Shared function


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This function is for returning the number of players in the specified team.


int countPlayersInTeam ( team theTeam )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: team:countPlayers(...)
Variable: .playerCount

Optional Arguments

  • theTeam: The team you wish to retrieve the player count of.


Returns an integer containing the number of players in the team, false if it could not be retrieved.


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Example 1

This example adds a command in the console to find out how many players are on your team.

function outputTeamSize ( source, commandName )
	-- Get player's team
	local theTeam = getPlayerTeam ( source )
	-- If the player is in any team
	if theTeam then
		-- Tell the player how big his team is
		outputChatBox ( "Your team has " .. countPlayersInTeam ( theTeam ) .. " players.", source )
		outputChatBox ( "You're not in a team.", source )
addCommandHandler ( "teamsize", outputTeamSize )
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Example 2

This example adds a command in the console to find out how many players are on your team, clientside

function outputTeamSize ( commandName )
	-- Get player's team
	local theTeam = getPlayerTeam ( getLocalPlayer() )
	-- If the player is in any team
	if team then
		-- Tell the player how big his team is
		outputChatBox ( "Your team has " .. countPlayersInTeam ( theTeam ) .. " players." )
		outputChatBox ( "You're not in a team." )
addCommandHandler ( "teamsize", outputTeamSize )
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Example 3

This example balances a gamemode, to ensure equal number of players between the "grove" and "ballas" teams. This could be triggered when a player joins the server, or for all players currently in the server when the gamemode starts.

function balanceTeams ( thePlayer )
	--get the team pointers from their names
	local groveTeam = getTeamFromName ( "grove" )
	local ballasTeam = getTeamFromName ( "ballas" )
	--count the number of players in each team, and store them
	local groveCount = countPlayersInTeam ( groveTeam )
	local ballasCount = countPlayersInTeam ( ballasTeam )
	if groveCount == ballasCount then --if the teams are equal
		setPlayerTeam ( thePlayer , groveTeam ) --place the player in grove
	elseif groveCount > ballasCount then --if there are more in grove
		setPlayerTeam ( thePlayer , ballasTeam ) --place him in ballas
	elseif groveCount < ballasCount then --if there are more in ballas
		setPlayerTeam ( thePlayer , groveTeam ) --place him in grove.

See Also