Shared function


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This function is used to get the height of an existing colshape polygon. By default, a colshape polygon is infinitely tall.


float, float getColPolygonHeight ( colshape shape )  

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Method: colshape:getHeight(...)

Required Arguments


Returns two floats, indicating the floor and ceiling of the colshape height, false if invalid arguments were passed.


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This example creates a polygon colshape and show height of it with command 'getpolyheight'.

 -- Creates polygon colshape at 0, 0, 4
 local colPoly = createColPolygon ( -1.08, -0.05, 2.92, -0.05, -1.08, -4.05, -5.08, -0.05, -1.08, 3.95 )
 -- Set its height to 4 unit
 setColPolygonHeight ( colPoly, 2.32, 7.12 )
 function showPolyHeight ( player, command )
     -- Get element position
     local x, y = getElementPosition ( colPoly )
     -- Get table floor and ceil of the colshape height and unpack it
     local z, z1 = unpack ( getColPolygonHeight ( colPoly ) )
     local heights = z1 - z
     -- Output it in his chatbox
     outputChatBox( "The Polygon Colshape at "..x..", "..y.." height is "..heights, player, 255, 255, 0)
 addCommandHandler ( "getpolyheight", showPolyHeight )

See Also