Resource:exp system
A level/experience system made from scratch by Castillo.
It uses SQLite to save level and experience.
Exported Functions
This function is used to get a player level.
bool getPlayerLevel ( player thePlayer )
Required Arguments
- thePlayer: The player element you wish you get the level.
Returns a number with the level of the player. <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> addCommandHandler ( "mylevel", function ( thePlayer )
local myLevel = exports.exp_system:getPlayerLevel ( thePlayer )
outputChatBox ( "Your level is: ".. myLevel, thePlayer ) end )
This function is used to set a player level.
bool setPlayerLevel ( player thePlayer, int theLevel )
Required Arguments
- thePlayer: The player element you wish you set the level.
- theLevel: The level you want to set.
Returns a bool, whether the level was set successfully or not. <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> addCommandHandler ( "setmylevel", function ( thePlayer, commandName, theLevel )
local theLevel = tonumber ( theLevel ) or 1
exports.exp_system:setPlayerLevel ( thePlayer, theLevel ) end )
This function is used to get a player experience.
bool getPlayerEXP ( player thePlayer )
Required Arguments
- thePlayer: The player element you wish you get the experience.
Returns a number with with the experience of the player.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> addCommandHandler ( "myexp", function ( thePlayer )
local myExp = exports.exp_system:getPlayerEXP ( thePlayer )
outputChatBox ( "Your experience is: ".. myExp, thePlayer ) end )
This function is used to set a player experience.
bool setPlayerEXP ( player thePlayer, int theExperience )
Required Arguments
- thePlayer: The player element you wish you set the experience.
- theExperience: The exprience you want to set.
Returns a bool, whether the experience was set successfully or not.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> addCommandHandler ( "setmyexp", function ( thePlayer, commandName, theExp )
local theExp = tonumber ( theExp ) or 0
exports.exp_system:setPlayerEXP ( thePlayer, theExp ) end )
This function is used to give a player experience.
bool addPlayerEXP ( player thePlayer, int theExperience )
Required Arguments
- thePlayer: The player element you wish you to give the experience.
- theExperience: The exprience you want to give.
Returns a bool, whether the experience was given successfully or not.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> addEvent ( "onZombieWasted", true ) addEventHandler ( "onZombieWasted", root, function ( theKiller ) exports.exp_system:addPlayerEXP ( theKiller, 5 ) end )
This function is used to get an account level.
bool getAccountLevel ( account theAccount )
Required Arguments
- theAccount: The player element you wish you get the level.
Returns a number with with the level of the account. <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> addCommandHandler ( "mylevel", function ( thePlayer ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer )
local myExp = exports.exp_system:getAccountLevel ( account )
outputChatBox ( "Your account level is: ".. myLevel, thePlayer ) end )
This function is used to set an account level.
bool setAccountLevel ( account theAccount, int theLevel )
Required Arguments
- theAccount: The player element you wish you set the level.
- theLevel: The level you want to set.
Returns a bool, whether the level was set successfully or not. <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> addCommandHandler ( "setmylevel", function ( thePlayer, commandName, theLevel ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer )
local theLevel = tonumber ( theLevel ) or 1
exports.exp_system:setAccountLevel ( account, theLevel ) end )
This function is used to get an account experience.
bool getAccountEXP ( account theAccount )
Required Arguments
- theAccount: The player element you wish you get the experience.
Returns a number with with the experience of the player.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> addCommandHandler ( "myexp", function ( thePlayer ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer )
local myExp = exports.exp_system:getAccountEXP ( account )
outputChatBox ( "Your account experience is: ".. myExp, thePlayer ) end )
This function is used to set an account experience.
bool setAccountEXP ( account theAccount, int theExperience )
Required Arguments
- theAccount: The player element you wish you set the experience.
- theExperience: The exprience you want to set.
Returns a bool, whether the experience was set successfully or not.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> addCommandHandler ( "setmyexp", function ( thePlayer, commandName, theExp ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer )
local theExp = tonumber ( theExp ) or 0
exports.exp_system:setAccountEXP ( account, theExp ) end )
This function is used to refresh the levels.
bool loadLevelsFromXML( )
Required Arguments
- None
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> addCommandHandler ( "refreshlevels", function ( ) exports.exp_system:loadLevelsFromXML ( ) end )
This function is used to obtain the name and experience required of a level.
getLevelData ( int theLevel )
Required Arguments
- theLevel
Returns the name of the level and the experience required.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> addCommandHandler ( "getleveldata", function ( thePlayer ) local level = exports.exp_system:getPlayerLevel ( thePlayer ) local name, expreq = exports.exp_system:getLevelData ( level ) outputChatBox ( name ..": ".. expreq, thePlayer ) end )
Custom Events
This event is called when a player level changes.
event onPlayerChangeLevel
- oldLevel: The player old level.
- newLevel: The player new level.
This event is called when a player level UP.
event onPlayerLevelUP
- oldLevel: The player old level.
- newLevel: The player new level.