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This function checks if the specified ped is on fire or not.

Emblem-important.png This function is deprecated. This means that its use is discouraged and that it might not exist in future versions.

Please use isElementOnFire instead.


bool isPedOnFire ( ped thePed )

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Method: ped:isOnFire(...)
Variable: .onFire
Counterpart: setPedOnFire

Required Arguments

  • thePed: The ped to check.


Returns true if the ped is on fire, false otherwise.


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This example checks if a random player is on fire, and if so gives him a fire extinguisher.

local randomPlayer = getRandomPlayer() 
if isPedOnFire ( randomPlayer ) then 
	giveWeapon ( randomPlayer, 42, 100, true ) 

See Also