Shared function
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This outputs the specified text string to the console window (accessed with F8 or ~ key). It can be specified as a message to certain player(s) or all players.
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Clientbool outputConsole ( string text )
Required Arguments
- text: The text string that you wish to send to the console window
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Serverbool outputConsole ( string text, [ element visibleTo=getRootElement() ] )
Required Arguments
- text: The text string that you wish to send to the console window
Optional Arguments
- visibleTo: This specifies who the chat is visible to. Any players in this element will see the chat message. See visibility.
The serverside function has a limitation of 1000 characters for the text parameter. Anything beyond 1000 characters is trimmed away. This limitation does not apply to the clientside version.
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ServerThis code creates two console commands. One, 'public', will post a message in the consoles of all players, and the other, 'private', will post a message in only the console of the player that executed the command.
function message(player,command) if command == "public" then outputConsole("Public console message") else outputConsole("Private console message",player) end end addCommandHandler("public",message) addCommandHandler("private",message)
See Also
- getMaxPlayers
- getServerConfigSetting
- getServerHttpPort
- getServerName
- getServerPassword
- getServerPort
- isGlitchEnabled
- setGlitchEnabled
- setMaxPlayers
- setServerConfigSetting
- setServerPassword
- shutdown