Server-side function


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This function changes the password required to join the server to the given string.


bool setServerPassword ( string thePassword )
Lock icon indicating a password protected server.

Required Arguments

  • thePassword: The new server password you want. Pass nil or an empty string to remove the password.


Returns true if the password was successfully changed or removed, false or nil otherwise.


This example adds two commands for you to use: setpassword and removepassword.

addCommandHandler( "setpassword", -- add a command handler for the command
   function( thePlayer, command, password )
      if #password < 3 then -- check if the password is shorter than 3 letters
         outputChatBox( "The password needs to be atleast 3 letters long!", thePlayer ) -- tell the player that password was too short
         return -- abort command
      local success = setServerPassword( password ) -- check whether changing password worked
      if success then
         outputChatBox( "Server password change to: " .. password, thePlayer ) -- if it did, tell the player
         outputChatBox( "Failed to change servers password.", thePlayer ) -- if it didn't, tell the player

addCommandHandler( "removepassword", -- add a command handler for the command
   function( thePlayer, command )
      local success = setServerPassword( nil ) -- check whether removing password worked
      if success then
         outputChatBox( "Server password removed successfully", thePlayer ) -- if it did, tell the player
         outputChatBox( "Failed to remove servers password.", thePlayer ) -- if it didn't, tell the player

See Also