Shared function
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Returns the interior of the local camera (independent of the interior of the local player).
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Serverint getCameraInterior ( player thePlayer )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: player:getCameraInterior(...)
- Variable: .cameraInterior
- Counterpart: setCameraInterior
Required Arguments
- thePlayer: The player whose camera interior you want to get.
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Clientint getCameraInterior ( )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: Camera.getInterior(...)
- Variable: .interior
- Counterpart: setCameraInterior
Returns an integer indicating the camera's interior, false if the argument is invalid.
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Serverfunction outputCameraInterior ( player, command ) local interior = getCameraInterior ( player ) outputChatBox ( "The camera is in the interior " .. interior, player, 255, 255, 0 ) end addCommandHandler ( "camera", outputCameraInterior )
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Serverint player:getCameraInterior ( ) -- or int player.cameraInterior -- to get the camera interior value player.cameraInterior = int someValue -- to set the camera interior value
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Clientint Camera.getInterior ( )
Returns an integer indicating the camera's interior, false if the argument is invalid.
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Clientfunction outputCameraInterior ( command ) local interior = Camera.getInterior ( ) outputChatBox ( "The camera is in the interior " .. interior, localPlayer, 255, 255, 0 ) end addCommandHandler ( "camera", outputCameraInterior )