This function will check if a player is pressing a particular control. Controls are those that affect GTA. If you wish to get the state of another key, use bindKey and a command function.
Note: Not all control states are sent to the server at all times, as such their state may be given incorrectly. As a rule, keys that move or affect the player or their vehicle are most likely to be accurate. For increased accuracy (and also increased bandwidth usage) use bindKey instead to bind a GTA control name to a function.
bool getControlState ( player thePlayer, string controlName )
Required Arguments
- thePlayer: The player you wish to get the control state of. Do not use this parameter when scripting for client.
- controlName: The control that you want to get the state of. See control names for a list of possible controls.
Note: several controls are not synched with the server, therefore the function will always return false for these controls serverside. These controls are:
- next_weapon
- previous_weapon
- jump
- zoom_in
- zoom_out
- look_behind
- change_camera
- conversation_yes
- conversation_no
- group_control_forwards
- group_control_back
- sub_mission
- radio_next
- radio_previous
- vehicle_look_left
- vehicle_look_right
- vehicle_look_behind
- vehicle_mouse_look
- special_control_*
Returns the state of the control, false if the control doesn't exist or if the player is dead.
This example starts a repeating check when a player spawns, if a player presses the fire key, they'll be killed.
function onPlayerSpawn ( theSpawnpoint ) killPlayerIfTheyPressThisKey ( source, "fire" ) -- start a repeating check end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", root, onPlayerSpawn ) function killPlayerIfTheyPressThisKey ( thePlayer, key ) if ( getControlState ( thePlayer, key ) ) then -- if they're pressing the fire key outputChatBox ( "Violence will not be tolerated!", thePlayer ) killPed ( thePlayer ) -- kill them else -- otherwise.. setTimer ( killPlayerIfTheyPressThisKey, 500, 1, thePlayer, key ) -- call this function again in 500ms end end
Version | Description |
1.5.5-3.11427 | Deprecated client-side. Use setPedControlState and getPedControlState client-side. |
See Also
- addCommandHandler
- bindKey
- executeCommandHandler
- getCommandHandlers
- getFunctionsBoundToKey
- getKeyBoundToFunction
- isControlEnabled
- removeCommandHandler
- toggleAllControls
- toggleControl
- unbindKey