Server-side function


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Emblem-important.png This function is deprecated. This means that its use is discouraged and that it might not exist in future versions.

Please use getCameraTarget instead.

This function returns a string containing the current mode of the player's camera.


string getCameraMode ( player thePlayer )

Required Arguments

  • thePlayer: The player whose camera mode you wish to obtain.


Returns a string with one of two values if successful:

  • player: The camera is attached to a player.
  • fixed: The camera is in a fixed position.

The function will return false if unsuccessful.


This function checks the camera state of a player, by specifying his name:

function checkCamera( source, command, targetName )
      local targetPlayer = getPlayerFromNick ( targetName )   -- Get the player using his name
      outputConsole( targetName.."'s camera mode is: "..getCameraMode( targetPlayer ), source )  -- Output the state of player's camera
addCommandHandler( "camera", checkCamera )

See Also