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The scoreboard displays connected players, teams, pings and other data in a gridlist for players ingame. It also has a javascript-enabled web interface, so it can be viewed from a browser.
When you add a column to the scoreboard, it's linked to the element data field of the same name, so if you add the "score" column, element data in the field "score" will be shown for all players and teams.
Exported serverside functions
You can call them from another resource using call():
call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "addScoreboardColumn", "wanted level")
bool addScoreboardColumn( string columnName ) bool removeScoreboardColumn( string columnName ) bool setScoreboardForced( player thePlayer, bool forced ) table getScoreboardColumns( )
- It can't remove columns yet, due to an issue with gridlist themselves (mantis)
- Scoreboard data for web listing is being sent all at once, should allow sending of separate chunks