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This function will smoothly move an object from its current position to a specified rotation and position.


bool moveObject ( object theObject, int time, float targetx, float targety, float targetz, [ float moverx, float movery, float moverz, string strEasingType, float fEasingPeriod, float fEasingAmplitude, float fEasingOvershoot ] )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: object:move(...)

Required Arguments

  • theObject: the object that will be moved.
  • time: the time in milliseconds the object will arrive at the destination.
  • targetx: the X value of the target position
  • targety: the Y value of the target position
  • targetz: the Z value of the target position

Optional Arguments

  • moverx: the rotation along the X axis relative to its current rotation, which is its starting angle.
  • movery: the rotation along the Y axis relative to its current rotation, which is its starting angle.
  • moverz: the rotation along the Z axis relative to its current rotation, which is its starting angle.
  • strEasingType: the easing function to use for the interpolation (default is "Linear")
  • fEasingPeriod: the period of the easing function (only some easing functions use this parameter)
  • fEasingAmplitude: the amplitude of the easing function (only some easing functions use this parameter)
  • fEasingOvershoot: the overshoot of the easing function (only some easing functions use this parameter)


  • true if the function moved the object succesfully.
  • false otherwise.


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Example 1: This example moves every object in the game up 100 units in ten seconds.

allObjects = getElementsByType ( "object" )
for key, theObject in ipairs ( allObjects ) do
	local origX, origY, origZ = getElementPosition ( theObject ) --get the original position
	local newZ = origZ + 100 -- make a new z position
	moveObject ( theObject, 10000, origX, origY, newZ ) --move the object to this position in 10 seconds.
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Example 2: This example created a model (of a bed) near a player called someguy, if they exist in the game. It will then move the model towards the player over 3 seconds.

-- Find a player called 'someguy'
someGuy = getPlayerFromName ( "someguy" )
-- If a player called someguy was found then
if ( someGuy ) then
	-- Get the player's position
	x, y, z = getElementPosition ( someGuy )
	-- Create a bed (1700) object near to the player
	bed = createObject ( 1700, x + 5, y, z )
	-- Move the bed towards the player over 3 seconds (3000 milliseconds)
	moveObject ( bed, 3000, x, y, z )
	-- Tell the player in the chat box
	outputChatBox ( "Moving a bed towards you!", someGuy )
	-- Tell everyone that a player called 'someguy' could not be found
	outputChatBox ( "Player someguy doesn't exist" )
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Example 3: This example creates a ball moving (in front of CJ's house in Grove Street) using easing functions. Test command is "/smove" for instance "/smove OutBounce". This example is a serverside code but the same could be done clientside (adapting the command handler)

local START_POS = {2497.203125, -1672.4864501953, 12.640947341919}
local STOP_POS = {2480.2595214844, -1666.521484375, 12.640114784241}
local MOTION_DURATION = 5000
local WAIT_DURATION = 1000

function (player, cmd, strEasingType, period, amplitude, overshoot)
	local x, y, z = unpack(START_POS)
	local object = createObject(1598, x, y, z)
	x, y, z = unpack(STOP_POS)
	period = period or 0.3
	amplitude = amplitude or 1.0
	overshoot = overshoot or 1.70158
	outputChatBox(string.format("Server Easing %s %s %s %s", strEasingType, tostring(period), tostring(amplitude), tostring(overshoot)))
	moveObject(object, MOTION_DURATION, x, y, z, 0, 0, 360, strEasingType, period, amplitude, overshoot)
	setTimer(destroyElement, MOTION_DURATION+WAIT_DURATION, 1, object)
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Example 4: This example move a gate with easing.

local x,y,z = 2096.3, 1721, 12.7
local easing = "OutBounce"
local time = 2000
local gate = createObject(980, x,y,z, 0, 0, 63)
local marker = createMarker(x,y,z, "cylinder", 12, 0, 0, 0, 0)
function moveGate(hitPlayer, matchingDimension)
        moveObject(gate, time, x+4.9, y+9.6, z, 0, 0, 0, easing)
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, moveGate)
function moveBack()
    moveObject(gate, time, x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, easing)
addEventHandler("onMarkerLeave", marker, moveBack)


Issue ID Description
#549 Object rotation is wrong after moveObject serverside

See Also
