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Revision as of 17:53, 9 September 2009 by Paul Cortez (talk | contribs) (We want it to show up on the resource catalogue, don't we?)
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Missiontimer is a resource used to easily create timers that count down or up in your resources.


The "deathmatch" gamemode is an example use of missiontimer. It uses the "createMissionTimer" function to create a timer, and then the onMissionTimerElapsed event to trigger at the end:

    g_MissionTimer = exports.missiontimer:createMissionTimer (g_TimeLimit,true,true,0.5,20,true,"default-bold",1)
    addEventHandler ( "onMissionTimerElapsed", g_MissionTimer, onTimeElapsed )

Then you use the onTimeElapsed function that you attached to the handler at the end of the timer.

The arguments for createMissionTimer as follows:

createMissionTimer ( duration, countdown, showCS, x, y, bg, font, scale )
  • duration - The time in milliseconds
  • countdown - A bool of whether to countdown or count up. Setting it to true will count down from the duration, setting it to false will count up to the duration (latter isnt tested yet)
  • showCS - A bool of whether to show Centiseconds. true shows them, false hides them. Showing centi seconds means its in the format of MM:SS:CS (e.g. 12:31:10), hiding them means its in the format of MM:SS (12:31)
  • x,y - Position on the screen, this uses "smart positioning". It can be relative or absolute - the deathmatch gamemode creates it at 0.5,20. This means the x value is in the centre, the y is 20pixels from the top. If you specify a negative value it draws the other way, i.e. -20 would be 20pixels from the bottom rather than the top. The same can be done for x.
  • bg - Whether to draw the default rounded-rectangle behind the timer. Setting this to false will hide it
  • font - The font of the timer. Looks best in default-bold
  • scale - The size of the text/bg.

There are also some other exported functions that you may or may not need:

setMissionTimerTime ( missionTimer, time ) --Sets the countdown/countup target time
getMissionTimerTime ( missionTimer ) --Gets the number currently on the clock
setMissionTimerFrozen ( missionTimer, frozen )   --Freeze the timer
isMissionTimerFrozen ( missionTimer )

To remove a missiontimer from the screen, use destroyElement.

Missiontimer is only compatible with MTASA 1.0.