Useful Function
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This function performs a search in a given table and returns a new table containing the values of specified variable name strings.
table compact(table Array, table/string Variable)
Required Arguments
- Array: the table handles it recursively.
- Variable: table or string takes a variable number of parameters. Each parameter can be either a string containing the name of the variable, or an array of variable names. The array can contain other arrays of variable names inside it.
Returns the output table with all the variables added to it.
function compact(g, ...) local args = {...} local tbl = {} g = g or _G for i, v in ipairs(args) do for w in string.gmatch(v, "[%w_]+") do tbl[v] = g[w] end end return tbl end
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Shared Function-- AND FORMAT FUNCTION --- With EXEMPLE function format(s, tab) return (s:gsub('($%b{})', function(w) return tab[w:sub(3, -2)] or w end)) end function compact(g, ...) local args = {...} local tbl = {} g = g or _G for i, v in ipairs(args) do for w in string.gmatch(v, "[%w_]+") do tbl[v] = g[w] end end return tbl end function testCompact() local tbl = { firstname = "Peter", lastname = "Griffin", age = 41 } return format("My lastname is ${lastname} and age its ${age}", compact(tbl, "lastname",'age')) end outputChatBox( testCompact() )
Author: @FroPop