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This function retrieves the IP address of an account.
string getAccountIP ( account theAccount )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: account:getIP(...)
- Variable: .ip
Required Arguments
- theAccount: The account you wish to get the IP of.
Returns a string containing the account's IP, false if the account does not exist or an invalid argument was passed to the function.
This example announces into the debugscript when a player logs into his account.
function outputOnLogin ( previous_account, current_account, auto_login ) --when a player logs in outputDebugString(getPlayerName(source) .. " logged into his account with IP " .. getAccountIP(current_account)) -- announce it into the debugscript end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), outputOnLogin) --add an event handler
See Also
- addAccount
- copyAccountData
- getAccount
- getAccountData
- getAccountName
- getAccountPlayer
- getAccountSerial
- getAccounts
- getAccountsBySerial
- getAllAccountData
- getPlayerAccount
- isGuestAccount
- logIn
- logOut
- removeAccount
- setAccountData
- setAccountPassword
- getAccountByID
- getAccountID
- getAccountIP
- getAccountsByData
- getAccountsByIP
- setAccountName