Shared function
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This function retrieves the type of a pickup, either a health, armour or weapon pickup.
int getPickupType ( pickup thePickup )
Required Arguments
- thePickup: The pickup you wish to retrieve the type of.
Returns false if the pickup is invalid, or an integer of the type of the pickup, which include:
- 0: Health pickup
- 1: Armour pickup
- 2: Weapon pickup
- 3: Custom Pickup
This example outputs a text according on the pickup type and it's contents to the player who picks it up.
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Serverfunction onPickupHitShow ( thePlayer ) -- when someone hits a pickup local message = nil -- define the 'message' variable local pickupType = getPickupType ( source ) -- get the pickup type and save it to the variable 'pickupType' if (pickupType == 0) then -- check the type of pickup, if it is a health pickup then... amount = getPickupAmount ( source ) -- get the amount of health in the pickup message = "You picked up " .. amount .. " health" -- save the message in the 'message' variable elseif (pickupType == 1) then -- if its a armour pickup then... amount = getPickupAmount(source) -- get the amount of amour in the pickup message = "You picked up " .. amount .. " armor" -- save the message in the 'message' variable elseif (pickupType == 2) then -- if its a weapon pickup then.. local weapon = getPickupWeapon ( source ) -- get the weapon id of the pickup local ammo = getPickupAmmo ( source ) -- get the ammo in the pickup message = "You picked up " .. getWeaponNameFromID(weapon) .. " with " .. ammo .. " ammo" -- save the message in the 'message' variable else message = "Unknown pickup type" -- if it's neither of the above types, set the 'message' variable accordingly end outputChatBox ( message, thePlayer ) -- output the message to the player in the chatbox end addEventHandler ( "onPickupHit", root, onPickupHitShow ) -- add an event handler for onPickupHit
See Also