Shared function
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This function allows you to register a custom event. Custom events function exactly like the built-in events. See event system for more information on the event system.
bool addEvent ( string eventName [, bool allowRemoteTrigger = false ] )
Required Arguments
- eventName: The name of the event you wish to create.
Optional Arguments
- allowRemoteTrigger: A boolean specifying whether this event can be called remotely using triggerClientEvent / triggerServerEvent or not.
Returns true if the event was added successfully, false if the event was already added.
This example will define a new event called onSpecialEvent.
-- Add a new event called onSpecialEvent addEvent ( "onSpecialEvent", true ) -- Define our handler function, that takes a "text" parameter and outputs it to the chatbox function specialEventHandler ( text ) outputChatBox ( text ) end -- Add it as a handler for our event addEventHandler ( "onSpecialEvent", root, specialEventHandler )
You can then trigger this event later on using:
triggerEvent ( "onSpecialEvent", root, "test" )
This will cause the handler to be triggered, so "test" will be output to the chatbox.