Shared function
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This function returns the visible size of an object.
float, float, float getObjectScale ( object theObject )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: Object:getScale(...)
- Variable: .scale
- Counterpart: setObjectScale
Required Arguments
- theObject: the object you wish to return the scale of.
- Three float values indicating the scale of the object on the x, y, and z axis if successful, false otherwise.
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Client-only ExampleThis example adds a command named getscale which creates an object and prints out the scale of it.
addCommandHandler("getscale", function() local theObject = createObject(1337, getElementPosition(localPlayer)) local x, y, z = getObjectScale(theObject) outputChatBox("Object scale: X: "..x..", Y: "..y.." Z: "..z.."") end )
See Also