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Accessories-text-editor.png Script Example Missing Function HandlingGetCenterOfMass needs a script example, help out by writing one.

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Returns the center of mass of a handling element or vehicle ID. This is a 3D vector relative to the center of the mesh.


float float float handlingGetCenterOfMass ( handling theHandling )
float float float handlingGetCenterOfMass ( int vehicleID )

Required Arguments

  • theHandling: the handling of which you wish to get the center of mass, or
  • int vehicleID: the vehicle ID of which you want to get the center of mass.


If you specified a handling element, returns the x, y and z components of the center of mass vector of the handling element if it is set, or nil if not. If you specified a vehicle ID, returns the x, y, and z components of the center of mass that currently applies to vehicles of that ID. Returns false in case of failure.



See Also