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Binds a player's key to a console command, which will be triggered when the key is pressed.


bindKey ( player thePlayer, string key, [ string keyState ], string command, [ string arguments ] ) 

Required Arguments

  • thePlayer: The player you wish to bind the key of.
  • key: The key or control you wish to bind to the command. See Key names for a list of possible keys and control names for a list of possible controls.
  • command: The command that will be triggered when the player's key is pressed. See Control names for a list of GTA keys that can be used.

Optional Arguments

  • keyState: A string containing the word "up" or "down" determining when the binded command will be called. Defaults to "down" if not specified.
  • arguments: Any arguments you may want to pass to the command handler.


Example 1: This example will bind a player's 'F1' key to a pair of console command.

addCommandHandler ( "bindme", "bindthekeys" )
function bindthekeys ( source )
  bindKey ( source, "F1", "down", "keydown" ) -- bind the player's F1 down key
  bindKey ( source, "F1", "up", "keyup" ) -- bind the player's F1 up key

addCommandHandler ( "keydown", "keydown" )
function keydown ( source )
  outputChatBox ( getClientName ( source ).." pressed the F1 key" )

addCommandHandler ( "keyup", "keyup" )
function keyup ( source )
  outputChatBox ( getClientName ( source ).." let go of the F1 key" )

Example 2: This example will bind a player's handbrake key to a console command.

addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), "playerJoin" )
function playerJoin ()
    bindKey ( source, "handbrake", "down", "handbrakePressed", "1" )
    bindKey ( source, "handbrake", "up", "handbrakePressed", "0" )

addCommandHandler ( "handbrakePressed", "handbrakePressed" )
function handbrakePressed ( source, commandName, isDown )
    if ( isDown == "1" )
        outputChatBox ( getClientName ( source ) .. " is using the handbrake!" )
        outputChatBox ( getClientName ( source ) .. " has stopped using the handbrake!" )

See Also