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Reads the specified number of bytes from the given file starting at its current read/write position, and returns them as a string.


string fileRead ( file theFile, int count )
BETA: NEW FEATURE (BUILD: 1.6.0 r22650)
string fileRead ( string filePath )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: file:read(...)

Required Arguments

  • theFile: A handle to the file you wish to read from. Use fileOpen to obtain this handle.
  • count: The number of bytes you wish to read.
BETA: NEW FEATURE (BUILD: 1.6.0 r22650)
  • filePath: Path to the file you want to read


Returns the bytes that were read in a string. Note that this string might not contain as many bytes as you specified if an error occured, i.e. end of file.


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This example opens the file test.txt and outputs its contents to the console.

function readFile(path)
    local file = fileOpen(path) -- attempt to open the file
    if not file then
        return false -- stop function on failure
    local count = fileGetSize(file) -- get file's total size
    local data = fileRead(file, count) -- read whole file
    fileClose(file) -- close the file once we're done with it
    outputConsole(data) -- output code in console

addCommandHandler("readfile",function(cmd,fileName) -- add command to test this function
    readFile(fileName) -- execute the function
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This example reads file from path and prints its content to the console

addCommandHandler('readFile', function(player, cmd, file)
    if not file then
        outputChatBox('You need to provide a path!', player, 255,0,0)
    outputChatBox(fileRead(file), player)

See Also