Server-side function


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Accessories-text-editor.png Script Example Missing Function HandlingGetCenterOfMass needs a script example, help out by writing one.

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Emblem-important.png This function is deprecated. This means that its use is discouraged and that it might not exist in future versions.

Please use getVehicleHandling instead.

Returns the center of mass of a handling element or vehicle ID. This is a 3D vector relative to the center of the mesh.


float float float handlingGetCenterOfMass ( handling theHandling )
float float float handlingGetCenterOfMass ( int vehicleID )

Required Arguments

  • theHandling: the handling of which you wish to get the center of mass, or
  • int vehicleID: the vehicle ID of which you want to get the center of mass.


If you specified a handling element, returns the x, y and z components of the center of mass vector of the handling element if it is set, or nil if not. If you specified a vehicle ID, returns the x, y, and z components of the center of mass that currently applies to vehicles of that ID. Returns false in case of failure.



See Also