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Ez a function egy játékos kameráját színesre állítja, vagy vissza normálisra egy meghatározott időtartam alatt. Valamint, ez befolyásolja a hangerőt is (50% faded = 50% hangerő, full fade = nincs hang). For clientside scripts you can perform 2 fade ins or fade outs in a row, but for serverside scripts you must use one then the other.
Megjegyzés: Az effect sebessége közvetlenül a jelenlegi játéksebességétől függ. |
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Serverbool fadeCamera ( player thePlayer, bool fadeIn, [ float timeToFade = 1.0, int red = 0, int green = 0, int blue = 0 ] )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: player:fadeCamera(...)
Kötelező paraméterek
- thePlayer: A játékos, melynek a kameráját szeretné állítani.
- fadeIn: Should the camera be faded in or out? Pass true to fade the camera in, false to fade it out to a color.
Tetszőleges paraméterek
- timeToFade: The number of seconds it should take to fade. Any number less than 1 makes the fade instant.
- red: The amount of red in the color that the camera fades out to (0 - 255). Not required for fading in.
- green: The amount of green in the color that the camera fades out to (0 - 255). Not required for fading in.
- blue: The amount of blue in the color that the camera fades out to (0 - 255). Not required for fading in.
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Clientbool fadeCamera ( bool fadeIn, [ float timeToFade = 1.0, int red = 0, int green = 0, int blue = 0 ] )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: Camera.fade(...)
Kötelező paraméterek
- fadeIn: Should the camera be faded in our out? Pass true to fade the camera in, false to fade it out to a color.
Tetszőleges paraméterek
- timeToFade: The number of seconds it should take to fade. Any number less than 1 makes the fade instant.
- red: The amount of red in the color that the camera fades out to (0 - 255). Not required for fading in.
- green: The amount of green in the color that the camera fades out to (0 - 255). Not required for fading in.
- blue: The amount of blue in the color that the camera fades out to (0 - 255). Not required for fading in.
Visszatérési érték
Visszatérési értéke true, ha a camera sikeresen meg lett változtatva, false ha érvénytelen paraméterek lettek megadva.
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Server exampleHa a játékost sérülés éri, egy gyors fade-to-red effect-et helyez a képernyőre.
function addRednessOnDamage ( ) fadeCamera ( source, false, 1.0, 255, 0, 0 ) -- fade the player's camera to red over a period of 1 second setTimer ( fadeCameraDelayed, 500, 1, source ) -- don't let it go to opaque red, interrupt it after half a second and fade back to normal end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", root, addRednessOnDamage ) function fadeCameraDelayed(player) -- This function prevents debug warnings when the player disconnects while the timer is running. if (isElement(player)) then fadeCamera(player, true, 0.5) end end
Lásd még
- HU/fadeCamera
- HU/getCamera
- HU/getCameraClip
- HU/getCameraFieldOfView
- HU/getCameraGoggleEffect
- HU/getCameraInterior
- HU/getCameraMatrix
- HU/getCameraShakeLevel
- HU/getCameraTarget
- HU/getCameraViewMode
- HU/setCameraClip
- HU/setCameraFieldOfView
- HU/setCameraGoggleEffect
- HU/setCameraInterior
- HU/setCameraMatrix
- HU/setCameraShakeLevel
- HU/setCameraTarget
- HU/setCameraViewMode
- Surge