Shared function
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This function retrieves the weapon ID of a weapon pickup.
int getPickupWeapon ( pickup thePickup )
Required Arguments
- thePickup: The pickup of which you wish to retrieve the weapon
Returns the Weapon ID of the pickup, or false if the pickup is invalid.
This example gives extra ammo to a player if a pickup only has a small amount of ammo.
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Serverfunction onPickupHitFunc ( thePlayer ) -- when a pickup is hit if getPickupType ( source ) == 2 then -- check if it's a weapon pickup local ammo = getPickupAmmo ( source ) -- get the pickup ammo if ammo < 50 then -- if ammo is less than 50 local weapon = getPickupWeapon ( source ) -- store pickup weapon giveWeaponAmmo ( thePlayer, weapon, 50 ) -- give an extra 50 ammo end end end addEventHandler ( "onPickupHit", root, onPickupHitFunc ) -- add the function as handler for onPickupHit
See Also
GTASA IDs (vehicles, weapons, weathers, characters, colors): (Special thanks to Brophy and Ratt for making these lists)