Added functions:
*20. Fixed: Error when using external image on 3d image
*21. Added: a version check when using g2d -crawl
*22. Added: VSCode auto completion generator for DGS 'g2d -crawl vscode'
*23. Added: dgsSelectorClear
==DGS Update 3.509 Stable(18/Mar/2021)==
*1. Fixed: Incorrect behavior of blur box
*2. Fixed: Scroll doesn't work on scroll pane
*3. Fixed: Incorrect behavior of Lua lexer
*4. Added Functions:
*5. Added: 3d element render time in debugdgs
*6. Added: font argument of label's shadow
*7. Added: OOP for color picker
*8. Optimise: table using.This will reduce the using of GC.
*9. Added Function: dgsTranslateText
*10. Fixed: dgsSelectorGetItemText returns a weird table
*11. Fixed: Inverted on/off of switch button
*12. Changed: Property "cursorWidth"->"cursorLength" of switch button
*13. Added: Property cursorWidth of switch button
*14. Added: Property troughWidth of switch button
*15. Added: Experimental Feature:Keep DGS elements and restart DGS
*16. Security: Remove dgsRunString.Enhance security when executing loadstring
*17. Added: placeHolderTextSize for edit
*18. Fixed: Error of custom cursor when cursor is not showing
*19. Added: "this" into event handler of DGS OOP
*20. Fixed: Wrong position of trough image(_Dv)
*21. Fixed: set a texture to blurbox doesn't work
*22. Added: dgsBlurBoxSetTexture
*23. Added: dgsBlurBoxGetTexture
*24. Added: dgsRoundRectGetTexture
*25. Fixed: OOP Memory Leak
*26. Added: dgsGetValueFromStyle
*27: Added: DGS element keeper (Keeps DGS element when restarting DGS, only available trough dgsImportFunction and dgsImportOOPClass)
*28. Added: /debugdgs 1
*29. Fixed: Tab text alpha
*30. Fixed: Selector alpha
*31. Added Functions:
*32. Add support for older server versions (older versions cannot use /updatedgs need to update DGS manually)
*33. Fixed: Memory leak
*34. Fixed: Inverted imageRotation for scrollbar
==DGS Update 3.508 Stable(24/Feb/2021)==
*1. Added Function: dgsSetCustomCursorImage
*2. Added Function: dgsGetCustomCursorImage
*3. Added Function: dgsSetCustomCursorEnabled
*4. Added Function: dgsGetCustomCursorEnabled
*5. Added Function: dgsSetCustomCursorSize
*6. Added Function: dgsGetCustomCursorSize
*7. Added Function: dgsGetCustomCursorType
*8. Added Function: dgsSetCustomCursorColor
*9. Added Function: dgsGetCustomCursorColor
*10. Added Event: onDgsCursorTypeChange
*11. Refactored: Assert of DGS plugins
*12. Removed: Legacy blurbox
*13. Refactored: Assert in manager.lua
*14. Remove: dgsSetSide/dgsGetSide
*15. Added: dgsSetPositionAlignment/dgsGetPositionAlignment
*16. Added Function: dgsGridListSetItemBackGroundImage
*17. Added Function: dgsGridListGetItemBackGroundImage
*18. Added Function: dgsGridListSetItemBackGroundColor
*19. Added Function: dgsGridListGetItemBackGroundColor
*20. Added Function: dgsGridListSetItemTextOffset
*21. Added Function: dgsGridListGetItemTextOffset
*22. Changed: Order of optional argument of dgsCreateScrollBar was at a mess, check wiki for latest order
*23. Fixed: Scroll bar is unscrollable
*24. Enhanced: iconOffset of button
*25. Reverted: change of onDgsMouseClick
*26. Added Event: onDgsMousePreClick which is cancelable.
*27. Fixed: wrong detect area when attaching to grid list
*28. Removed: Uncomfortable scroll bar focus of grid list
*29. Renamed: movetyp property of window -> moveType
*30. Added Function: dgsWindowSetHorizontalAlign
*31. Added Function: dgsWindowSetVerticalAlign
*32. Added Function: dgsWindowGetHorizontalAlign
*33. Added Function: dgsWindowGetVerticalAlign
*34. Added Property: "iconShadow" of dgs button
*35. Added Property: "shadow" of dgs image
*36. Fixed: preSelect of gridlist doesn't work when enter an element that is attached to the gridlist.
*37. Fixed: Strange behavior of onDgsGridListHover
*38. Renamed: MouseData.enter -> MouseData.entered; MouseData.lastEnter -> MouseData.left
*39. Added Function: dgsGridListGetPreselectedItem
*40. Added: Experimental syntax for all DGS elements (dgsCreateButton{x=30,y=300,w=90,h=34,text="hello world",rlt=false})
==DGS Update 3.507 Stable(13/Feb/2021)==
*1. Fixed: render target with w < 1 or h <1 will cause debug message
*2. Added: dgsGridListScrollTo
*3. Removed: dgs-dxexternal
*4. Fixed: selector has wrong hold+continuous increasing
*5. Fixed: Missing selector interface of OOP
*6. Fixed: Methods are missing of 3D elements in oop
*7. Fixed: Missing return value of dxDrawImageExt
*8. Added: dgsGridListSetItemAlignment
*9. Added: dgsGridListGetItemAlignment
*10. Added: dgsGridListSetColumnAlignment
*11. Added: dgsGridListGetColumnAlignment
*12. Added: dgsMediaSetSpeed
*13. Added: dgsMediaGetSpeed
*14. Changed&Extend: dgsIsDxElement -> dgsIsType
*15. Refactor&Optimise: Assertion of all functions
*16. Fixed: Info about failing to create render target should be "Warning"
*17. Fixed: adjusting the height of tab won't update render target
*18. Fixed: Minor bugs of checking argument
*19. Fixed: Wrong scroll behavior when there are elements in grid list
*20. Added: Property tabAlignment for tab panel
*21. Added: Property tabOffset for tab panel
*22. Added: Delay for animation functions (argument order has changed, please check wiki)
*23. Added: ctrl+ (backspace/delete/←/→) for memo
*24. Added: External creation tracer for dgs element, property "debugTrace".(debug mode 3)
*25. Added: Experimental syntax (dgsCreateLabel{x=0,y=0,w=100,h=20,rlt=false})
*26. Enhanced&Fixed: Permission of /updatedgs is buggy with abnormal acl groups
*27. Enhanced&Fixed: fonts in styleSetting is now working properly
*28. Optimised: Decrease the creating of table in Main Renderer
*29. Added: General property "clickCoolDown" for clicking cool down
*30. Added: isCoolingDown for onDgsMouseClick
*31. onDgsMouseClick is now cancelable
*32. G2D Hooker: Add support for some CEGUI properties
*33. Fixed: Some typos
*34. Added: Sublime Text 3 auto completion generator for DGS
==DGS Update 3.506 Stable(28/Jan/2021)==
*Give a big thank to Baloo_Pro to help debugging
*1. Optimised: Creation of DGS elements (xLive)
*2. Fixed: error occurs when updating
*3. Added: notepad++ autocompletion generator for DGS
*4. Extend: usage of rowTextColor -> {normalColor,hoveringColor,selectedColor}
*5. Fixed:Combo Box's drop list doesn't adapt Combo Box's width when its size is absolute.
*6. Fixed:Scroll bar doesn't update when change the height of Combo Box's drop list
*7. Added:ctrl+backspace/ctrl+delete/ctrl+left/ctrl+right for dgs edit
*8. Changed: G2DHooker compatibility optimisation (xLive)
*9. Changed: dgsSetDoubleClickInterval -> dgsSetMultiClickInterval
*10. Changed: dgsGetDoubleClickInterval -> dgsGetMultiClickInterval
*11. Added Event: onDgsMouseMultiClick
*12. Code clean up
*13. Optimised: performance of internal function calls
*14. Fixed: disable and re-enable window's close button will cause close button losing function
*15. Fixed: gridlist's render issue of "clip"
*16. Added: edit/memo now support multi click selection
*17. Added: dynamic default sort function for dgs grid list
*18. Added: Custom OOP Code Loader
*19. Added: missing OOP function
*20. Added: dgsComboBoxGetItemData
*21. Added: dgsComboBoxSetItemData
*22. Extend: the usage of dgsGridListGetItemData
*23. Extend: the usage of dgsGridListGetItemData
*24. Added: dgs-dx3dimage:
==DGS Update 3.505 Stable(14/Jan/2021)==
*1. Fixed: Caret is not showing when word wrap is false (memo)
*2. Added: dgs-dxpastehandler (DGS Paste Handler, used to paste h5 formatted string and jpeg pixels):
*3. Changed: dgs-dxdetectarea can be created without any arguments now.
*4. Added: new usage of dgs-dxdetectarea:
*5. Fixed: Error when press right mouse button when holding left mouse button on scroll bar
*6. Added: "oldText" for onDgsTextChange (edit)
*7. Added Function: dgsScrollBarSetCursorWidth(scrollbar,width,relative)
*8. Added Function: dgsScrollBarGetCursorWidth(scrollbar,relative)
*9. Added Function: dgsScrollBarSetTroughWidth(scrollbar,width,relative)
*10. Added Function: dgsScrollBarGetTroughWidth(scrollbar,relative)
*11. Added Function: dgsScrollBarSetArrowSize(scrollbar,size,relative)
*12. Added Function: dgsScrollBarGetArrowSize(scrollbar,relative)
*13. Added Property: rotation for label
*14. Added Property: rotationCenter for label
*15. Fixed: iconImage alpha for button (xLive)
*16. Added: now /dgscmd can be disabled in config file
*17. Added: DGS translation table now support multi level translation
*18. Added: relative for dgsGridListSetItemImage (xLive)
*19. Added: dgsGridListAddRows
*20. Optimised: Soft move for gridlist/combobox/scrollpane
*21. Changed: clickoffset -> clickOffset (button)
*22. Optimised (Creation ms):
**Scroll Bar:-0.02
**Check Box:-0.001
**Edit Box: -0.001
**Grid List: -0.005
*23. Fixed: Render issue ( Drawing Rounded Rectangle in Scroll Pane will cause strange render result )
*24. Added: Extend the usage of "textColor" of dgs-dxtab {normal,hovering,clicked}
==DGS Update 3.504 Stable(17/Sep/2020)==
*1. Changed: now property "textColor" of button can receive a table.
*2. Fixed: Dimension for 3d interface (xLive)
*3. Fixed: Make CMD scroll down automatically (xLive)
*4. Changed: Some functions no longer receive string type number (xLive)
*5. Added: dgsMemoGetMaxLength
*6. Added: dgsMemoSetMaxLength
*7. Removed: command /cmd  (now we use dgscmd instead)
*8. Added Function: dgsComboBoxSetViewCount(xLive)
*9. Added Function: dgsComboBoxGetViewCount(xLive)
*10. Fixed: dgsGridListAutoSizeColumn(xLive)
*11. Removed: Compatibility Check for old versions
*12. Fixed: Error when using function to scroll the scroll bar of memo
*13. Fixed: CMD doesn't automatically jump to the end when entering command
*14. Optimized Some Code.
*15. Added: OOP Part for selector
*16. Fixed: Element is invisible without parent in OOP
*17. Changed: dgsGetPosition infinite loop check
*18. Fixed: Memo/Edit in grid list has wrong selection position
*19. Fixed: Elements in grid list will cause scroll bar unselected
*20. Changed: Split DGS element hovering check, make ready for directly applying custom detect area instead of creating detect area.
*21. Fixed: OOP PostGUI always TRUE(538Michael)
*22. Fixed: 3dinterface is always black(xLive)
==DGS Update 3.503 Stable(10/Aug/2020)==
*1. Changed: remove OOP Class, add Class Library (from scratch). This will make class readable enough to make further development.
*2. Added Function: dgsIsMouseWithinGUI
*3. Added Function: dgsGridListGetColumnTextSize
*4. Added Function: dgsGridListSetColumnTextSize
*5. Added Function: dgsGridListSetItemFont
*6. Added Function: dgsGridListGetItemFont
*7. Added Function: dgsGridListSetItemTextSize
*8. Added Function: dgsGridListGetItemTextSize
*9. Fixed: error when creating tab panel
*10. Added: dgs-dxselector:
**Added Function:dgsCreateSelector
**Added Function:dgsSelectorAddItem
**Added Function:dgsSelectorRemoveItem
**Added Function:dgsSelectorSetSelectedItem
**Added Function:dgsSelectorGetSelectedItem
**Added Function:dgsSelectorGetItemText
**Added Function:dgsSelectorSetItemText
**Added Function:dgsSelectorSetItemData
**Added Function:dgsSelectorGetItemData
*11. Fixed: selection index keeps 0 when selecting line of dgs memo is below 1
*12. Fixed: Error when resizing scroll pane
*13. Fixed: Dimension for 3d text (xLive)
*14. Fixed: destroy function is broken in OOP
*15. Changed: DoubleClick.Interval change from 500 to 250
*16. Fixed: Error when using some functions of grid list with G2D Hooker
*17. Fixed: Some typo
*18. Fixed: Error when using dgsSelectorSet/GetItemData
*19. Fixed: Wrong behavior of dgsGetEnabled/dgsGetVisible
*20. Fixed: C Stack Overflow of dgs importer
*21. Fixed: Wrong behavior of HLDisk color picker
*22. Added Event: onDgsSelectorSelect
==DGS Update 3.502 Stable(05/Jun/2020)==
*1. Fixed: memory leak of memo
*2. Optimized:
**dgsGridListAddRow: 1.6x faster
**dgsGridListAddColumn: 1.5x faster
**dgsGridListSetItemText:  3.6x faster
**Speed Up the handler of onDestroy
*3. Added: dgsAttachToGridList
*4. Added: dgsDetachFromGridList
*5. Fixed: destroy color picker will cause error when updating bound component selector
*6. Fixed: isReversed for component selector is buggy
*7. Fixed: OOP Position/Size method is buggy
*8. Fixed: OOP getProperties returns an empty table
*9. Optimize: DGS folder structure optimization
==DGS Update 3.501 Stable(20/May/2020)==
*1. Added Property: iconImage/iconColor/iconDirection/iconSize/iconOffset for dgs button
*2. Fixed: Error when set progress of progress bar
*3. Fixed: Wrong function name in meta.xml (dgsMemoSet/GetWordWrap)
*4. Fixed: Area extend/reduce problem of scroll pane
*5. Added: Performance browser in cmd
*6. Fixed: Duplicated references to external resource can not be cleared after destroying the dgs element
*7. Added: Smooth moving of scroll pane/grid list/combo box. Property: moveHardness
*8. Fixed: arrow_up and arrow_down can select section
*9. Added Function: dgsGridListGetRowSelectable
*10. Added Function: dgsGridListSetRowSelectable
*11. Added Function: dgsGridListGetRowHoverable
*12. Added Function: dgsGridListSetRowHoverable
*13. Added Function: dgsGridListGetItemSelectable
*14. Added Function: dgsGridListSetItemSelectable
*15. Added Function: dgsGridListGetItemHoverable
*16. Added Function: dgsGridListSetItemHoverable
*17. Changed: default "normal" style of progress bar has changed into "normal-horizontal"
*18. Added: "normal-vertical" style for progress bar
*19. Added: table can be accepted by indicatorColor/indicatorImage now
*20. Added Property: troughClickAction for scroll bar
**none — same as at the moment
**step — similar to page up/page down
**jump — jump at the clicked position
*21. Fixed: Wrong algorithm of "map" property of progress bar
==DGS Update 3.5 Beta(13/May/2020)==
*0. Code Clean Up: Deleted unused files
*1. Fixed: Indicator of progress bar exists even progress is 0
*2. Fixed: Wrong return value of dgsComboBoxGetEditEnabled
*3. Fixed: Wrong effect of dgsAttachElements
*4. Added: assert for "dgsRoundRectSetBorderThickness" when using a round rectangle without "borderOnly"
*5. Fixed: Missing add event of "onDgsQRCodeLoad"
*6. Changed: Argument of dgsAttachElements, see wiki
*7. Fixed: underline for dgs edit
*8. Changed: Property textImageSpace -> textPadding. textImageSpace is hard to understand
*9. Extend: Usage of property "filter" of scroll pane
*10. Added Property: subPixelPositioning for label
*11. Added: position/size interface for DGS OOP
*12. Changed: dgs oop create function: Window -> dgsWindow
*13. Fixed: Wrong selecting result of dgs edit when using masked & horizontal alignment
*14. Added: Parent List in /debugdgs 2
*15. Removed: dgs-dxeda
*16. Added: built-in function for detect area (include circle detect area, which was dgs-dxeda's function)
*17. Fixed: render issue for scroll pane.
*18. Fixed: DGS translation typo.
*19. Added Function: dgs3DTextSetPosition
*20. Added Function: dgs3DTextSetPosition
*21. DGS OOP Class Structure Optimization.
*22. Remove: dgs-arrowlist
*23. Added: OOP functions for 3d text
*24. Added: resourceRoot,root,dgsRoot OOP Variable
*25. BlurBox Rework:
**Added Function:dgsBlurBoxSetResolution
**Added Function:dgsBlurBoxSetIntensity
**Added Function:dgsBlurBoxSetLevel
**Added Function:dgsBlurBoxGetResolution
**Added Function:dgsBlurBoxGetLevel
**Added Function:dgsBlurBoxGetIntensity
*26. Fixed: Wrong mouse detect on 3d interface
*27. Improved: Debug message on failed to create render target
*28. Fixed: Grid list render issue
*29. Added: padding for memo
*30. DGS Renderer has been rewritten, all renderers are split into pieces, which allows you to override renderer of dgs element. This need be tested for a long time.
*31. Fixed: Alpha problem of grid list/scroll pane's scroll bar.

Latest revision as of 04:34, 1 October 2023