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Package-x-generic.png This function is provided by the external module MySQL. You must install this module to use this function.

This function opens a MySQL connection to a specific database on a database server. As soon as a connection is made (or timed out), the callback_function you passed as parameter is called and you can read/write to the database by using the mysqlQuery function.


bool mysqlOpen ( mysql mysqlobj, string callback_function, string host, string user, string password, string database_name, int port )

Required Arguments

  • mysqlobj : mysql object (requires an established connection)
  • callback_function : The function that is called if the operation is done (see below)
  • host : The database server hostname or IP address to use
  • user : The database username to use
  • password : The database password to use
  • database_name : The database name to use
  • port : The database server port (MySQL default port is 3306)

Callback Arguments

Your callback function has to accept the following arguments:

  • bool result : Returns false on error, true on success

Optional Arguments



function onMySQLOpen ( result )
	if ( result ) then
		outputServerLog ( "MySQL connection established." )
		outputServerLog ( "MySQL connection failed." )

function mysqltest ()
	db = mysqlCreate ()
	mysqlOpen ( db, "onMySQLOpen", "localhost", "bastage", "bastage_pw", "test", 3306 )