Shared function


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This functions performs a bitwise circular left-rotation on the integer value by integer n positions. See Bitwise operation for more details.


int bitLRotate ( int value, int n )

Required arguments

  • value: The value you want to perform the rotation on.
  • n: The amount of positions to rotate the value by.


Returns the circular left-rotated value as integer.


This example shows the usage of the function bitLRotate.

local value = 0xF -- binary: 1111, decimal: 15
local positions = 0x1 -- binary: 0001, decimal: 1
local shifted = bitLRotate( value, positions ) -- binary: 0001 1110, decimal: 30

local value = 0xF -- binary: 1111, decimal: 15
local positions = 0x3 -- binary: 0011, decimal: 3
local shifted = bitLRotate( value, positions ) -- binary: 0111 1000, decimal: 120

local value = 0x3F -- binary: 0011 1111, decimal: 63
local positions = 0xA -- binary: 1010, decimal: 10
local shifted = bitLRotate( value, positions ) -- binary: 1111 1100 0000 0000, decimal: 64.512

See Also