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Emblem-important.png This function is deprecated. This means that its use is discouraged and that it might not exist in future versions, but there should be a more generic way to perform what it does.

This function toggles the camera mode between a fixed view and the default player chase view. The camera's position and rotation in fixed mode can be set with the setCameraPosition and setCameraLookAt functions respectively.


bool toggleCameraFixedMode ( bool fixed )

Required Arguments

  • fixed: A boolean indicating the camera mode; true for fixed view, false for chase view.


Returns a bool with a value of true if the function was successful, false otherwise.


Example 1: This example sets the player's camera above Blueberry Acres at a downward angle:

setCameraPosition(-16.268127441406, -46.674671173096, 29.565118789673)
setCameraLookAt(-68.21085357666, 34.687622070313, 11.11138343811)

Example 2: This example points the player's camera at the killer whenever the player dies:

local thePlayer = getLocalPlayer() -- get the player running this client-side script
-- add an event handler to call the onDeath function whenever the player dies
function onDeath(theAttacker, weapon, bodypart)
    if (theAttacker and theAttacker ~= thePlayer) then -- make sure there is a killer
        -- store the position of the victim and killer
        local playerX, playerY, playerZ = getElementPosition(thePlayer)
        local attackerX, attackerY, attackerZ = getElementPosition(theAttacker)
        -- set the player's camera to fixed view
        -- set the camera's position at the player and in the killer's direction
        setCameraPosition(playerX, playerY, playerZ)
        setCameraLookAt(attackerX, attackerY, attackerZ)
        -- set the camera back to normal after 3 seconds
        setTimer(toggleCameraFixedMode, 3000, 1, false)
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", thePlayer, onDeath)

See Also