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This function updates one or more rows in the database, by using the set parameter and conditions to change field values in specific rows.

The SQLite database contains globally stored data and can be used by scripts to store and retrieve data in a structured manner.

The executed SQL query is the following:

[sql]UPDATE <table> SET <set> WHERE <conditions>


bool executeSQLUpdate ( string table, string set, [ string conditions ] )

Required Arguments

  • table: The name of the table you want to modify.
  • set: The query you want to execute on that table. The default SQL syntax is used, which means that the = is used to set a value and the ' is used to specify a value (e.g. test = 'hi' ). The , is used as a delimiter for multiple queries.

Optional Arguments

  • conditions: The conditions that need to be met before a specific row is changed.


The function returns a boolean which is true on success, and false on failure.


function onMapLoad ()
	-- create our table, if it doesn't already exist
	executeSQLCreateTable ( "players", "clothes_head_texture TEXT, clothes_head_model TEXT, player TEXT" )

function onPlayerSpawn ( spawnpoint, team )	
	sourcename = getClientName ( source )	-- get the player's name
	-- try to retrieve the player data from the db
	result = executeSQLSelect ( "players", "player", "player = '" .. sourcename .. "'" )
	if ( result == false ) then	-- see if any data was found at all
		outputChatBox ( "This is your first time here! Welcome " .. sourcename .. "!", source )
		executeSQLInsert ( "players", "'none', 'none', '" .. sourcename .. "'" )
		outputChatBox ( "Welcome back " .. sourcename .. "!", source )
		executeSQLUpdate ( "players", "clothes_head_texture = 'hairgreen', clothes_head_model = 'somehead'",
		"player = '" .. sourcename .. "'" )
	-- get the clothes data for the player
    result = executeSQLSelect ( "players", "clothes_head_texture, clothes_head_model", "player = '" .. sourcename .. "'" )
	outputChatBox ( "Your head texture is " .. result[1][1] )
	outputChatBox ( "Your head model is " .. result[1][2] )	

See Also