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bool killPed ( ped thePed, [ ped theKiller = nil, int weapon=255, int bodyPart=255, bool stealth = false ] )
Argumente Necesare
- thePed: ped -ul pe care să îl omori
Argumente opționale
- theKiller: The ped responsible for the kill
- weapon: The ID of the weapon that should appear to have killed the ped (doesn't affect how they die)
- bodyPart: The ID of the body part that should appear to have been hit by the weapon (doesn't affect how they die)
- 3: Torso
- 4: Ass
- 5: Left Arm
- 6: Right Arm
- 7: Left Leg
- 8: Right Leg
- 9: Head
- stealth: Boolean value, representing whether or not this a stealth kill
Returnează true dacă ped-ul a fost ucis sau false dacă ped-ul specificat nu a putut fii ucis sau este invalid.