User talk:Jbeta/FPSRTS spec draft

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Revision as of 15:07, 20 June 2007 by Jbeta (talk | contribs)
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My thoughts:

Creating Buildings - I think the rate at which the building is built should be proportional to the number of players standing near it.

Tech tree research - I think we should also have one for player abilities - running speed, max health, etc. The more tech trees we have, the better, because the commander can't afford all of them and it which ones he chooses become crucial to success.

Also, MAYBE if you research one tech tree to maximum it lowers the maximum level of one of the others. This would make a team very powerful in one area but it would still have weaknesses and would not become too powerful.

Spawning - Should the commander have control of spawning? I can see arguments for and against.

JonChappell 02:21, 20 June 2007 (CDT)

1: Yes, we thought about making the building rate proportional to the number of builders but I forgot to mention it, wouldn't make sense to have multiple builders if the rate is fixed anyway.
2: That'd go with the trees' design, I agree we should have a player-ability section in them.
3: As I see it the commander should only be able to build new spawnpoints. Picking the spawnpoint at random when a player spawns seems to defeat the point of strategically placed spawnpoints though...
--jbeta 10:07, 20 June 2007 (CDT)