Installing and Configuring Nginx as an External Web Server: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 03:59, 16 November 2014

nginx vs Apache

We recommend nginx or lighttpd as they are better suited to handle the hundreds of file requests that MTA:SA clients will generate. Apache can be used, but will require settings tweaking and the mtasever.conf setting <httpmaxclientrequests> may have to be reduced to prevent timeouts.

The following guide is for installing and configuring nginx solely for MTA:SA. It assumes:

  • You are not already using nginx for other web sites on your server.
  • MTA:SA server is installed on the same server.
  • You are using Debian 7 (but should work on other distributions in a similar way.)

Installing nginx:

Update system:

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

Install nginx:

apt-get install nginx

Ensure nginx is not running:

/etc/init.d/nginx stop

Configuring nginx:

Edit: /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

Find the 'root' line and change it to point to the http-client-files directory in your MTA:SA server install:

root /PATH_TO_MTA_SERVER/mods/deathmatch/resource-cache/http-client-files;

Find the 'listen' and change if to use an unused server port: (Remove # if present)

listen 20080;

Edit: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

At the top of the file, add this line to increase the max number of files that can be opened:

worker_rlimit_nofile 5000;

Find the 'worker_connections' line and change it to this:

worker_connections 5000;

Find the 'gzip' settings and make sure gzip is on:

gzip on;

and 'gzip_types' is set for any file type:

gzip_types *;

Testing nginx:

Start nginx:

/etc/init.d/nginx start

Test #1

Open your internet browser, and try this address: http://YOUR_SERVER_IP:20080/admin/client/admin_ACL.lua
If prompted to download a file - SUCCESS!

Test #2

To test the compression is working, go here: and enter http://YOUR_SERVER_IP:20080/admin/client/admin_ACL.lua in the white box and press 'Test'.
If green tick - SUCCESS!

Configure MTA:SA server:

Edit mtaserver.conf

Set httpdownloadurl to be like this:


And start MTA:SA server.

Test it all works!

Connect MTA:SA client and view nginx log files to confirm files are being downloaded: /var/log/nginx/access.log

Final thing

To improve performance, and to avoid huge boring log files, edit /etc/nginx/sites-available/default and add this line under the listen one:

access_log off;

and reload the nginx configuration:

/etc/init.d/nginx reload