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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl380\partightenfactor0

\f0\fs22 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 \uc0\u8234 \uc0\u8236 \ \{\{Client function\}\}\uc0\u8236 \ Creates a sound element and plays it immediately after creation for the local player.
\uc0\u8236 \
\uc0\u8236 \ Note: The only supported audio formats are MP3, WAV, OGG, RIFF, MOD, XM, IT, S3M and PLS(e.g. Webstream).\uc0\u8236 \ \{\{Note|For performance reasons, when using playSound for effects that will be played lots (i.e. weapon fire), it is recommend that you convert your audio file to a one channel (mono) WAV with sample rate of 22050 Hz or less. Also consider adding a limit on how often the effect can be played e.g. once every 50ms.\}\}\uc0\u8236 \ ==Syntax== \uc0\u8236 \

element playSound ( string soundPath, [ bool looped = false ] )

\uc0\u8236 \

\{\{New feature/item|3.0150|1.5||\uc0\u8236 \

element playSound ( string soundPath, [ bool looped = false, [ bool throttled = true ] ] )

\uc0\u8236 \

\}\}\uc0\u8236 \ \{\{OOP||Sound.create\}\}\uc0\u8236 \ ===Required Arguments=== \uc0\u8236 \

  • soundPath: the filepath or URL of the sound file you want to play. (Sound specified by filepath has to be predefined in the meta.xml file with <file /> tag.)\uc0\u8236 \

\uc0\u8236 \ ===Optional Arguments=== \uc0\u8236 \ \{\{OptionalArg\}\} \uc0\u8236 \

  • looped: a boolean representing whether the sound will be looped. To loop the sound, use true. Loop is not available for streaming sounds, only for sound files.\uc0\u8236 \
  • throttled: a boolean representing whether the sound will be throttled. To throttle the sound, use true. Sounds will be throttled per default and only for URLs.\uc0\u8236 \

\uc0\u8236 \ ===Returns===\uc0\u8236 \ Returns a sound element if the sound was successfully created, false otherwise.\uc0\u8236 \ \uc0\u8236 \ ==Example==\uc0\u8236 \

\uc0\u8236 \
function wasted (killer, weapon, bodypart) \uc0\u8236 \
	local sound = playSound("sounds/wasted.mp3") --Play wasted.mp3 from the sounds folder\uc0\u8236 \
	setSoundVolume(sound, 0.5) -- set the sound volume to 50%\uc0\u8236 \
end\uc0\u8236 \
\uc0\u8236 \
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), wasted) --add the event handler\uc0\u8236 \

\uc0\u8236 \

\uc0\u8236 \ ==See Also==\uc0\u8236 \ \{\{Client_audio_functions\}\}\uc0\u8236 \\uc0\u8236 \\uc0\u8236 \ \uc0\u8236 }