RU/Known Issues - FAQ

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Пишите здесь ваши вопросы и ответы ,касающиеся известных проблем с MTA:SA DM и их решений, как тех, с которыми вы сталкиваетесь сейчас, так и тех, с которыми пользователи могут столкнуться в финальной версии.



Работает ли MTASA:DM с версиями GTA San Andreas 1.01 или 2.00?

Нет. Пожалуйста, прочитайте эту тему на форуме чтобы узнать как пропатчить игру до версии 1.0

Клиент пишет, что не может найти редактор карт.

Редактор для MTA: Deathmatch еще не выпущен. Сейчас вы можете использовать редактор MTA: Race, а затем сконвертировать карту в формат MTA:DM используя различные сторонние редакторы. Дополнено: на данный момент можно использовать редактор MTA:DM в nightly-версиях MTA.

Начальный черный экран, приводящий к зависанию заставок GTA

  • MTA показывает постоянный черный экран или приводящий к зависанию заставок GTA

Возможно необходимо чтобы во время/после заставки GTA понажимать на клавиши клавиатуры, подвигать мышь

  • MTA показывает постоянный черный экран после заставок GTA (иногда с тектстом в нижнем правом углу).

Это может быть связано с DirectX или отсуствием особенностей видеокарты, которые необходимы для запуска динамических меню. По умолчанию оно включено. Вы можете открыть coreconfig.xml, который находится в директории GTA San Andreas\MTA и изменить параметр menu_options на 248

Зависание после заставки MTA

  • Ничего не случается после заставки 'Stop playing with yourself'

Еслы вы используете видеокарту nVidia GeForce, попробуйте в Desktop Manager отключить nView

Также попробуйте удалить файл настроек gta_sa.set из Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files

Вылет после заставки MTA

  • MTA вылетает после заставки 'Stop playing with yourself'. одиночная игра и MTA: Race раньще работали прекрасно.

Загрузите последнюю версию DirectX с сайта Microsoft. Также установите Task Manager, если gta_sa.exe не запускается .

Если вы работаете с нестандартными разрешениями экрана (напр. 960x720), то попробуйте использовать стандартные разрешения (напр. 640×480, 800×600, 1024×768, 1152×864, 1280×1024) запуская Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas в нормальном режиме, устанавливая нормальное разрешение и выходя

Ошибка о CMainMenu.cpp line 106 при запуске MTASA

  • При загрузке MTASA появляется ошибка о CMainMenu.cpp (line 106). Я игнорирую ее, но после вылета игры я пробую подключаться к игровым серверам

Скорее всего это связанно с GTASA или MTASA, которые при установке были установлены в директории, содержащие не ASCII символы (напр. Кириллица, Польские, Японские)

Для решения проблемы вы должны переустановить GTASA и MTASA в директории, содержащие только ASCII символы

Не работает клавиатура

  • Мои средства ввода не работают.

введите в консоль команду 'copygtacontrols'.

Неправильные модели

  • Жeнские модели выглядят некрасиво / Я наблюдаю непонятные, паукообразные модели игроков.

Это связанно со способом обращение GTA к игровым параметрам. Чтобы исправить это, убедитесь что параметры жира и мускулов установлены на 0 при смене скина

Неккоретное функционирование транспорта

  • Транспорт не работает, как должен

Транспорт изменен сервером в зависимости от игрового мода на сервере.

Unsaved settings

  • My MTA setting(s) didn't get saved (...) I crashed.

First, configure the MTA the way you want to, then exit the game and launch it again. Settings should get saved. Alternatively, try removing the coreconfig.xml file, then configure it and quit the game.

Gamepad support

  • MTA doesnt recognise my gamepad

This is a known issue - MTA's keybinds system does not support direct input. As an alternative, XPadder can be used. This emulates joypad buttons as keyboard/mouse so that it can be used in MTA. Please refer to this forum topic for a brief guide on how to use XPadder.

Free mouselook not working properly

  • MTA doesnt recognise my mouse

Some people got problems with their mouse in MTA. They can use it in the menu, connect to a server, but they can't use the mouse for free look. This problem can be solved by entering a server, click your Win/Windows key at your keyboard once, and then click your mouse. If that doesn't work try starting GTA in Singleplayer, go to options > controler setup and set "Configuration" to "Mouse + Keys" instead of "Joypad".

Sky flickering

  • My screen/sky flickers when weather or sky effects are enabled.

MTA:SA DM uses a new text rendering system from race, which is much more efficient in terms of FPS. However, this can cause conflicts within the game, particularly with ATI based cards. To fix this, bring up the console with F8, and type the command ceguitext 1. This reverts the rendering method to that of Race. All glitches should no longer happen, at the cost of lower FPS.

Server browser not working

  • The in-game server browser shows "Loading" but does not come up with any servers

Depending on the type and status of the internet connection you are using, it can take up to a few seconds for the server browser to retrieve all the servers. Please wait a little longer for the results to appear.

Invalid serial number

  • I am getting an 'Invalid serial number' error when trying to launch or play the game

You are running an outdated version of Multi Theft Auto. Head over to the download page and download the latest version of Multi Theft Auto.

'Network module could not be located'

  • I am getting 'Network module could not be located' error message upon launching MTA:SA DM

Copy the file 'net.dll' from your GTA:SA/mta directory into your GTA:SA directory, overwriting existing files.

'Network module not compatible!' on MTASA launch

  • I am getting 'Network module not compatible!' error message upon launching MTA:SA DM

This could mean that your MTASA install is incomplete or broken. Reinstall it.

'No such mod installed (deathmatch)'

  • I am getting a 'No such mod installed (deathmatch)' error message when trying to connect to any server

Option 1: Simply re-install MTA.
Option 2: Run both gta_sa.exe and Multi Theft Auto.exe with administrator privileges.

D3dx9_**.dll is not found

  • When I start Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas I am getting an error D3dx9_**.dll (** = a number) cannot be found.

This means that DirectX 9 is not installed or not up to date. To install/update DirectX download the DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer from the Microsoft download site.

Windows Vista®-related

Crash on launch

  • I've successfully upgraded from MTA Race to MTASA DM on Vista, but it seems to crash on launch.

Option 1 Go to your Program Files\MTA San Andreas\mods\race directory, and rename client.dll to something else.
Option 2 Go to your Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas directory (usually Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas"), navigate to the MTA directory, then enter the "data" directory and remove the menu.mkv file. This will start Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas without main menu video rendering.

Crash on connect

  • I seem to crash whenever I connect to a server just before I go in-game on Vista

This seems to be an issue with the Microsoft DirectX April 2006 SDK Redistributable DLL file (d3dx9_30.dll) when running in compatibility mode. Please make sure that compatibility mode is competely turned off for both your GTA_SA.exe and Multi Theft Auto.exe executables.

Invalid or disabled serial error

  • MTASA DM installer complains about wrong serial provided. I'm running it for the first time.

You need to run the installer with Administrator privileges. To do so, right click on the installer executable, choose 'Properties', go into 'Compatibility' tab and tick the check box on the last field.

Some have found that setting compatibility to Windows XP/2000 have fixed the problem.

If User Account Control is disabled, you might need to enable it and run the installer with admin privileges (like said above) in order to install MTA:SA DM.

  • I am getting 'invalid serial' when I try to connect to a server

After some research we have found that in most cases this problem occurs if registry data has not been set for some reason. To fix this problem, take the following steps:

Open regedit (start > run > regedit)
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas
Create a new string key called Username and fill there the username you have on
Create one more string key called Serial and paste there the serial from

If you have no serial at ( to complete the last step, register on our forums and request one here

  • I am getting 'disabled serial' when I try to connect to a server

If you receive this message, your serial has been banned (most likely for cheating). There is nothing you can do to fix this. Registering a new account does not unban you.

Clock manipulation error

  • I am getting 'Clock manipulation detected!' error message upon launching MTA:SA DM

Further info coming soon.

Halt on launch

  • When I launch MTA:SA DM, nothing happens (GTA_SA.exe is running but not loading up)

Run MTA:SA DM with Administrator privileges. To do this, right click on the installer executable, choose 'Properties', go into 'Compatibility' tab and tick the check box on the last field and try again.

General GTA problems

  • I have unexplainable GTA problems or crashes

Make sure your computer as well as your GTA install meet the minimum requirements and that you are not running in any 98/2000/XP/2003 compatibility modes.

Also try the solutions from these pages:



Fatal error 3

  • I'm getting Fatal Error 3 whenever I connect to my server

This error happens when the server you are trying to connect to is unable to provide you the required downloads, because it does not have http downloading enabled. Be sure to set the httpdownload configuration tag in your configuration to 1.

Download error 9: Error downloading requested files

  • I'm getting Download Error 9: Error downloading requested files whenever I connect to my server

This error happens when the server you are trying to connect to is unable to provide you with a valid link. This results in a 404 (Not found) HTTP error and an error at your end.

  • If you are running the built-in server (httpserver is set to 1 and httpdownloadurl is empty), make sure that your HTTP server is accessible (you can try to access it by using a browser) for everyone.
  • If you have configured an external web server (httpdownloadurl is set to your custom URL), make sure that your HTTP is accessible and make sure you have read the Configuring an external web server guide.

Download error 28

Try closing anti-virus or firewall applications. If it then works, try adding an exception to your firewall to allow your http port through.


No known reported issues in the version 1.6.0.


Default nohup creates infinitely big nohup.out

Temporary fix, disable the nohup file: 'nohup ./mta_server > /dev/null &'