< User:EAi
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-- state variables local speed = 0 local strafespeed = 0 local rotX, rotY = 0,0 -- configurable parameters local options = { normalMaxSpeed = 2, slowMaxSpeed = 0.2, fastMaxSpeed = 12, smoothMovement = true, acceleration = 0.3, decceleration = 0.15, mouseSensitivity = 1, maxYAngle = 188, key_fastMove = "lshift", key_slowMove = "lalt", key_forward = "w", key_backward = "s", key_left = "a", key_right = "d" } local mouseFrameDelay = 0 local rootElement = getRootElement() local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer() local getKeyState = getKeyState do local mta_getKeyState = getKeyState function getKeyState(key) if isMTAWindowActive() then return false else return mta_getKeyState(key) end end end -- PRIVATE local function freecamFrame () -- work out an angle in radians based on the number of pixels the cursor has moved (ever) local cameraAngleX = rotX / 120 local cameraAngleY = rotY / 120 local freeModeAngleX = math.sin(cameraAngleX / 2) local freeModeAngleY = math.cos(cameraAngleX / 2) local yangle = cameraAngleY / 1.5 -- the factor limits the ammount the camera can rotate, decrease it to increase the amount local freeModeAngleZ = math.sin(yangle) -- "local" removed by arc_ to make variables accessible to /freecampos command handler --[[local]] camPosX, camPosY, camPosZ = getCameraPosition() -- calculate a target based on the current position and an offset based on the angle --[[local]] camTargetX = camPosX + freeModeAngleX * 100 --[[local]] camTargetY = camPosY + freeModeAngleY * 100 --[[local]] camTargetZ = camPosZ + freeModeAngleZ * 100 -- Calculate what the maximum speed that the camera should be able to move at. local mspeed = options.normalMaxSpeed if getKeyState ( options.key_fastMove ) then mspeed = options.fastMaxSpeed elseif getKeyState ( options.key_slowMove ) then mspeed = options.slowMaxSpeed end if options.smoothMovement then local acceleration = options.acceleration local decceleration = options.decceleration -- Check to see if the forwards/backwards keys are pressed local speedKeyPressed = false if getKeyState ( options.key_forward ) then speed = speed + acceleration speedKeyPressed = true end if getKeyState ( options.key_backward ) then speed = speed - acceleration speedKeyPressed = true end -- Check to see if the strafe keys are pressed local strafeSpeedKeyPressed = false if getKeyState ( options.key_right ) then if strafespeed > 0 then -- for instance response strafespeed = 0 end strafespeed = strafespeed - acceleration / 2 strafeSpeedKeyPressed = true end if getKeyState ( options.key_left ) then if strafespeed < 0 then -- for instance response strafespeed = 0 end strafespeed = strafespeed + acceleration / 2 strafeSpeedKeyPressed = true end -- If no forwards/backwards keys were pressed, then gradually slow down the movement towards 0 if speedKeyPressed ~= true then if speed > 0 then speed = speed - decceleration elseif speed < 0 then speed = speed + decceleration end end -- If no strafe keys were pressed, then gradually slow down the movement towards 0 if strafeSpeedKeyPressed ~= true then if strafespeed > 0 then strafespeed = strafespeed - decceleration elseif strafespeed < 0 then strafespeed = strafespeed + decceleration end end -- Check the ranges of values - set the speed to 0 if its very close to 0 (stops jittering), and limit to the maximum speed if speed > -decceleration and speed < decceleration then speed = 0 elseif speed > mspeed then speed = mspeed elseif speed < -mspeed then speed = -mspeed end if strafespeed > -(acceleration / 2) and strafespeed < (acceleration / 2) then strafespeed = 0 elseif strafespeed > mspeed then strafespeed = mspeed elseif strafespeed < -mspeed then strafespeed = -mspeed end else speed = 0 strafespeed = 0 if getKeyState ( options.key_forward ) then speed = mspeed end if getKeyState ( options.key_backward ) then speed = -mspeed end if getKeyState ( options.key_left ) then strafespeed = mspeed end if getKeyState ( options.key_right ) then strafespeed = -mspeed end end -- Work out the distance between the target and the camera (should be 100 units) local camAngleX = camPosX - camTargetX local camAngleY = camPosY - camTargetY local camAngleZ = camPosZ - camTargetZ -- Calulcate the length of the vector local angleLength = math.sqrt(camAngleX*camAngleX+camAngleY*camAngleY+camAngleZ*camAngleZ) -- Normalize the vector, ignoring the Z axis, as the camera is stuck to the XY plane (it can't roll) local camNormalizedAngleX = camAngleX / angleLength local camNormalizedAngleY = camAngleY / angleLength local camNormalizedAngleZ = 0 -- We use this as our rotation vector local normalAngleX = 0 local normalAngleY = 0 local normalAngleZ = 1 -- Perform a cross product with the rotation vector and the normalzied angle local normalX = (camNormalizedAngleY * normalAngleZ - camNormalizedAngleZ * normalAngleY) local normalY = (camNormalizedAngleZ * normalAngleX - camNormalizedAngleX * normalAngleZ) local normalZ = (camNormalizedAngleX * normalAngleY - camNormalizedAngleY * normalAngleX) -- Update the camera position based on the forwards/backwards speed camPosX = camPosX + freeModeAngleX * speed camPosY = camPosY + freeModeAngleY * speed camPosZ = camPosZ + freeModeAngleZ * speed -- Update the camera position based on the strafe speed camPosX = camPosX + normalX * strafespeed camPosY = camPosY + normalY * strafespeed camPosZ = camPosZ + normalZ * strafespeed -- Update the target based on the new camera position (again, otherwise the camera kind of sways as the target is out by a frame) camTargetX = camPosX + freeModeAngleX * 100 camTargetY = camPosY + freeModeAngleY * 100 camTargetZ = camPosZ + freeModeAngleZ * 100 -- Set the new camera position and target setCameraLookAt ( camTargetX, camTargetY, camTargetZ ) setCameraPosition ( camPosX, camPosY, camPosZ ) end local function freecamMouse (cX,cY,aX,aY) --ignore mouse movement if the cursor or MTA window is on --and do not resume it until at least 5 frames after it is toggled off --(prevents cursor mousemove data from reaching this handler) if isCursorShowing() or isMTAWindowActive() then mouseFrameDelay = 5 return elseif mouseFrameDelay > 0 then mouseFrameDelay = mouseFrameDelay - 1 return end local width, height = guiGetScreenSize() aX = aX - width / 2 aY = aY - height / 2 rotX = rotX + aX * options.mouseSensitivity rotY = rotY - aY * options.mouseSensitivity -- limit the camera to stop it going too far up or down if rotY < -options.maxYAngle then rotY = -options.maxYAngle elseif rotY > options.maxYAngle then rotY = options.maxYAngle end end -- PUBLIC -- params: x, y, z sets camera's position (optional) -- param: dontChangeFixedMode leaves toggleCameraFixedMode alone if true, enables it if false or nil (optional) function setFreecamEnabled (x, y, z, dontChangeFixedMode) if (x and y and z) then setCameraPosition(x, y, z) end if (not dontChangeFixedMode) then toggleCameraFixedMode(true) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", rootElement, freecamFrame) addEventHandler("onClientCursorMove",rootElement, freecamMouse) setElementData(localPlayer, "freecam:state", true) return true end -- param: dontChangeFixedMode leaves toggleCameraFixedMode alone if true, disables it if false or nil (optional) function setFreecamDisabled(dontChangeFixedMode) if (not dontChangeFixedMode) then toggleCameraFixedMode(false) end removeEventHandler("onClientRender", rootElement, freecamFrame) removeEventHandler("onClientCursorMove",rootElement, freecamMouse) setElementData(localPlayer, "freecam:state", false) return true end function isFreecamEnabled() return getElementData(localPlayer,"freecam:state") end function setFreecamOption(theOption, value) if options[theOption] ~= nil then options[theOption] = value return true else return false end end addEvent("doSetFreecamEnabled", true) addEventHandler("doSetFreecamEnabled", rootElement, setFreecamEnabled) addEvent("doSetFreecamDisabled", true) addEventHandler("doSetFreecamDisabled", rootElement, setFreecamDisabled) addEvent("doSetFreecamOption", true) addEventHandler("doSetFreecamOption", rootElement, setFreecamOption) -- added by arc_ addCommandHandler('freecam', function() if not isFreecamEnabled() then fadeCamera(true) setFreecamEnabled() outputConsole('Freecam is now enabled') else setFreecamDisabled() outputConsole('Freecam is now disabled') end end ) addCommandHandler('freecampos', function(command, ...) if isFreecamEnabled() then outputConsole('setCameraPosition(' .. camPosX .. ', ' .. camPosY .. ', ' .. camPosZ .. ')') outputConsole('setCameraLookAt(' .. camTargetX .. ', ' .. camTargetY .. ', ' .. camTargetZ .. ')') triggerServerEvent('doFreecamPositionLog', localPlayer, camPosX, camPosY, camPosZ, camTargetX, camTargetY, camTargetZ, ...) end end )