Lua compilation API
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This page is a guide for Lua compilation API.
- luasource: type file the file content
- compile: type value set to 1 to enable compilation
- debug: type value set to 1 to enable debug information
- obfuscate: type value
- Set to 1 to enable some obfuscation
- Set to 2 to enable more obfuscation (From 1.5.2-9.07903)
- Set to 3 to enable even more obfuscation (From 1.5.6-9.18728)
Linux example using curl
FROM="example.lua" TO="compiled.lua" curl -s -X POST -F compile=1 -F debug=0 -F obfuscate=3 -F luasource=@$FROM > $TO
Linux example using luac replacement
luac_mta -e3 -o compiled.lua example.lua if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error" fi
Need luac_mta (R13 2019-07-12) for Linux 32 bit or Linux 64 bit
Windows batch file example using curl
set FROM="example.lua" set TO="compiled.lua" curl.exe -s -X POST -F compile=1 -F debug=0 -F obfuscate=3 -F luasource=@%FROM% > %TO%
Get curl.exe
(Original from
Windows example using luac.exe replacement
luac_mta.exe -e3 -o compiled.lua example.lua IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto lp1 echo "Error" :lp1
Get luac_mta.exe (R12 2019-07-12) only x86
Lua example
-- This example allows you to compile all resource scripts by using /compilelua command. local compileEnabled = 1 local debugLevel = 0 local obfuscateLevel = 3 local apiCodes = { ["ERROR Nothing to do - Please select compile and/or obfuscate"] = true, ["ERROR Could not compile file"] = true, ["ERROR Could not read file"] = true, ["ERROR Already compiled"] = true, ["ERROR Already encrypted"] = true, } local function loadScriptsFromMeta() local metaFile = xmlLoadFile("meta.xml") if not metaFile then outputDebugString("[LUAC]: Failed to load scripts from meta.", 4, 255, 127, 0) return false end local metaChildren = xmlNodeGetChildren(metaFile) local scriptsTable = {} for nodeID = 1, #metaChildren do local metaNode = metaChildren[nodeID] local fileSrc = xmlNodeGetAttribute(metaNode, "src") if fileSrc then local luaScript = stringFind(fileSrc, ".lua") if luaScript then scriptsTable[#scriptsTable + 1] = fileSrc end end end xmlUnloadFile(metaFile) return scriptsTable end local function loadResourceScript(pPath) local scriptExists = fileExists(pPath) if not scriptExists then outputDebugString("[LUAC]: '"..pPath.."' doesn't exists.", 4, 255, 127, 0) return false end local scriptHandler = fileOpen(pPath) if not scriptHandler then outputDebugString("[LUAC]: '"..pPath.."' failed to open.", 4, 255, 127, 0) return false end local scriptSize = fileGetSize(scriptHandler) local scriptRaw = fileRead(scriptHandler, scriptSize) fileClose(scriptHandler) return scriptRaw end local function onScriptCompile(pCompiledLUA, pErrors, pScript) local compileSuccess = pErrors == 0 if not compileSuccess then outputDebugString("[LUAC]: '"..pScript.."' failed to compile.", 4, 255, 127, 0) return false end local compileError = apiCodes[pCompiledLUA] if compileError then outputDebugString("[LUAC]: '"..pScript.."' failed to compile - "..pCompiledLUA, 4, 255, 127, 0) return false end local compiledScript = fileCreate("luac/"..pScript) if not compiledScript then outputDebugString("[LUAC]: '"..pScript.."' failed to create.", 4, 255, 127, 0) return false end fileWrite(compiledScript, pCompiledLUA) fileClose(compiledScript) outputDebugString("[LUAC]: '"..pScript.."' compiled successfully.", 4, 255, 127, 0) return true end function compileLuaScripts(pPlayer) local fetchURL = string.format("", compileEnabled, debugLevel, obfuscateLevel) local resourceScripts = loadScriptsFromMeta() local postData = true for scriptID = 1, #resourceScripts do local scriptPath = resourceScripts[scriptID] local scriptRaw = loadResourceScript(scriptPath) fetchRemote(fetchURL, onScriptCompile, scriptRaw, postData, scriptPath) end end addCommandHandler("compilelua", compileLuaScripts)
Python example
import requests url_raw = '' url = f'https://{url_raw}' url_file = f'{url}/index.php' newLine = '\r\n' boundary = '------WebKitFormBoundary' boundaryLine = f'{boundary}{newLine}' headers = { 'Host': url_raw, 'Origin': url, 'Referer': url_file, 'Content-Type': f'multipart/form-data; boundary={boundary[2:]}', # [2:] Needed so it wont break } fileContent = 'print("Hello, World!")' fileName = 'main.lua' obfuscateLevel = 3 debug = 1 def req() -> requests.Response: payload = [ [ f'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="luasource"; filename="{fileName}"'.encode('utf-8'), b'Content-Type: application/octet-stream', f'{newLine}{fileContent}'.encode('utf-8') ], [ b'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="compile"', f'{newLine}1'.encode('utf-8') ], [ b'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="obfuscate"', f'{newLine}{obfuscateLevel}'.encode('utf-8') ], [ b'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="debug"', f'{newLine}{debug}'.encode('utf-8') ], [ b'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Submit"', f'{newLine}Submit'.encode('utf-8') ] ] data = boundaryLine for c in payload: for cc in c: data += cc.decode('utf-8') + '\r\n' data += boundaryLine return, headers=headers, data=data) if __name__ == '__main__': fileName = input('Filename (with extension): ') with open(fileName, 'r+') as f: fileContent = obfuscateLevel = int(input('Obfuscate level [0-3]: ')) _debug = input('Debug [true/false]: ').lower() if _debug == 'true' or _debug == 't' or _debug == '1': debug = '1' else: debug = '0' try: content = req().content if content == b'ERROR Could not compile file': print('Could not compile file!') exit(1) with open(fileName, 'wb+') as f: f.write(content) print('Done!') except Exception as e: print('An error occured:', e)
Version | Description |
2014-08-10 | encrypt has been renamed to obfuscate. blockdecompile has been removed. |